
FastDFS is an open source high performance distributed file system (DFS). It's major functions include: file storing, file syncing and file accessing, and design for high capacity and load balancing.

FastDFS is an open source high performance distributed file system. It's major functions include: file storing, file syncing and file accessing (file uploading and file downloading), and it can resolve the high capacity and load balancing problem. FastDFS should meet the requirement of the website whose service based on files such as photo sharing site and vidio sharing site.

FastDFS has two roles: tracker and storage. The tracker takes charge of scheduling and load balancing for file access. The storage store files and it's function is file management including: file storing, file syncing, providing file access interface. It also manage the meta data which are attributes representing as key value pair of the file. For example: width=1024, the key is "width" and the value is "1024".

The tracker and storage contain one or more servers. The servers in the tracker or storage cluster can be added to or removed from the cluster by any time without affecting the online services. The servers in the tracker cluster are peer to peer.

The storarge servers organizing by the file volume/group to obtain high capacity. The storage system contains one or more volumes whose files are independent among these volumes. The capacity of the whole storage system equals to the sum of all volumes' capacity. A file volume contains one or more storage servers whose files are same among these servers. The servers in a file volume backup each other, and all these servers are load balancing. When adding a storage server to a volume, files already existing in this volume are replicated to this new server automatically, and when this replication done, system will switch this server online to providing storage services. When the whole storage capacity is insufficiency, you can add one or more volumes to expand the storage capacity. To do this, you need to add one or more storage servers.

The identification of a file is composed of two parts: the volume name and the file name.


fastfds有两个角色:跟踪服务和存储服务,跟踪服务控制,调度文件以负载均衡的方式访问;存储服务包括:文件存储,文件同步,提供文件访问接口,同时以key value的方式管理文件的元数据






  1. [root@db1 ~]# wget
  2. -stable.tar.gz
  3. [root@db1 ~]# tar -zxvpf libevent-2.0.14-stable.tar.gz
  4. [root@db1 ~]# cd libevent-2.0.14-stable
  5. [root@db1 libevent-2.0.14-stable]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libevent-2.0.14 &&
  6. make && make install
  7. [root@db1 ~]# wget
  8. [root@db1 ~]# tar -zxvf FastDFS_v3.02.tar.gz
  9. [root@db1 ~]# cd FastDFS
  10. [root@db1 FastDFS]# grep -A 4 '/usr/local/FastDFS'
  11. TARGET_PREFIX=/usr/local/FastDFS
  12. TARGET_CONF_PATH=/etc/fdfs
  13. WITH_HTTPD=1
  15. [root@db1 FastDFS]# ./ C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/libevent-2.0.14/include
  16. LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/libevent-2.0.14/lib
  17. [root@db1 FastDFS]# ./ install
  18. [root@db1 FastDFS]# ls /etc/fdfs/
  19. client.conf  http.conf  mime.types  storage.conf  tracker.conf


  1. [root@db1 ~]# grep -v '^#' /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf |grep -v '^$'
  2. disabled=false
  3. bind_addr=
  4. port=22122
  5. connect_timeout=30
  6. network_timeout=60
  7. base_path=/home/data/fastdfs
  8. max_connections=256
  9. work_threads=4
  10. store_lookup=2
  11. store_group=group2
  12. store_server=0
  13. store_path=0
  14. download_server=0
  15. reserved_storage_space = 4GB
  16. log_level=info
  17. run_by_group=
  18. run_by_user=
  19. allow_hosts=*
  20. sync_log_buff_interval = 10
  21. check_active_interval = 120
  22. thread_stack_size = 64KB
  23. storage_ip_changed_auto_adjust = true
  24. storage_sync_file_max_delay = 86400
  25. storage_sync_file_max_time = 300
  26. use_trunk_file = false
  27. slot_min_size = 256
  28. slot_max_size = 16MB
  29. trunk_file_size = 64MB
  30. http.disabled=false
  31. http.server_port=8080
  32. http.check_alive_interval=30
  33. http.check_alive_type=tcp
  34. http.check_alive_uri=/status.html
  35. http.need_find_content_type=true
  36. [root@db1 ~]# grep -v '^#' /etc/fdfs/http.conf  |grep -v '^$'
  37. http.default_content_type = application/octet-stream
  38. http.mime_types_filename=/etc/fdfs/mime.types
  39. http.anti_steal.check_token=false
  40. http.anti_steal.token_ttl=900
  41. http.anti_steal.secret_key=FastDFS1234567890
  42. http.anti_steal.token_check_fail=/home/data/fastdfs/conf/anti-steal.jpg

