Paul: Hurry up, Joyce. We need to leave now if we're going to get to the theater a half hour before the feature begins.
Joyce: Why on earth do we need to be there that early? The theater is never even half full. I've also been wondering if we should take the kids with us, even though Mom is here with them.
Paul: Leave the kids at home. We're not going to a kid's movie like Harry Potter. When I went to the movies that night you went to play bridge it looked like a day care center in the theater. Strollers were flying down the aisle, kids were restless and obviously bored, so started whining for candy, and there was even a fight.
Joyce: My goodness! What happened?
Paul: One other patron who was trying to enjoy the movie told the parents of some noisy children behind him to shut their kids up. The father of the noisy kids hit the complainer and that led to a fight. The police had to be brought in.
Joyce: I'm ready to go, but you still haven't told me why we need to be so early.
Paul: Actually I like to watch the people. For some just choosing a seat is a major decision. They stand in the middle of the aisle juggling coats, popcorn and Cokes, almost overwhelmed by having to choose. You can almost read their thoughts. Should I sit down in front, or will that be too close? Is this too far back? That man is tall. I won't be able to see the movie if I sit behind him. I'd love to sit close to the middle, but then I'd have to sit close to that big group of teenagers. Oh, dear! The lights are dimming and I haven't made up my mind. I won't be able to see where I'm going.
Joyce: You aren't the only one to notice such things. Many people choose their seats, find they are unsatisfied, so move. I've watched a few couples go from one spot to another four or five times before settling down.
Paul: While we're on the topic, my other pet peeve is people who won't be quiet during the movie. They comment on everything. "What a cute puppy," they say when they see a dog appear. "I have a lamp like that at home but mine's red." And on it goes.
Joyce: I don't like the people behind me to sit and chew popcorn noisily. It's possible to be quiet but they don't try. They just keep on chewing and then start on a big box of candy.
Paul: So let's go! We'll try to find a good seat, look around us a bit, and then we'll sit down and shut up.

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