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LinuxC下argc,argv[ ]的意义



#include<stdlib.h> int main(int argc,char *argv[])
if(argc== || argc>)
printf("Please input the name of the file
you want to edit, for example:./edit fillen\n");
printf("argv[0] is %s\n",argv[]);
} if(argc==)
printf("Now EDIT %s\n",argv[]);
printf("argv[0] is %s\n",argv[]);
printf("argv[1] is %s\n",argv[]);
} exit();
  • 通过gcc生成可执行文件edit如下:
  • 运行文件edit:./edit,如下:
  • 运行文件edit,并输入file.txt: ./edit file.txt,如下:


  1. argc 为外部命令参数的个数,因此

    输入命令./edit file.txt时,argc==2;

  2. argv[]为存储的命令,其中argv[0]即为可执行文件名;

    输入命令./edit file.txt时,argv[0]=="./edit",argv[1]=="file.txt";

2017-2-4 23:10;20


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