“在配置和销售凭证 GET_CONFIG_MODE 间通信时内部出错”



2019-09-27 901893
901893 - Reports: Configuration and sales document
SAP Note
Master Language
Recommendations / Additional Info
Release Status
Released for Customer
Released On
SD-SLS-GF-VA ( Bill Of Material (BOM) & Variant Configuration )
Please find the original document at https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/ 901893
This is a list of important reports in SD-SLS-GF-VA.
Other Terms
Program, report, bill of material, BOM, correcting the configuration, troubleshooting
Reason and Prerequisites
You can use the following reports to correct inconsistencies.
1. RCU_CHECK_CONFIGURATION (see Note 200914)
This report searches for sales items whose VBAP-CUOBJ field that refers to configuration data that does not exist. The report deletes these references. Afterwards, you must configure the item again. The previous configuration value assignment is unfortunately lost and cannot be recovered.
Use the following selection criteria:
Find wrong vbap CUOBJ = X
SELVBELN = Interval for sales documents to be checked
You can run the program in test mode first (leave the 'Update Database' field empty). After checking the data, you can correct the inconsistencies by selecting the field 'Update Database'. The reference is then deleted from the VBAP table. However, you must then maintain the configuration of the relevant document items manually.
To improve the performance of the report, you can create an additional index for the MANDT and CUOBJ fields in the VBAP table before you execute the report. After the execution, you can delete this index again.
2. RCU_EXCL_CHARACTERISTICS (Notes 362438, 336842, 387001)
This report excludes characteristics that should not be taken into account during the variant matching or during the comparison of configuration results of the serial number processing. You can either restrict the exclusion to one material or apply it to all materials. Using this report, you can exclude certain characteristics for specific materials only or for specific materials in specific plants.
Use the following selection criteria:
Material number = Material number for which the characteristics are to be excluded
Characteristic name = Characteristic to be excluded
3. RCUIB_DELETE_DUPLICATE_CFG (Notes 608229, 575221, 558812)
When you create sales orders, the system issues the MESSAGE_TYPE_X ABAP
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2019-09-27 901893
runtime error 'Duplicate owner: inform LO-VC development' (message number CUIB1 699). The RCUIB_DELETE_DUPLICATE_CFG correction report deletes the duplicate configurations that are no longer used. Used configurations are marked for deletion, so that the system deletes these configurations as soon as the last user is deleted.
Use the following selection criteria:
External object type = VBPS
You can run the program in the test mode first (leave the 'Execute Correction' field empty). After checking the data, you can correct the inconsistencies by selecting the field 'Execute Correction'.
Software Components
Software Component

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