C# 读取Excel,其实有很多方法。但是今天要来一波华丽的操作。


以上这波操作使用了 ExcelDataReader 和 ExcelDataReader.DataSet 完成的。

ExcelDataReader 是一个快速读取 Excel 的 C# 库。使用简单,读取速度比较快,感觉比 NPOI 快一点。但是遗憾的是只能读 Excel 没有写的操作。


using ExcelDataReader;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ExcelFastRead
public partial class FrmMain : Form
public FrmMain()
} private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
dialog.Filter = "(Excel 97-03)|*.xls|(Excel 2007)|*.xlsx|ALL|*.*";
if (DialogResult.OK != dialog.ShowDialog())
} string strFileName = dialog.FileName;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strFileName))
} using (var stream = File.Open(strFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
{ // Auto-detect format, supports:
// - Binary Excel files (2.0-2003 format; *.xls)
// - OpenXml Excel files (2007 format; *.xlsx)
using (var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream))
{ // Choose one of either 1 or 2: // 1. Use the reader methods
while (reader.Read())
// reader.GetDouble(0);
} while (reader.NextResult()); ExcelDataSetConfiguration configuration = new ExcelDataSetConfiguration()
{ // Gets or sets a value indicating whether to set the DataColumn.DataType
// property in a second pass.
//UseColumnDataType = true, // Gets or sets a callback to obtain configuration options for a DataTable.
ConfigureDataTable = (tableReader) => new ExcelDataTableConfiguration()
{ // Gets or sets a value indicating the prefix of generated column names.
//EmptyColumnNamePrefix = "Column", // Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use a row from the
// data as column names.
UseHeaderRow = true, // Gets or sets a callback to determine which row is the header row.
// Only called when UseHeaderRow = true.
//ReadHeaderRow = (rowReader) => {
// // F.ex skip the first row and use the 2nd row as column headers:
// rowReader.Read();
//}, // Gets or sets a callback to determine whether to include the
// current row in the DataTable.
//FilterRow = (rowReader) => {
// return true;
//}, // Gets or sets a callback to determine whether to include the specific
// column in the DataTable. Called once per column after reading the
// headers.
//FilterColumn = (rowReader, columnIndex) => {
// return true;
var result = reader.AsDataSet(configuration); // 2. Use the AsDataSet extension method
//var result = reader.AsDataSet(); dgvList.DataSource = result.Tables[]; // The result of each spreadsheet is in result.Tables
} }

ExcelDataReader 项目地址

ExcelDataReader nuget包管理

ExcelDataReader.DataSet nuget包管理

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