Javascript PC Emulator
Javascript PC Emulator
Run Linux or other Operating Systems in your browser!
The following emulated systems are available:
CPU | OS (Distribution) | User Interface |
VFsync access |
Startup Link |
TEMU Config |
Comment |
x86 | Linux 4.12.0 (Buildroot) | Console | Yes | click here | url | |
x86 | Linux 4.12.0 (Buildroot) | X Window | Yes | click here | url | Right mouse button for the menu. |
x86 | Windows 2000 | Graphical | No | click here | url | Disclaimer. |
x86 | FreeDOS | VGA Text | No | click here | url | |
riscv64 | Linux 4.15.0 (Buildroot) | Console | Yes | click here | url | |
riscv64 | Linux 4.15.0 (Buildroot) | X Window | Yes | click here | url | Right mouse button for the menu. |
riscv64 | Linux 4.15.0 (Fedora 29) | Console | Yes | click here | url | Warning: longer boot time. |
riscv64 | Linux 4.15.0 (Fedora 29) | X Window | Yes | click here | url | Warning: longer boot time. Right mouse button for the menu. |
QuickJS: a small but complete Javascript engine.
Online text completion and lossless compression of English short messages using the GPT-2 language model (updated to use the latest published model of 1.5 billion parameters).
NNCP: Lossless Data Compression with Neural Networks.
A tiny and obfuscated image decoder using algorithms inspirated from AV1.
LibBF is small library to handle arbitrary precision floating point numbers. The TinyPI example computes billions of digits of PI.
Run X Window or Windows 2000 in your browser.
TinyEMU (previously known as RISCVEMU) is a small emulator emulating 128 bit RISC-V and x86 machines.
The SoftFP library is a new IEEE 754-2008 floating point emulation library supporting the 32/64/128 bit floating point types.
BPG (Better Portable Graphics) is a new image format based on HEVC and supported by most browsers with a small Javascript decoder.
A 4G LTE/5G NR/NB-IoT base station running entirely in software on a standard PC.
A new ASN1 compiler generating small and efficient C code.
A PC emulator in Javascript: how much time takes your browser to boot Linux ?
2700 billion decimal digits of Pi computed with a desktop computer.
Analog and Digital TV (DVB-T) signal generation by displaying an image on a PC display.
QEMU is a generic machine emulator and virtualizer.
FFMPEG, the Open Source Multimedia System. I launched this project in year 2000 and led it for several years.
TCC is a tiny but complete ISOC99 C compiler which enables you to use C as scripting language. TCC has its roots in the OTCC project. The TCCBOOT boot loader demonstrate the speed of TCC by compiling and launching a Linux kernel in less than 15 seconds.
QEmacs (for Quick Emacs) is an emacs clone I began to learn Unicode rendering algorithms, text buffers manipulation and XML/HTML/CSS parsing.
OTCC is a very small self-compiling compiler for a subset of C I wrote to win the 2001 edition of the International Obfuscated C Contest.
TinyGL: a Small, Free and Fast Subset of OpenGL.
An online Scientific Web Calculator.
Pi formulas, algorithms and computations.
A tiny C program to print the biggest known prime number.
============ End
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