原文:C# Windows Phone App 开发,修改【锁定画面】,从【Assets】、【UI】、【网路图片】,并解决失灵问题。

一般我们在开发Windows Phone App,有时会希望透过应用程式来改变锁定画面,但是锁定画面的设定有时会发生非常吊诡的现象,譬如锁定画面只会在第一次设定的时候成功,第二次之後全数失败,而且没有发生任何错误,这究竟是为什麽呢?!





并接着【Tokens】的标签後贴上写下 :


  1. 1: <Extensions>
  1. 2: <Extension ExtensionName="LockScreen_Background" ConsumerID="{111DFF24-AA15-4A96-8006-2BFF8122084F}" TaskID="_default" />
  1. 3: </Extensions>










主要是因为 Lock screen background for Windows Phone 8 中提到


Unique image names

If you update the lock screen background image from isolated storage, you'll need to provide a unique file name on each update. An easy way to accomplish this is to implement A/B switching logic for the file names.










  1. 1: private async void SetLockScreen()
  1. 2: {
  1. 3: //判断该APP是否已向系统申请修改锁定画面
  1. 4: var isProvider = Windows.Phone.System.UserProfile.LockScreenManager.IsProvidedByCurrentApplication;
  1. 5: //若尚未申请
  1. 6: if (!isProvider)
  1. 7: {
  1. 8: //跳出视窗询问使用者,是否授权该APP可以修改锁定画面
  1. 9: var op = await Windows.Phone.System.UserProfile.LockScreenManager.RequestAccessAsync();
  1. 10: isProvider = op == Windows.Phone.System.UserProfile.LockScreenRequestResult.Granted;
  1. 11: }
  1. 12: ?
  1. 13: //从Assets中的资源设定锁定画面
  1. 14: Uri url = new Uri("Assets/Tiles/FlipCycleTileLarge.png", UriKind.Relative);
  1. 15: BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
  1. 16: bitmapImage.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.None;
  1. 17: bitmapImage.UriSource = url;
  1. 18: bitmapImage.ImageOpened += (s, e) =>
  1. 19: {
  1. 20: //下载完成
  1. 21: WriteableBitmap wbm = new WriteableBitmap((BitmapImage)s);
  1. 22: //将Bitmap转换成WriteableBitmap
  1. 23: Uri uri_Net = new Uri(WriteImageToFile(new WriteableBitmap(wbm)), UriKind.Absolute);
  1. 24: //设定锁定画面
  1. 25: Windows.Phone.System.UserProfile.LockScreen.SetImageUri(uri_Net);
  1. 26: };
  1. 27: ?
  1. 28: ?
  1. 29: //从网路图片设定锁定画面
  1. 30: Uri url_Net = new Uri("http://ppt.cc/vJH3", UriKind.Absolute);
  1. 31: BitmapImage bitmapImage_Net = new BitmapImage();
  1. 32: bitmapImage_Net.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.None;
  1. 33: bitmapImage_Net.UriSource = url;
  1. 34: bitmapImage_Net.ImageOpened += (s, e) =>
  1. 35: {
  1. 36: //下载完成
  1. 37: WriteableBitmap wbm = new WriteableBitmap((BitmapImage)s);
  1. 38: //将Bitmap转换成WriteableBitmap
  1. 39: Uri uri_Net = new Uri(WriteImageToFile(new WriteableBitmap(wbm)), UriKind.Absolute);
  1. 40: //设定锁定画面
  1. 41: Windows.Phone.System.UserProfile.LockScreen.SetImageUri(uri_Net);
  1. 42: };
  1. 43:
  1. 44: ?
  1. 45: ?
  1. 46: //从UI设定锁定画面
  1. 47: Uri uri_UI = new Uri(WriteImageToFile(new WriteableBitmap(LayoutRoot, null)), UriKind.Absolute);
  1. 48: Windows.Phone.System.UserProfile.LockScreen.SetImageUri(uri_UI);
  1. 49: }
  1. 50: ?
  1. 51:
  1. 52: ?
  1. 53: //档案写入Isolate 回传 Uri路径
  1. 54: private string WriteImageToFile(WriteableBitmap writeable_bitmap)
  1. 55: {
  1. 56: //档名A
  1. 57: string FileNameA = "A.jpg";
  1. 58: //档名B
  1. 59: string FileNameB = "B.jpg";
  1. 60: //最後使用的党名
  1. 61: string FileName = "";
  1. 62: try
  1. 63: {
  1. 64: ?
  1. 65: using (IsolatedStorageFile tStorage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
  1. 66: {
  1. 67: //宣告存取IsolatedStorageFile的变数
  1. 68: var isolatedStorage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
  1. 69: ?
  1. 70: //若为第一次A、B都不存在
  1. 71: if (!isolatedStorage.FileExists(FileNameA) && !isolatedStorage.FileExists(FileNameB))
  1. 72: {
  1. 73: //使用其中一个当作档名
  1. 74: FileName = FileNameA;
  1. 75: }
  1. 76: //若A存在则使用B名称来当作写入的档名
  1. 77: if (isolatedStorage.FileExists(FileNameA))
  1. 78: {
  1. 79: //删除A
  1. 80: isolatedStorage.DeleteFile(FileNameA);
  1. 81: //使用档名B
  1. 82: FileName = FileNameB;
  1. 83: }
  1. 84: //若B存在则使用A名称来当作写入的档名
  1. 85: if (isolatedStorage.FileExists(FileNameB))
  1. 86: {
  1. 87: //删除B
  1. 88: isolatedStorage.DeleteFile(FileNameB);
  1. 89: //使用档名A
  1. 90: FileName = FileNameA;
  1. 91: }
  1. 92:
  1. 93: Debug.WriteLine(FileName);
  1. 94: //在独立存储区创建档案
  1. 95: IsolatedStorageFileStream fileStream = isolatedStorage.CreateFile(FileName);
  1. 96: //写入JPG图档,品质为100 (越低图片画质就越低)
  1. 97: writeable_bitmap.SaveJpeg(fileStream, writeable_bitmap.PixelWidth, writeable_bitmap.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
  1. 98: //关闭IO
  1. 99: fileStream.Close();
  1. 100: fileStream.Dispose();
  1. 101: tStorage.Dispose();
  1. 102: ?
  1. 103: }
  1. 104: //重组新的URI,并回传
  1. 105: return string.Format("ms-appdata:///local/{0}", FileName);
  1. 106: }
  1. 107: catch (Exception ex)
  1. 108: {
  1. 109: string tMsg = ex.Message;
  1. 110: return string.Empty;
  1. 111: }
  1. 112: }




References :

Windows Phone 8 锁屏背景与通知

WP8 LockScreen IsolatedStorageFile 锁定屏幕 不会改变 C#


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Change LockScreen


how to change LockScreen










[笔记]C# Windows Phone App 开发,邀请使用者对APP评分。

C# Windows Phone App 开发,自制LockScreen 锁定画面类别(Class),从【网路图片】、【Assets资源】、【UI】修改锁定画面。

Windows Phone 使用,改善Windows Phone 将照片同步到SkyDrive云端空间的【相片】、【影片】画质。

Windows Phone 使用,解决待机时WIFI网路自动断线的困扰。

C# Windows Phone App 开发,修改【锁定画面】,从【Assets】、【UI】、【网路图片】,并解决失灵问题。的更多相关文章

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