PageRanking 通过:

  1. Input degree of link
  2. "Flow" model - 流量判断喜好度


Every term在某个doc中的权重(地位)。



Efficient cosine ranking

传统放入堆的模式:n * log(k)

使用Quick Select:n + k * log(k) : "find top k" + "sort top k"

Threshold Methods


也可以采取非精确的方式,为什么一定要绝对准确的top k呢?

Index Elimination (heuristic function)

  1. idf低,很可能是停用词
  2. 只考虑包含了多个term的doc。但有risk,return的文档数小于k

3 of 4 query terms


Champion List

Term 1  R个最高权重的docs

Term 2  R个最高权重的docs

Term 3  R个最高权重的docs

以上的result求并集,得到champion Set,然后在此内求Cosine Similarity.

Cluster Pruning Method

Can you propose some modification to this method such that it guarantees returning
the closest vector for any query? Describe your method and illustrate it with a small

Step 1: Sort leaders.
Step 2: In the high dimensionality, check whether the query is surrounded by the top k leaders. The
initial value of k > 1.
Step 3: If the query is surrounded by top k leaders, we retrieve all the followers around top k
Step 4: If not, k = k+1 and goto Step 2.
Let's illustrate it in 2D space.

When k = 3, Q1 is not surrounded by top 3 leaders (A1, A2, A3). Then, k = 4, Q1 is surrounded by
top 4 leaders. We retrieve all the followers around top 4 leaders and get the result. In this case, the
followers around other leaders cannot be closer than this result. This guarantees returning
the closest vector for any query.
This method depends on how do we define the “surround” for high-dimensional space. Normally, at
least k+1 points are needed in k-demensional space to surround one point.

If Q1 (query terms: a, b, c) is surrounded by 4 leaders, as following,
Query (a, b, c)
leader 1: (A1, B1, C1)
leader 2: (A2, B2, C2)
leader 3: (A3, B3, C3)
leader 4: (A4, B4, C4)
a must be between min(A1, A2, A3, A4) and max(A1, A2, A3, A4).
b must be between min(B1, B2, B3, B4) and max(B1, B2, B3, B4).
c must be between min(C1, C2, C3, C4) and max(C1, C2, C3, C4).

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