
1、Identify the fault.

2、 If possible, identify a test case that does not execute the fault. (Reachability)

3、If possible, identify a test case that executes the fault, but does not result in an error state.

4、If possible identify a test case that results in an error, but not a failure.


程序1 for循环里i没有遍历到数组里第一个数
   程序2 for循环是从前往后循环,应该从后往前循环,因为是找最后一个0;还有一点就是应为length-1,而不是length;


程序1: test: x=null; y=5

程序2: all case will execute the fault


程序1: test: x=[1,3,5]; y=5

程序2: test: x=null;


程序1:test: x=[1,3,5]; y=0

程序2:test: x=[2,0,2];


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