char *strcpy_exclude_char(char *dst, const int dst_len, const char *src, const char *exclude_list)
int i = , j = , flag = ;
const char *p = NULL;
if (dst == NULL && src == NULL)return NULL;
if (dst == src)return dst;
for (; j < dst_len && src[i] != '\0'; ++i)
flag = ;
p = exclude_list;
while (p && *p != '\0')
if (*p == src[i]){ flag = ; break; }
if (flag == )dst[j++] = src[i];
dst[j] = '\0';
return dst;
char *strcpy_replace_char(char *dst, const int dst_len, const char *src, char aim, char rep)
int i = ;
if (dst == NULL && src == NULL)return NULL;
if (dst == src)return dst;
for (; i < dst_len && src[i] != '\0'; ++i)
if (src[i] == aim)
dst[i] = rep;
dst[i] = src[i];
dst[i] = '\0';
return dst;
char * str_replace_char(char *dst, char aim, char rep)
int i = ;
if (dst == NULL)return NULL;
for (; dst[i] != '\0';++i)
if (dst[i] == aim)
dst[i] = rep;
return dst;

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