* This method is for use with UI Table addRows buttons that require the
* addition of multiple rows; given a RowIterator (such as a VO) and the
* number of rows the caller needs to add, this method figures out where
* the caller should start adding rows in order to comply with the BLAF
* standard that newly added rows should go into the bottom of the current
* table range (which is the same as the RowIterator range if things are
* set up properly), pushing rows into the next range if necessary
* Returns: range-based (not absolute) index within the current range
public static int getStartIndexForMultiInsert(RowIterator rowIt, int numRowsToAdd)
int numRowsInRange = rowIt.getRowCountInRange();
int rangeSize = rowIt.getRangeSize();
int firstIndexAtWhichToAdd = 0;
int numOpenSlotsInRange = (rangeSize - numRowsInRange); if (rowIt.getRangeSize() < rangeSize)
} if (numOpenSlotsInRange < numRowsToAdd)
firstIndexAtWhichToAdd = rangeSize - numRowsToAdd;
firstIndexAtWhichToAdd = numRowsInRange;
} return firstIndexAtWhichToAdd;
} 调用:
int indexForRowInserts = getStartIndexForMultiInsert(vo, 1);

Returns: range-based (not absolute) index within the current range的更多相关文章

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