1、故障1:通过查看/var/log/message 发现报错

2017-04-14 14:44:10 139845276428544 [ERROR] WSREP: It may not be safe to bootstrap the cluster from this node. It was not the last one to leave the cluster and may not contain all the updates. To force cluster bootstrap with this node, edit the grastate.dat file manually and set safe_to_bootstrap to 1 搜索网络
2017-04-14 14:44:10 139845276428544 [错误] wsrep:它可能不是引导集群节点的安全。这不是最后一个离开集群,可能不包含所有更新。与此节点集群的引导力,手动编辑grastate.dat文件和设置safe_to_bootstrap 1

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