
 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input; namespace DriverEasyWPF.Utils
public class LicenseTextBox : TextBox
private bool isDelete = false;
public int BasicLength { get; set; }//每段长度
public int SumCount { get; set; }//总共几段
public String SpChar { get; set; }//分隔的符号
public bool ShowSpCharFirst { get; set; }
protected override void OnTextChanged(TextChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnTextChanged(e); if (ShowSpCharFirst)
Do2(); } private void Do()
CheckWhetherDelete(); InitData();
* eg: 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345
if (!isDelete)
for (int i = ; i < SumCount - ; i++)
int length = BasicLength * (i + );
AppendSubtractByLength(length + i);
IgnoreInputSubtract(length + (i + ), SpChar);
int maxLength = BasicLength * SumCount + (SumCount - );
if (Text.Length >= maxLength || (Text.Length >= SumCount*BasicLength && Text.IndexOf(SpChar)<=))
//Text = Text.Substring(0, maxLength);//旧代码
//Regex reg = new Regex("[A-Z0-9]{5}-[A-Z0-9]{5}-[A-Z0-9]{5}-[A-Z0-9]{5}-[A-Z0-9]{5}");
String regPattern = "^([A-Z0-9]{"+BasicLength+"}-){"+(SumCount-)+"}[A-Z0-9]{"+BasicLength+"}$";
Regex reg = new Regex(regPattern);
if (!reg.IsMatch(Text))
String content = Text.Replace(SpChar, String.Empty);
Text = content.Substring(, BasicLength) + SpChar
+ content.Substring(BasicLength, BasicLength) + SpChar
+ content.Substring(BasicLength * , BasicLength) + SpChar
+ content.Substring(BasicLength * , BasicLength) + SpChar
+ content.Substring(BasicLength * , BasicLength);
} private void Do2()
CheckWhetherDelete(); InitData();
* eg: 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345
if (!isDelete)
for (int i = ; i < SumCount - ; i++)
int length = BasicLength * (i + );
EqualsWithoutSpChar(length + i);
EqualsWithSpChar(length + i);
} #region old logic
if (Text.Length == 6 && Text[5].ToString().Equals(SpChar))
Text = Text;
if (Text.Length == 6 && !Text[5].ToString().Equals(SpChar))
Text = Text.Substring(0, 5) + SpChar + Text.Substring(5);
} if (Text.Length == 12 && Text[11].ToString().Equals(SpChar))
Text = Text;
if (Text.Length == 12 && !Text[11].ToString().Equals(SpChar))
Text = Text.Substring(0, 11) + SpChar + Text.Substring(11);
} if (Text.Length == 18 && Text[17].ToString().Equals(SpChar))
Text = Text;
if (Text.Length == 18 && !Text[17].ToString().Equals(SpChar))
Text = Text.Substring(0, 17) + SpChar + Text.Substring(17);
} if (Text.Length == 24 && Text[23].ToString().Equals(SpChar))
Text = Text;
if (Text.Length == 24 && !Text[23].ToString().Equals(SpChar))
Text = Text.Substring(0, 23) + SpChar + Text.Substring(23);
#endregion int maxLength = BasicLength * SumCount + (SumCount - );
if (Text.Length > maxLength)
Text = Text.Substring(, maxLength);
} private void EqualsWithSpChar(int length)
if (Text.Length == (length+) && !Text[length].ToString().Equals(SpChar))
Text = Text.Substring(, length) + SpChar + Text.Substring(length);
} private void EqualsWithoutSpChar(int length)
if (Text.Length == (length+) && Text[length].ToString().Equals(SpChar))
Text = Text;
} /// <summary>
/// 默认是 5段,每段5个长度
/// </summary>
private void InitData()
if (BasicLength <= )
BasicLength = ; if (SumCount <= )
SumCount = ; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SpChar))
SpChar = "-"; } private void CheckWhetherDelete()
if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Delete) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Back))
isDelete = true;
isDelete = false;
} private void SetCaretIndex()
//this.CaretIndex = Text.Length;
this.SelectionStart = Text.Length;
} private void IgnoreInputSubtract(int length, String subChar)
if (Text.Length == length && Text[length - ].ToString() == subChar)
Text = Text.Substring(, length - );
} private void AppendSubtractByLength(int length)
if (Text.Length == length)
Text += SpChar;
} }


xmlns:model="clr-namespace:LicenseKeyTextBoxDemo.Model" <!--用法如下-->
<model:LicenseTextBox Margin="88,220,70,255" BasicLength="5" SumCount="5" SpChar="-" IsMSMode="true"/>



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