
[root@lgswork ~]# docker search prometheus
prom/prometheus [OK]
functions/prometheus prometheus [OK]
basi/prometheus-swarm A sample image that can be used as a base fo… [OK]
bitnami/prometheus Bitnami Docker Image for Prometheus [OK]
infinityworks/prometheus-rancher-exporter Exposes Service/Stack/Host status from the R… [OK]
linuxtips/prometheus_alpine Image to run Prometheus on Alpine Linux. #VA… [OK]
rycus86/prometheus Prometheus monitoring - prometheus.io [OK]
lloesche/prometheus-dcos Prometheus on DC/OS [OK]
openshift/prometheus Prometheus images for OpenShift
vampouille/prometheus_rancher_metadata Expose rancher metadata 'create_index' field… [OK]
alxrem/prometheus-logstash-exporter Prometheus exporter for metrics provided by … [OK]
wehkamp/prometheus-cloudflare-exporter Prometheus Cloudflare exporter
ibmcom/prometheus Docker Image for IBM Cloud Private-CE (Commu…
ansibleplaybookbundle/prometheus-apb An APB that deploys Prometheus [OK]
itwye/prometheus_client prometheus client for application create met… [OK]
indicatorprotocol/prometheus-indicator-controller Prometheus indicator controller for Kubernet…
camptocamp/prometheus-server-rules-conf Docker image for Prometheus recording rules [OK]
camptocamp/prometheus-server-conf Image for prometheus-server-conf [OK]
mthenw/prometheus-ecs-discovery https://github.com/teralytics/prometheus-ecs… 0 [OK]
bzon/prometheus-msteams Prometheus Alerts for Microsoft Teams
carlosedp/prometheus Prometheus images for ARM/ARM64
solsson/prometheus-exporter-apache https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/wik… 0 [OK]
camptocamp/prometheus-config-merger Merge multiple yaml snippets into one, and r… [OK]
camptocamp/prometheus-rancher-metadata-conf rancher-metadata confd prometheus template [OK]
braedon/prometheus-es-exporter Elasticsearch query Prometheus exporter [OK]
[root@lgswork ~]# docker pull prometheus
Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for prometheus, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
[root@lgswork ~]# docker pull quay.io/prometheus/prometheus
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from prometheus/prometheus
8e674ad76dce: Pull complete
e77d2419d1c2: Pull complete
404121236cc3: Pull complete
9177a3dd2b55: Pull complete
322a0ba168eb: Pull complete
a6d55ecbc9e1: Pull complete
bd9aab1d6b43: Pull complete
afbd972630e5: Pull complete
1196a163e012: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:2ff2d910742194d5e57e555e4b2314620bb8d444ab4a7711a2bfe2b1840092d7
Status: Downloaded newer image for quay.io/prometheus/prometheus:latest
[root@lgswork ~]# docker images
quay.io/prometheus/prometheus latest a3d30ee5b98b days ago 128MB 0.0.-SNAPSHOT e99705190391 months ago 659MB
jdk1. latest a09b9868214b months ago 598MB latest a09b9868214b months ago 598MB
zookeeper 3.5 13681ca86f62 months ago 225MB
gogs/gogs latest 544dcfc7bef8 months ago 100MB
mysql 5.7 a1aa4f76fab9 months ago 373MB
mongo latest 5976dac61f4f months ago 411MB
docker latest af42f41a7d73 months ago 171MB
rancher/server latest d4fb2bbe38af months ago .09GB
centos/mysql--centos7 latest e35b3f7a4ea0 months ago 452MB
foxiswho/rocketmq server-4.3. 6741b897d310 months ago 383MB
centos 9f38484d220f months ago 202MB

搜索下载 查看


[root@lgswork ~]# docker run --name prometheus -d -p : quay.io/prometheus/prometheus
[root@lgswork ~]#

Docker 管理 prometheus

[root@lgswork ~]# docker ps | grep prometheus
1cc32417503f quay.io/prometheus/prometheus "/bin/prometheus --c…" About a minute ago Up About a minute>/tcp prometheus
[root@lgswork ~]#

运行 docker start prometheus 启动服务

运行 docker stats prometheus 查看 prometheus 状态

运行 docker stop prometheus 停止服务

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