三:启动tracker服务,需要注意tracker.conf文件最后一行为#include httpd.conf

  1. [root@db1 ~]# /usr/local/FastDFS/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
  2. /usr/local/FastDFS/bin/fdfs_trackerd: error while loading shared libraries: libevent-
  3. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  4. [root@db1 ~]# echo '/usr/local/libevent-2.0.14/include/' >> /etc/
  5. [root@db1 ~]# echo '/usr/local/libevent-2.0.14/lib/' >> /etc/
  6. [root@db1 ~]# ldconfig
  7. [root@db1 ~]# /usr/local/FastDFS/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
  8. [2012-07-04 17:52:25] ERROR - file: tracker_func.c, line: 160, "/home/data/fastdfs"
  9. can't be accessed, error info: No such file or directory
  10. [root@db1 ~]# mkdir -p /home/data/fastdfs
  11. [root@db1 ~]# /usr/local/FastDFS/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
  12. [root@db1 ~]# echo $?
  13. 22
  14. [root@db1 ~]# cat  /home/data/fastdfs/logs/trackerd.log
  15. [2012-07-04 17:52:50] ERROR - file: ../common/fdfs_http_shared.c, line: 128, param
  16. "http.mime_types_filename" not exist or is empty
  17. [root@db1 ~]# tail -1 /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
  18. #include http.conf
  19. [root@db1 ~]# /usr/local/FastDFS/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
  20. [root@db1 ~]# echo $?
  21. 0
  22. [root@db1 ~]# ps -ef |grep track
  23. root      3535     1  0 15:47 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/FastDFS/bin/fdfs_trackerd
  24. /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
  25. [root@db1 ~]# netstat -ntpl |grep fdfs
  26. tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN
  27. 3535/fdfs_trackerd
  28. tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN
  29. 3535/fdfs_trackerd


  1. [root@db2 ~]# grep -v '^#' /etc/fdfs/storage.conf |grep -v '^$'
  2. disabled=false
  3. group_name=group1
  4. bind_addr=
  5. client_bind=true
  6. port=23000
  7. connect_timeout=30
  8. network_timeout=60
  9. heart_beat_interval=30
  10. stat_report_interval=60
  11. base_path=/home/data/fastdfs
  12. max_connections=256
  13. buff_size = 256KB
  14. work_threads=4
  15. disk_rw_separated = true
  16. disk_rw_direct = false
  17. disk_reader_threads = 1
  18. disk_writer_threads = 1
  19. sync_wait_msec=50
  20. sync_interval=0
  21. sync_start_time=00:00
  22. sync_end_time=23:59
  23. write_mark_file_freq=500
  24. store_path_count=1
  25. store_path0=/home/data/fastdfs
  26. subdir_count_per_path=256
  27. tracker_server=
  28. log_level=info
  29. run_by_group=
  30. run_by_user=
  31. allow_hosts=*
  32. file_distribute_path_mode=0
  33. file_distribute_rotate_count=100
  34. fsync_after_written_bytes=0
  35. sync_log_buff_interval=10
  36. sync_binlog_buff_interval=10
  37. sync_stat_file_interval=300
  38. thread_stack_size=512KB
  39. upload_priority=10
  40. if_alias_prefix=
  41. check_file_duplicate=0
  42. key_namespace=FastDFS
  43. keep_alive=0
  44. http.disabled=false
  45. httphttp.domain_name=
  46. http.server_port=8888
  47. http.trunk_size=256KB
  48. http.need_find_content_type=true
  49. [root@db2 ~]# grep -v '^#' /etc/fdfs/client.conf  |grep -v '^$'
  50. connect_timeout=30
  51. network_timeout=60
  52. base_path=/home/data/fastdfs
  53. tracker_server=
  54. log_level=info
  55. http.tracker_server_port=8080
  56. [root@db2 ~]#  grep -v '^#' /etc/fdfs/http.conf |grep -v '^$'
  57. http.default_content_type = application/octet-stream
  58. http.mime_types_filename=mime.types
  59. http.anti_steal.check_token=false
  60. http.anti_steal.token_ttl=900
  61. http.anti_steal.secret_key=FastDFS1234567890
  62. http.anti_steal.token_check_fail=/home/data/fastdfs/conf/anti-steal.jpg

