Lab 7 Standard I/O and Pipes

1. [student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo

2. [student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo | less

3. [student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo | mail -s "System Stats for $(hostname)" root@localhost

4. Check the email account root@localhost
• Log in as root
• Run the command mutt.
• press y.
• Select the message you want to view with the up and down arrows and press Enter to
view it.
• Note that while viewing a message, the up and down arrows move between messages,
not lines. To scroll within the current message, use Enter and Backspace
• Press q to exit message view

5. [student@stationX ~]$ date >
[student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo >

6. [student@stationX ~]$ date >
[student@stationX ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo >>

7. [student@stationX ~]$ cat | mail -s "System Info for $(hostname) - 2" root@localhost

8. [student@stationX ~]$ (date ; cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo) | tee | mail -s "System Stats for `hostname`" root

9. [student@stationX ~]$ date ; cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo | tee | mail -s "System Stats for `hostname`" root
date would print to the screen and only cat's output would be piped to tee.

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