关于each other terminal
LD_LIBRARY_PATH shouldn't contain the current directory
I am trying to build a self-contain GLIBC 2.7. It shows following error when I run configure
checking whether ranlib is necessary... no
checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable... contains current directory
configure: error:
*** LD_LIBRARY_PATH shouldn't contain the current directory when
*** building glibc. Please change the environment variable
*** and run configure again.
The error message complains that LD_LIBRARY_PATH contain the current directory. However my LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't contain any "current directory". Actually, it's caused by the path seperate character ":" instead of "current directory". If you search LD_LIBRARY_PATH in configure
, you will find this comments
# Test if LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains the notation for the current directory
# since this would lead to problems installing/building glibc.
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains the current directory if one of the following
# is true:
# - one of the terminals (":" and ";") is the first or last sign
# - two terminals occur directly after each other
# - the path contains an element with a dot in it
Which means, The LD_LIBRARY_PATH can not start or end with character ":".
So this issue can be fixed by removing the last ':' character in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
此段文章中,terminals的意思不再是终端,而是终结符,two terminals occur directly after each other ,意思是两个终结符直接相见,注意occur不是相遇的意思,而是出现的意思,A occur after B,A在B之后出现。跟这里的occur的意思是一样的,occur
each other 与下面这个相同
-The bug where two towers are built after each other and both morph to the same tower should be fixed.
eeve.org http://www.eeve.org/board/ |
【官方信息】YouTD beta! v0.5 正式发布! http://www.eeve.org/board/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=3942 |
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Author: | mfdsrax2 [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:18 am ] |
Post subject: | 【官方信息】YouTD beta! v0.5 正式发布! |
geX官方发布了YouTD beta! v0.5,我这里重发一次,主要是翻译了一遍,以方便国内玩家,如果有翻译质量问题,请指正。 geX has released YouTD beta! v0.5 officially. I hereby post it again and translated it in order that Chinese players are easier to understand.Should there be any translation mistakes, please notice me and I'll get it fixed immediately. Finally, it's done! YouTD v0.5 is released! It took a very long time and I could only review a small part of all towers. I apologize to everybody whose tower wasn't reviewed yet. I worked all day on reviewing from December 26th until January 5th. Now university is starting again and I have exams in february, so if I would have waited until all towers are reviewed properly, the release would have been not before march or april! Back to topic: I decided to end the map at level 120 (there is also a trial mode up to level 80). Since 120 was only reached by really sick people and mostly with Icy Spires (which are patched now!), capping the game at 120 seemed okay to me (and the poll agreed). After 120 or 80, respectively, there is a "survive-as-long-as-possible" bonus level where different creeps spawn. Their spawn rate increases over time so the player will lose at some point. After the bonus level, there is a small end sequence where all contributors are mentioned, have fun with it . The next big change are save codes. You will receive a save code (only in multiplayer!) after a game or when you type save. When you type -load in the next game followed by the code, you will receive your XP back and gain "player levels" with it. With those levels, you can buy advanced and specialist builders and invest them in an XP shop near your stashes. There you can buy various smal bonuses with your levels. Also build mode is working now (even if its lame and even often a disadvantage since you cannot replace one tower with another one, so famous astral towers that level up and then get replaced by Furby are not possible in build mode!). Here is the complete changelog: Quote:
YouTD v0.5 changelog
YouTD v0.5 更新日志 beta v0.05【有误,版本号应为 beta v0.5 】 -Added XP codes. After a game or when you type -save, you will get a code that you can type in later games to get back your XP. XP will enable advanced builders and will be displayed to other players. In addition, a shop pops up near your Force Destillator, where you can buy small global bonuses for your XP. -You will no longer be asked for bounty distribution, when playing single player teams -Build mode is now available. -The map now supports HCL codes. If you are running a host bot for YouTD and want to choose game modes with HCL, check out http://www.eeve.org/YouTD/hcl.php which contains a code generator for your game modes. -You will no longer get towers of element that you haven't skilled. -You now have to skill at least one element before you can roll starting towers. -The roll button is no longer green when disabled. -Changed some details in the tower random system that previously made very cheap towers beeing chosen only very rarely. -Added Range checkers. These are free towers that can be used to check different tower ranges and then be upgraded to a desired tower (they have an item slot for tower items) -Added the "Order Attack" button to the builder: It makes all towers attack the chosen creep, if it is in their range. -Added the "Show Tower Stats" button to the builder: It shows a towers stats just like the Tower Info button but can also be used on other player's towers. -Creeps cannot have armor and spell resistance together anymore. -The bug where two towers are built after each other and both morph to the same tower should be fixed. -The levels-not-spawning-anymore bug (especially with an Ancient Energy Converter) should be fixed, hopefully. -Added 8 new creep special abilities. -Added 6 new builders. -You now see a floating text when a tower gains exp or when an item drops. -Removed countless bugs in the engine. I wonder why v0.4 worked at all... -The map now ends after 120 or 80 levels. After the last level a "surive-as-long-as-you-can" bonus-level starts where random creeps spawn faster and faster. -Added an ending sequence after the bonus level where all contributors are mentioned. (so try to beat the TD if you want to see it ) -Adjusted item drop base ratio sligthly up to 4.75%. (since there are items and oils to drop now) -Adjusted creep hitpoints slightly up, because with the new items and tower, the game should get easier. -Slightly reduced the movement speed of later levels. (+1.5 ms per level instead of +2.0 ms) -Items you drop somewhere fly back to your stash automatically. (so you won't lose any items and no item will mess up the update of a tower) -The items in a tower no longer vanish when selling or upgrading it. 请通过官方下载地址下载YouTD beta! v0.5。 |
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