- public interface Writable {
- void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException;
- void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException;
- }
public interface Writable {
void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException;
void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException;
一个类要支持可序列化只需实现这个接口即可。下面是Writable类得层次结构,借用了<<Hadoop:The Definitive Guide>>的图。
- public class IntWritable implements WritableComparable {
- private int value;
- //…… other methods
- public static class Comparator extends WritableComparator {
- public Comparator() {
- super(IntWritable.class);
- }
- public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1,
- byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
- int thisValue = readInt(b1, s1);
- int thatValue = readInt(b2, s2);
- return (thisValue<thatValue ? -1 : (thisValue==thatValue ? 0 : 1));
- }
- }
- static { // register this comparator
- WritableComparator.define(IntWritable.class, new Comparator());
- }
- }
public class IntWritable implements WritableComparable {
private int value; //…… other methods
public static class Comparator extends WritableComparator {
public Comparator() {
} public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1,
byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
int thisValue = readInt(b1, s1);
int thatValue = readInt(b2, s2);
return (thisValue<thatValue ? -1 : (thisValue==thatValue ? 0 : 1));
} static { // register this comparator
WritableComparator.define(IntWritable.class, new Comparator());
代码中的static块调用WritableComparator的static方法define()用来注册上面这个Comparator,就是将其加入WritableComparator的comparators成员中,comparators是HashMap类型且是static的。这样,就告诉WritableComparator,当我使用WritableComparator.get(IntWritable.class)方法的时候,你返回我注册的这个Comparator给我[对IntWritable来说就是IntWritable.Comparator],然后我就可以使用[] b1, int s1, int l1,byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)来比较b1和b2,而不需要将它们反序列化成对象[像下面代码中]。[] b1, int s1, int l1,byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)中的readInt()是从WritableComparator继承来的,它将IntWritable的value从byte数组中通过移位转换出来。
- //params byte[] b1, byte[] b2
- RawComparator<IntWritable> comparator = WritableComparator.get(IntWritable.class);
//params byte[] b1, byte[] b2
RawComparator<IntWritable> comparator = WritableComparator.get(IntWritable.class);,0,b1.length,b2,0,b2.length);
注意,当comparators中没有注册要比较的类的Comparator,则会返回一个默认的Comparator,然后使用这个默认Comparator的compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1,byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)方法比较b1、b2的时候还是要序列化成对象的,详见后面细讲WritableComparator。
- public class LongWritable implements WritableComparable {
- private long value;
- //……others
- /** A decreasing Comparator optimized for LongWritable. */
- public static class DecreasingComparator extends Comparator {
- public int compare(WritableComparable a, WritableComparable b) {
- return, b);
- }
- public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
- return, s1, l1, b2, s2, l2);
- }
- }
- static { // register default comparator
- WritableComparator.define(LongWritable.class, new Comparator());
- }
- }
public class LongWritable implements WritableComparable {
private long value;
/** A decreasing Comparator optimized for LongWritable. */
public static class DecreasingComparator extends Comparator {
public int compare(WritableComparable a, WritableComparable b) {
return, b);
public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
return, s1, l1, b2, s2, l2);
static { // register default comparator
WritableComparator.define(LongWritable.class, new Comparator());
- public class VLongWritable implements WritableComparable {
- private long value;
- public VLongWritable() {}
- public VLongWritable(long value) { set(value); }
- /** Set the value of this LongWritable. */
- public void set(long value) { this.value = value; }
- /** Return the value of this LongWritable. */
- public long get() { return value; }
- public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
- value = WritableUtils.readVLong(in);
- }
- public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
- WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, value);
- }
- /** Returns true iff <code>o</code> is a VLongWritable with the same value. */
- public boolean equals(Object o) {
- if (!(o instanceof VLongWritable))
- return false;
- VLongWritable other = (VLongWritable)o;
- return this.value == other.value;
- }
- public int hashCode() {
- return (int)value;
- }
- /** Compares two VLongWritables. */
- public int compareTo(Object o) {
- long thisValue = this.value;
- long thatValue = ((VLongWritable)o).value;
- return (thisValue < thatValue ? -1 : (thisValue == thatValue ? 0 : 1));
- }
- public String toString() {
- return Long.toString(value);
- }
- }
public class VLongWritable implements WritableComparable {
private long value; public VLongWritable() {} public VLongWritable(long value) { set(value); } /** Set the value of this LongWritable. */
public void set(long value) { this.value = value; } /** Return the value of this LongWritable. */
public long get() { return value; } public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
value = WritableUtils.readVLong(in);
} public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, value);
} /** Returns true iff <code>o</code> is a VLongWritable with the same value. */
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof VLongWritable))
return false;
VLongWritable other = (VLongWritable)o;
return this.value == other.value;
} public int hashCode() {
return (int)value;
} /** Compares two VLongWritables. */
public int compareTo(Object o) {
long thisValue = this.value;
long thatValue = ((VLongWritable)o).value;
return (thisValue < thatValue ? -1 : (thisValue == thatValue ? 0 : 1));
