【POJ3083】Children of the Candy Corn
本题知识点:深度优先搜索 + 宽度优先搜索
// 3083
using namespace std;
char maze[50][50];
bool take[50][50];
int len[50][50];
int T, W, H, now;
int bh, bw, eh, ew;
int left_len, right_len, min_len;
bool ok;
struct node{
int h, w;
queue<node> que;
int rw[] = { -1, 0, 1, 0 };
int rh[] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };
bool check(int h, int w){
if(0 <= h && h < H && 0 <= w && w < W && maze[h][w] != '#' && !take[h][w]) return true;
return false;
void build(int W, int H){
memset(take, false, sizeof(take));
left_len = right_len = min_len = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < H; i++){
scanf("%s", maze[i]);
for(int j = 0; j < W; j++){
if(maze[i][j] == 'S'){
bh = i; bw = j;
// maze[i][j] = '#';
if(maze[i][j] == 'E'){
eh = i; ew = j;
if(bh == 0) now = 2;
else if(bh == H - 1) now = 0;
else if(bw == 0) now = 3;
else if(bw == W - 1) now = 1;
void l_dfs(int h, int w, int go){
// take[h][w] = true;
if(h == eh && w == ew){
ok = true;
return ;
case 0:
if(check(h, w - 1)) l_dfs(h, w - 1, 1);
else if(check(h - 1, w)) l_dfs(h - 1, w, 0);
else if(check(h, w + 1)) l_dfs(h, w + 1, 3);
else if(check(h + 1, w)) l_dfs(h + 1, w, 2);
case 1:
if(check(h + 1, w)) l_dfs(h + 1, w, 2);
else if(check(h, w - 1)) l_dfs(h, w - 1, 1);
else if(check(h - 1, w)) l_dfs(h - 1, w, 0);
else if(check(h, w + 1)) l_dfs(h, w + 1, 3);
case 2:
if(check(h, w + 1)) l_dfs(h, w + 1, 3);
else if(check(h + 1, w)) l_dfs(h + 1, w, 2);
else if(check(h, w - 1)) l_dfs(h, w - 1, 1);
else if(check(h - 1, w)) l_dfs(h - 1, w, 0);
case 3:
if(check(h - 1, w)) l_dfs(h - 1, w, 0);
else if(check(h, w + 1)) l_dfs(h, w + 1, 3);
else if(check(h + 1, w)) l_dfs(h + 1, w, 2);
else if(check(h, w - 1)) l_dfs(h, w - 1, 1);
void r_dfs(int h, int w, int go){
if(h == eh && w == ew){
ok = true;
return ;
case 0:
if(check(h, w + 1)) r_dfs(h, w + 1, 3);
else if(check(h - 1, w)) r_dfs(h - 1, w, 0);
else if(check(h, w - 1)) r_dfs(h, w - 1, 1);
else if(check(h + 1, w)) r_dfs(h + 1, w, 2);
case 1:
if(check(h - 1, w)) r_dfs(h - 1, w, 0);
else if(check(h, w - 1)) r_dfs(h, w - 1, 1);
else if(check(h + 1, w)) r_dfs(h + 1, w, 2);
else if(check(h, w + 1)) r_dfs(h, w + 1, 3);
case 2:
if(check(h, w - 1)) r_dfs(h, w - 1, 1);
else if(check(h + 1, w)) r_dfs(h + 1, w, 2);
else if(check(h, w + 1)) r_dfs(h, w + 1, 3);
else if(check(h - 1, w)) r_dfs(h - 1, w, 0);
case 3:
if(check(h + 1, w)) r_dfs(h + 1, w, 2);
else if(check(h, w + 1)) r_dfs(h, w + 1, 3);
else if(check(h - 1, w)) r_dfs(h - 1, w, 0);
else if(check(h, w - 1)) r_dfs(h, w - 1, 1);
void bfs(){
len[bh][bw] = 1;
node now = que.front(), next; que.pop();
int d = len[now.h][now.w];
// printf("d:%d\n", d);
if(now.h == eh && now.w == ew) break;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
next.h = now.h + rh[i]; next.w = now.w + rw[i];
if(check(next.h, next.w)) {
take[next.h][next.w] = true;
len[next.h][next.w] = d + 1;
int main()
scanf("%d", &T);
scanf("%d %d", &W, &H);
build(W, H);
// right
ok = false;
memset(take, false, sizeof(take));
l_dfs(bh, bw, now);
// cout << endl;
ok = false;
memset(take, false, sizeof(take));
r_dfs(bh, bw, now);
while(!que.empty()) que.pop();
memset(take, false, sizeof(take));
memset(len, 0, sizeof(len));
node a; a.h = bh; a.w = bw;
printf("%d %d %d\n", left_len, right_len, len[eh][ew]);
return 0;
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