五:启动storage,需要注意storage.conf文件最后一行为#include httpd.conf

  1. [root@db2 ~]# mkdir -p /home/data/fastdfs
  2. [root@db2 ~]# echo '/usr/local/libevent-2.0.14/include/' >> /etc/
  3. [root@db2 ~]# echo '/usr/local/libevent-2.0.14/lib/' >> /etc/
  4. [root@db2 ~]# ldconfig
  5. [root@db2 ~]# tail -2 /etc/fdfs/storage.conf
  6. #use "#include" directive to include HTTP other settings
  7. #include http.conf
  8. [root@db2 ~]# /usr/local/FastFDS/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf
  9. mkdir data path: 00 ...
  10. mkdir data path: 01 ...
  11. mkdir data path: 02 ...
  12. ———输出省略————
  13. data path: /home/data/fastdfs/data, mkdir sub dir done.
  14. [root@db2 ~]# ps -ef |grep fdfs
  15. root     14451     1  0 16:15 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/FastFDS/bin/fdfs_storaged
  16. /etc/fdfs/storage.conf
  17. root     14468  8238  0 16:16 pts/1    00:00:00 grep fdfs
  18. [root@db2 ~]# netstat -ntpl |grep fdfs
  19. tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN
  20. 14451/fdfs_storaged
  21. tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN
  22. 14451/fdfs_storaged


[root@db2 ~]# /usr/local/FastFDS/bin/fdfs_test /etc/fdfs/client.conf upload /etc/passwd
This is FastDFS client test program v3.02
Copyright (C) 2008, Happy Fish / YuQing
FastDFS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General
Public License V3, which may be found in the FastDFS source kit.
Please visit the FastDFS Home Page 
for more detail.

[2012-07-30 16:25:59] INFO - base_path=/home/data/fastdfs, connect_timeout=30,

network_timeout=60, tracker_server_count=1, anti_steal_token=0, anti_steal_secret_key length=0tracker_query_storage_store_list_without_group: 
server 1. group_name=group1, ip_addr=, port=23000 group_name=group1, ip_addr=, port=23000
group_name=group1, remote_filename=M00/00/00/wKh7FFAWRRfcMOGtAAAHKBGhZhE8065783
source ip address:
file timestamp=2012-07-30 16:25:59
file size=1832
file crc32=295790097
file url:
group_name=group1, remote_filename=M00/00/00/wKh7FFAWRRfcMOGtAAAHKBGhZhE8065783_big
source ip address:
file timestamp=2012-07-30 16:25:59
file size=1832
file crc32=295790097
file url:

[root@db2 ~]# /usr/local/FastFDS/bin/fdfs_test /etc/fdfs/client.conf upload 2.jpg 
This is FastDFS client test program v3.02
Copyright (C) 2008, Happy Fish / YuQing
FastDFS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General
Public License V3, which may be found in the FastDFS source kit.
Please visit the FastDFS Home Page 
for more detail.

[2012-07-30 16:29:22] INFO - base_path=/home/data/fastdfs, connect_timeout=30, network_timeout=60, tracker_server_count=1, anti_steal_token=0, anti_steal_secret_key length=0tracker_query_storage_store_list_without_group: 
server 1. group_name=group1, ip_addr=, port=23000 group_name=group1, ip_addr=, port=23000
group_name=group1, remote_filename=M00/00/00/wKh7FFAWReLzPs4sAAEYquSDGwc472.jpg
source ip address:
file timestamp=2012-07-30 16:29:22
file size=71850
file crc32=3833797383
file url:
group_name=group1, remote_filename=M00/00/00/wKh7FFAWReLzPs4sAAEYquSDGwc472_big.jpg
source ip address:
file timestamp=2012-07-30 16:29:22
file size=71850
file crc32=3833797383
file url:


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