jQuery Tocify 定位导航
Tocify是一个jQuery插件,能够动态的生成文章目录,Tocify可以随意的设置Twitter Bootstrap 或者 jQueryUI Themeroller支持的可选动画和jQuery的显示/隐藏效果,Tocify还支持平滑滚动,向前和向后按钮支持,可以监听浏览器的滚动显示当前的目录结构。
主题支持 Twitter Bootstrap 或者 jQueryUI Themeroller 风格。
通过 jsHint 完美没有错误提示
- <div id="toc"></div>
- $(function() {
- //Calls the tocify method on your HTML div.
- $("#toc").tocify();
- });
选项 | 说明 | 默认值 |
context | 任意可用的jQuery选择器 | "body" |
selectors | 文章节点,可以关联生成目录 | "h1,h2,h3" |
showAndHide | 是否展示二级目录结构 | true |
showEffect | 目录展示效果:"none", "fadeIn", "show", or "slideDown" | "slideDown" |
showEffectSpeed | 目录展示速度:"slow", "medium", "fast", 或数字(毫秒) | "medium" |
hideEffect | 目录隐藏效果:"none", "fadeOut", "hide", "slideUp" | "none" |
hideEffectSpeed | 目录隐藏速度:"slow", "medium", "fast", 或数字(毫秒) | "medium" |
smoothScroll | 当点击目录节点菜单时,是否平滑滚动到文章对应的节点内容 | true |
smoothScrollSpeed | 平滑滚动速率,可以是数字(毫秒) or String: "slow", "medium", or "fast" | "medium" |
scrollTo | 当页面滚动时,页面顶端与目录之间的间隔 | 0 |
showAndHideOnScroll | 当滚动页面时,是否显示和隐藏目录子菜单 | true |
theme | 内容展示风格,可以是"bootstrap", "jqueryui", or "none" | "bootstrap" |
Name | Type | Default | Options |
context | String | “body” | Any valid jQuery selector |
selectors | String | “h1,h2,h3” | Each comma separated selector must be a header element. |
showAndHide | Boolean | true | true or false |
showEffect | String | “slideDown” | “none”, “fadeIn”, “show”, or “slideDown”, or any of the other jQuery show effects |
showEffectSpeed | String or Number | “medium” | “slow”, “medium”, “fast”, or any numeric number (milliseconds) |
hideEffect | String | “none” | “none”, “fadeOut”, “hide”, “slideUp”, or any of the jQuery hide effects |
hideEffectSpeed | String or Number | “medium” | “slow”, “medium”, “fast”, or any numeric number (milliseconds) |
smoothScroll | Boolean | true | true or false |
smoothScrollSpeed | Number or String | “medium” | Accepts Number (milliseconds) or String: “slow”, “medium”, or “fast” |
scrollTo | Number or Function | 0 | Accepts any number (pixels) or Function |
showAndHideOnScroll | Boolean | true | true or false |
highlightOnScroll | Boolean | true | true or false |
highlightOffset | Number | 40 | Accepts any number (pixels) |
theme | String | “bootstrap” | “bootstrap”, “jqueryui”, or “none” |
extendPage | Boolean | true | true or false |
extendPageOffset | Number | 100 | Any number (pixels) |
history | Boolean | true | true or false |
hashGenerator | String or Function | “compact” | “compact”, “pretty”, function(text, element){}. Compact – #CompressesEverythingTogether. Pretty – #looks-like-a-nice-url-and-is-easily-readable. function(text, element){} – Your own hash generation function that accepts the text as an argument, and returns the hash value. |
highlightDefault | Boolean | true | true or false |
ignoreSelector | String | null | Any valid jQuery selector |
scrollHistory | Boolean | false | true or false |
- //Executes your code when the DOM is ready. Acts the same as $(document).ready().
- $(function() {
- // Calls the selectBoxIt method on your HTML select box and updates the showEffect option
- var toc = $("#toc").tocify({ showEffect: "fadeIn" });
- });
- //Executes your code when the DOM is ready. Acts the same as $(document).ready().
- $(function() {
- // Calls the selectBoxIt method on your HTML select box
- var toc = $("#toc").tocify().data("toc-tocify");
- // Sets the smoothScroll option to false
- toc.setOption("showEffect", "fadeIn");
- });
- //Executes your code when the DOM is ready. Acts the same as $(document).ready().
- $(function() {
- // Calls the selectBoxIt method on your HTML select box and updates the showEffect option
- var toc = $("#toc").tocify().data("toc-tocify");
- // Sets the showEffect, scrollTo, and smoothScroll options
- toc.setOptions({ showEffect: "fadeIn", scrollTo: 50, smoothScroll: false });
- });
- //Executes your code when the DOM is ready. Acts the same as $(document).ready().
- $(function() {
- //Calls the tocify method on your HTML div
- var toc = $("#toc").tocify().data("toc-tocify");
- // Writes the showEffect option to the console
- console.log(toc.option("showEffect"));
- });
- //Executes your code when the DOM is ready. Acts the same as $(document).ready().
- $(function() {
- //Calls the selectBoxIt method on your HTML select box
- var toc = $("#toc").tocify().data("toc-tocify");
- // Writes all of the current plugin options to the console
- console.log(toc.options);
- });
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