June.19 2018, Week 25th Tuesday
True love is visible not to the eyes but to the heart.
True love is visible not to the eyes but to the heart, for eyes would be deceived.
True knowledge is acuired not by reading books or learning from others, it is acquired only by practising.
Don't complain too much about fruitless efforts, it is just temporary, and it just tells us that we should change the way of learing and working.
Always remember, to our common individuals, success is a sum of small efforts which need to be accumulated day in and day out.
Love by heart, learn by heart, practise by heart.
What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.
From Aristotle.
What is a friend?
What is a real friend?
Do you have any idea of these two questions?
By generally definition, a friend, a real friend, is a person who we know each other deeply and who we have a bond of mutual affection with.
In my own view, I would hope that a friend would be someone I can call upon in a time of crisis, someone I could share a complex problem with, and not be judged for sharing my side of some controversial issue.
I would like to think if I made a fool of myself, my friend, would stand by me knowing it was just an event not who I am.
Chains of friendship are usually formed in the trenches of life.
In adversity and joy, in good times and bad, is where we will from lasting ties with each other.
It is here we find the true friend.
In the actual world, the term 'friend' often is used in place of acquaintance, but we all understand that having knowledge of someone does not mean we are friends.
Being a friend requires something on the part of all parties involved, requires time and efforts.
So, forging relationships or friendships is some kind of work, which may be not as easy as we have thought before.
As W. Clement Stone said, 'Be careful the environment you choose, for it will shape you; be careful the friends we choose, for we will become like them.'
A friend can influence us a lot and can influence our decisions about life.
We must be cautious to choose friends, and we must be sincere to our friends.
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