张宁  Robotics Education and Research at Scale - A Remotely Accessible Robotics Development Platform
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This paper introduces the KUKA Robot Learning Lab at KIT – a remotely accessible robotics testbed. The motivation behind the laboratory is to make state-of-the-art industrial lightweight robots more accessible for education and research. Such expensive hardware is usually not available to students or less privileged researchers to conduct experiments. This paper describes the design and operation of the Robot Learning Lab and discusses the challenges that one faces when making experimental robot cells remotely accessible. Especially safety and security must be ensured, while giving users as much freedom as possible when developing programs to control the robots. A fully automated and efficient processing pipeline for experiments makes the lab suitable for a large amount of users and allows a high usage rate of the robots.

本文介绍了KIT的库卡机器人学习实验室 - 一个可远程访问的机器人测试平台。 实验室背后的动机是使最先进的工业轻型机器人更容易进行教育和研究。这种昂贵的硬件通常无法供学生或较少特权的研究人员进行实验。 本文介绍了机器人学习实验室的设计和操作,并讨论了在远程访问实验机器人单元时所面临的挑战。特别是必须确保安全性,同时在开发控制机器人的程序时为用户提供尽可能多的自由。 用于实验的全自动且高效的处理管道使得该实验室适合于大量用户并且允许机器人的高使用率。

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