
注:更多官方详情信息见 http://robotframework.org/robotframework/

28. Name: Install App

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ app_path | app_package ]

Install App via Appium.


Android only.

app_path - path to app

app_package - package of install app to verify

29. Name: Launch Application

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ ]

Launch application. Application can be launched while Appium session running. This keyword can be used to launch application during test case or between test cases.

启动程序。 应用程序可以在Appium会话运行时启动。 此关键字可用于在测试用例期间或测试用例之间启动应用程序。

This keyword works while `Open Application` has a test running. This is good practice to `Launch Application` and `Quit Application` between test cases. As Suite Setup is `Open Application`, `Test Setup` can be used to `Launch Application`

30. Name: Log Source

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ loglevel=INFO ]

Logs and returns the entire html source of the current page or frame.


The `loglevel` argument defines the used log level. Valid log levels are `WARN`, `INFO` (default), `DEBUG`, `TRACE` and `NONE` (no logging).

31. Name: Long Press

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ locator ]

Long press the element.


32. Name: Long Press Keycode

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ keycode | metastate=None ]

Sends a long press of keycode to the device.


Android only.

See `press keycode` for more details.

33. Name: Open Application

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ remote_url | alias=None | **kwargs ]

Opens a new application to given Appium server.



34. Name: Press Keycode

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ keycode | metastate=None ]

Sends a press of keycode to the device.


Android only.

Possible keycodes& meta states can be found in http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html

35. Name:Quit Application

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments:[ ]

Quit application. Application can be quit while Appium session is kept alive. This keyword can be used to close application during test case or between test cases.

退出应用。 在Appium会话保持活动状态时,应用程序可以退出。 此关键字可用于在测试用例期间或测试用例之间关闭应用程序。

See `Launch Application` for an explanation.

New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.6

36. Name: Remove Application

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ application_id ]

Removes the application that is identified with an application id .



Remove Application  com.netease.qa.orangedemo

37. Name: Reset Application

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ ]

Reset application. Open Application can be reset while Appium session is kept alive.

重置应用。 Appium会话保持活动状态时,可以重置打开应用程序。

38. Name: Scroll

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ start_locator | end_locator ]

Scrolls from one element to another Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

39. Name: Scroll Down

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ locator ]

Scrolls down to element.


40. Name: Scroll Up

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ locator ]

Scrolls up to element.


41. Name: Shake

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ ]

Shake the device.


42. Name: Start Activity

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ appPackage | appActivity | **opts ]

Opens an arbitrary activity during a test. If the activity belongs to another application, that application is started and the activity is opened.

在测试期间打开一个活动。 如果活动属于另一个应用程序,则启动该应用程序并打开活动。

Android only.

appPackage - The package containing the activity to start.

appActivity - The activity to start.

appWaitPackage - Begin automation after this package starts (optional).

appWaitActivity - Begin automation after this activity starts (optional).

intentAction - Intent to start (opt_ional).

intentCategory - Intent category to start (optional).

intentFlags - Flags to send to the intent (optional).

optionalIntentArguments - Optional arguments to the intent (optional).

stopAppOnReset - Should the app be stopped on reset (optional)?

43. Name: Swipe

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments:[ start_x | start_y | offset_x | offset_y | duration=1000 ]

Swipe from one point to another point, for an optional duration.



start_x - x-coordinate at which to start

start_y - y-coordinate at which to start

offset_x - x-coordinate distance from start_x at which to stop

offset_y - y-coordinate distance from start_y at which to stop

duration - (optional) time to take the swipe, in ms.


Swipe  500  100  100  0  1000

NOTE: Android 'Swipe' is not working properly, use offset_x and offset_y as if these are destination points.

44. Name: Switch To Context

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ context_name ]

Switch to a new context.


45. Name: Tap

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ locator | x_offset=None | y_offset=None | count=1 ]

Tap element identified by locator.



x_offset - (optional) x coordinate to tap, relative to the top left corner of the element.

y_offset - (optional) y coordinate. If y is used, x must also be set, and vice versa

count - can be used for multiple times of tap on that element

46. Name: Zoom

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ locator | percent=200% | steps=1 ]

Zooms in on an element a certain amount.


47. Name: Wait Activity

Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

Arguments: [ activity | timeout | interval=1 ]

Wait for an activity: block until target activity presents or time out.


Android only.

activity - target activity

timeout - max wait time, in seconds

interval - sleep interval between retries, in seconds


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