这里介绍以个小$trick$,民间流传为$Old Driver Tree$,实质上就是$set$维护线段。


我们在操作的时候很暴力,每次把$[l, r]$的线段抠出来,暴力枚举一遍算答案。对于每一个非区间赋值的操作,最多断两条线段,新加两条线段。




#include <set>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; typedef long long LL;
const int N = ; int n, m, vmax, tp;
pair<LL, int> st[N]; struct Seg {
int l, r; LL v;
friend bool operator < (Seg a, Seg b) {
return (a.l != b.l)? (a.l < b.l) : (a.r < b.r);
multiset<Seg> S;
typedef multiset<Seg>::iterator Saber; LL Pow(LL x, int b, int p, LL re = ) {
for (x %= p; b; b >>= , x = x * x % p)
if (b & ) re = re * x % p;
return re;
} namespace R {
const int mod = 1e9 + ;
int seed, ret;
int rnd() {
ret = seed;
seed = (seed * 7LL + ) % mod;
return ret;
} int main() {
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &n, &m, &R::seed, &vmax);
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
S.insert((Seg){ i, i, R::rnd() % vmax + });
for (int op, l, r, x, y; m; --m) {
op = (R::rnd() & ) + ;
l = R::rnd() % n + ;
r = R::rnd() % n + ;
if (l > r) swap(l, r);
if (op == ) x = R::rnd() % (r - l + ) + ;
else x = R::rnd() % vmax + ;
if (op == ) y = R::rnd() % vmax + ; Saber p = --S.lower_bound((Seg){ l + , , });
Saber q = --S.lower_bound((Seg){ r + , , });
if ((*p).l < l) S.insert((Seg){ (*p).l, l - , (*p).v });
if (r < (*q).r) S.insert((Seg){ r + , (*q).r, (*q).v });
if (op == ) {
for (Saber z = p, rin; z != q; ) {
rin = z; ++z;
S.insert((Seg){ l, r, x });
Saber np, nq;
if (p == q) {
np = nq = S.insert((Seg){ l, r, (*p).v });
} else {
np = S.insert((Seg){ l, (*p).r, (*p).v });
nq = S.insert((Seg){ (*q).l, r, (*q).v });
S.erase(p); S.erase(q);
if (op == ) {
Seg ins;
for (Saber z = np, rin; z != nq; ) {
rin = z; ++z;
ins = *rin; ins.v += x;
S.erase(rin); S.insert(ins);
ins = *nq; ins.v += x;
S.erase(nq); S.insert(ins);
if (op == ) {
tp = ;
for (Saber z = np; z != nq; ++z)
st[++tp] = make_pair((*z).v, (*z).r - (*z).l + );
st[++tp] = make_pair((*nq).v, (*nq).r - (*nq).l + );
sort(st + , st + + tp);
for (int i = ; i <= tp; x -= st[i].second, ++i) {
if (st[i].second >= x) {
printf("%lld\n", st[i].first);
x = ;
if (x > ) {
puts("I love you, love you forever.");
return ;
if (op == ) {
int ans = ;
for (Saber z = np; z != nq; ++z)
ans = (ans + Pow((*z).v, x, y) * ((*z).r - (*z).l + )) % y;
ans = (ans + Pow((*nq).v, x, y) * ((*nq).r - (*nq).l + )) % y;
printf("%d\n", ans);
} return ;


#include <map>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; typedef long long LL;
const int N = ; int n, m, vmax, tp;
pair<LL, int> st[N];
map<int, LL> M; LL Pow(LL x, int b, int p, LL re = ) {
for (x %= p; b; b >>= , x = x * x % p)
if (b & ) re = re * x % p;
return re;
} namespace R {
const int mod = 1e9 + ;
int seed, ret;
int rnd() {
ret = seed;
seed = (seed * 7LL + ) % mod;
return ret;
} int main() {
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &n, &m, &R::seed, &vmax);
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
M[i] = R::rnd() % vmax + ;
M[n + ] = ;
for (int op, l, r, x, y; m; --m) {
op = (R::rnd() & ) + ;
l = R::rnd() % n + ;
r = R::rnd() % n + ;
if (l > r) swap(l, r);
if (op == ) x = R::rnd() % (r - l + ) + ;
else x = R::rnd() % vmax + ;
if (op == ) y = R::rnd() % vmax + ; auto p = --M.upper_bound(l);
auto q = M.upper_bound(r);
if (p->first < l) M[l] = p->second, ++p;
if (r + < q->first) --q, M[r + ] = q->second, ++q;
if (op == ) {
for (; p != q; ++p) p->second += x;
if (op == ) {
while (p != q) M.erase(p++);
M[l] = x;
if (op == ) {
tp = ;
for (auto rin = p; p != q; ++p) {
st[++tp] = { p->second, (++rin)->first - p->first };
sort(st + , st + + tp);
for (int i = ; i <= tp; x -= st[i].second, ++i) {
if (x <= st[i].second) {
printf("%lld\n", st[i].first);
if (op == ) {
int ans = ;
for (auto rin = p; p != q; ++p) {
ans = (ans + Pow(p->second, x, y) * ((++rin)->first - p->first)) % y;
printf("%d\n", ans);
} return ;

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