Codeforces Perfect Pair (JAVA)
题意:给两个数字,可以两数相加去替换其中一个数字。问要做多少次,可以让两个数字钟至少一个 >= 目标数字m,输出次数,不可能的话输出-1
import java.util.*; public class Main{ static long max(long x , long y){
return x > y ? x : y;
} static long solve(long a ,long b ,long c){
long res = 0;
while( (a >= c || b >= c) == false){
long sum = a + b;
long Max = max(a , b);
a = sum; b = Max;
return res;
static long __solve(long a , long b , long c){
long res = (-b + a - 1) / a;
long tmp = b + res * a;
res += solve(a,tmp,c);
return res;
} public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner cin = new Scanner(;
long a,b,c,res;
a = cin.nextLong();
b = cin.nextLong();
c = cin.nextLong();
if(a >= c || b >= c)
res = 0;
else if(a <= 0 && b <= 0)
res = -1;
else if(a >= 0 && b >= 0){
res = solve(a,b,c);
long tmp;
if(a < b){
tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;
res = __solve(a,b,c);
} System.out.println(res);
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