} public String toString() {
return Long.toString(value);
} }
- public static void writeVInt(DataOutput stream, int i) throws IOException {
- writeVLong(stream, i);
- }
public static void writeVInt(DataOutput stream, int i) throws IOException {
writeVLong(stream, i);
- public static void writeVLong(DataOutput stream, long i) throws IOException {
- if (i >= -112 && i <= 127) {
- stream.writeByte((byte)i);
- return; //-112~127 only use one byte
- }
- int len = -112;
- if (i < 0) {
- i ^= -1L; // take one's complement' ~1 = (11111111)2 得到这
- //个i_2, i_2 + 1 = |i|,可想一下负数的反码如何能得到其正数[连符号一起取反+1]
- len = -120;
- }
- long tmp = i; //到这里,i一定是正数,这个数介于[0,2^64-1]
- //然后用这个循环计算一下长度,i越大,实际长度越大,偏离长度起始值[原来len]越大,len值越小
- while (tmp != 0) {
- tmp = tmp >> 8;
- len--;
- }
- //现在,我们显然计算出了一个能表示其长度的值len,只要看其偏离长度起始值多少即可
- stream.writeByte((byte)len);
- len = (len < -120) ? -(len + 120) : -(len + 112); //看吧,计算出了长度,不包含第一个Byte哈[表示长度的Byte]
- for (int idx = len; idx != 0; idx--) { //然后,这里从将i的二进制码从左到右8位8位地拿出来,然后写入流中
- int shiftbits = (idx - 1) * 8;
- long mask = 0xFFL << shiftbits;
- stream.writeByte((byte)((i & mask) >> shiftbits));
- }
- }
public static void writeVLong(DataOutput stream, long i) throws IOException {
if (i >= -112 && i <= 127) {
return; //-112~127 only use one byte
} int len = -112;
if (i < 0) {
i ^= -1L; // take one's complement' ~1 = (11111111)2 得到这
//个i_2, i_2 + 1 = |i|,可想一下负数的反码如何能得到其正数[连符号一起取反+1]
len = -120;
} long tmp = i; //到这里,i一定是正数,这个数介于[0,2^64-1]
while (tmp != 0) {
tmp = tmp >> 8;
stream.writeByte((byte)len); len = (len < -120) ? -(len + 120) : -(len + 112); //看吧,计算出了长度,不包含第一个Byte哈[表示长度的Byte] for (int idx = len; idx != 0; idx--) { //然后,这里从将i的二进制码从左到右8位8位地拿出来,然后写入流中
int shiftbits = (idx - 1) * 8;
long mask = 0xFFL << shiftbits;
stream.writeByte((byte)((i & mask) >> shiftbits));
- public static long readVLong(DataInput stream) throws IOException {
- byte firstByte = stream.readByte();
- int len = decodeVIntSize(firstByte);
- if (len == 1) {
- return firstByte;
- }
- long i = 0;
- for (int idx = 0; idx < len-1; idx++) {
- byte b = stream.readByte();
- i = i << 8;
- i = i | (b & 0xFF);
- }
- return (isNegativeVInt(firstByte) ? (i ^ -1L) : i);
- }
public static long readVLong(DataInput stream) throws IOException {
byte firstByte = stream.readByte();
int len = decodeVIntSize(firstByte);
if (len == 1) {
return firstByte;
long i = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < len-1; idx++) {
byte b = stream.readByte();
i = i << 8;
i = i | (b & 0xFF);
return (isNegativeVInt(firstByte) ? (i ^ -1L) : i);
这显然就是读出字节表示长度[包括表示长度],然后从输入流中一个Byte一个Byte读出来,& 0xFF是为了不让系统自动类型转换,然后再^ -1L,也就是连符号一起取反.
- public static int decodeVIntSize(byte value) {
- if (value >= -112) {
- return 1;
- } else if (value < -120) {
- return -119 - value;
- }
- return -111 - value;
- }
public static int decodeVIntSize(byte value) {
if (value >= -112) {
return 1;
} else if (value < -120) {
return -119 - value;
return -111 - value;
- public interface RawComparator<T> extends Comparator<T> {
- public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2);
- }
public interface RawComparator<T> extends Comparator<T> {
public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2);
WritableComparator是RawComparator实例的工厂[注册了的Writable的实现类],它为这些Writable实现类提供了反序列化用的方法,这些方法都比较简单,比较难的readVInt()和readVLong()也就是上面说到的过程。Writable还提供了compare()的默认实现,它会反序列化才比较。如果WritableComparator.get()没有得到注册的Comparator,则会创建一个新的Comparator[其实是WritableComparator的实例],然后当你使用 public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)进行比较,它会去使用你要比较的Writable的实现的readFields()方法读出value来。
比如,VIntWritable没有注册,我们get()时它就构造一个WritableComparator,然后设置key1,key2,buffer,keyClass,当你使用 public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) ,则使用VIntWritable.readField从编码后的byte[]中读取value值再进行比较。
- public class TwoDArrayWritable implements Writable {
- private Class valueClass;
- private Writable[][] values;
- //……others
- public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
- // construct matrix
- values = new Writable[in.readInt()][];
- for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
- values[i] = new Writable[in.readInt()];
- }
- // construct values
- for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < values[i].length; j++) {
- Writable value; // construct value
- try {
- value = (Writable)valueClass.newInstance();
- } catch (InstantiationException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
- }
- value.readFields(in); // read a value
- values[i][j] = value; // store it in values
- }
- }
- }
- public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
- out.writeInt(values.length); // write values
- for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
- out.writeInt(values[i].length);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < values[i].length; j++) {
- values[i][j].write(out);
- }
- }
- }
- }
public class TwoDArrayWritable implements Writable {
private Class valueClass;
private Writable[][] values; //……others
public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
// construct matrix
values = new Writable[in.readInt()][];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i] = new Writable[in.readInt()];
} // construct values
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < values[i].length; j++) {
Writable value; // construct value
try {
value = (Writable)valueClass.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
value.readFields(in); // read a value
values[i][j] = value; // store it in values
} public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
out.writeInt(values.length); // write values
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < values[i].length; j++) {
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