Love means never having to say you are sorry.


Love means knowing each other deeply, then both will not do the things that may result in the other's unpleasure.

Love means tolerance, you won't flare up on the trival things in life.

But that may be too boring.

As a man, I need to be tolerate and control my temper.

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.


Problems, obstacles, all these things can make you feel frustrated and want to give up.

But if you see them as the guidelines to the right direction, you may not feel so disappointed.

Moreover, you can correct what you do by means of resolving the problems and overcoming the obstacles.

Just like debugging a program, there may be numerous problems.

If we can't locate where the problems are and correct them, they can be there all the time.

If we eliminate them, not only can we do a perfect job, but also our skills and experiences can be improved.

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