
思路:1.添加一个操作图片放大和缩小类;  2. 布局文件中引用这个自定义控件;  3. 主Activity一些修改. 代码如下:


 package com.example.imagezoomdemo;

 import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer; import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View; public class zoomimage extends View implements Observer { /** Paint object used when drawing bitmap. */
private final Paint mPaint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG); /** Rectangle used (and re-used) for cropping source image. */
private final Rect mRectSrc = new Rect(); /** Rectangle used (and re-used) for specifying drawing area on canvas. */
private final Rect mRectDst = new Rect(); /** Object holding aspect quotient */
private final AspectQuotient mAspectQuotient = new AspectQuotient(); /** The bitmap that we're zooming in, and drawing on the screen. */
private Bitmap mBitmap; /** State of the zoom. */
private ZoomState mState; private BasicZoomControl mZoomControl;
private BasicZoomListener mZoomListener; public zoomimage(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs); mZoomControl = new BasicZoomControl(); mZoomListener = new BasicZoomListener();
mZoomListener.setZoomControl(mZoomControl); setZoomState(mZoomControl.getZoomState()); setOnTouchListener(mZoomListener); mZoomControl.setAspectQuotient(getAspectQuotient());
} public void zoomImage(float f, float x, float y) {
mZoomControl.zoom(f, x, y);
} public void setImage(Bitmap bitmap) {
mBitmap = bitmap; mAspectQuotient.updateAspectQuotient(getWidth(), getHeight(),
mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight());
mAspectQuotient.notifyObservers(); invalidate();
} private void setZoomState(ZoomState state) {
if (mState != null) {
} mState = state;
mState.addObserver(this); invalidate();
} private AspectQuotient getAspectQuotient() {
return mAspectQuotient;
} @Override
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (mBitmap != null && mState != null) { Log.d("ZoomImageView", "OnDraw"); final float aspectQuotient = mAspectQuotient.get(); final int viewWidth = getWidth();
final int viewHeight = getHeight();
final int bitmapWidth = mBitmap.getWidth();
final int bitmapHeight = mBitmap.getHeight(); Log.d("ZoomImageView", "viewWidth = " + viewWidth);
Log.d("ZoomImageView", "viewHeight = " + viewHeight);
Log.d("ZoomImageView", "bitmapWidth = " + bitmapWidth);
Log.d("ZoomImageView", "bitmapHeight = " + bitmapHeight); final float panX = mState.getPanX();
final float panY = mState.getPanY();
final float zoomX = mState.getZoomX(aspectQuotient) * viewWidth
/ bitmapWidth;
final float zoomY = mState.getZoomY(aspectQuotient) * viewHeight
/ bitmapHeight; // Setup source and destination rectangles
mRectSrc.left = (int) (panX * bitmapWidth - viewWidth / (zoomX * 2));
mRectSrc.top = (int) (panY * bitmapHeight - viewHeight
/ (zoomY * 2));
mRectSrc.right = (int) (mRectSrc.left + viewWidth / zoomX);
mRectSrc.bottom = (int) (mRectSrc.top + viewHeight / zoomY);
// mRectDst.left = getLeft();
mRectDst.left = 0;
mRectDst.top = 0;
// mRectDst.right = getRight();
mRectDst.right = getWidth();
mRectDst.bottom = getHeight(); // Adjust source rectangle so that it fits within the source image.
if (mRectSrc.left < 0) {
mRectDst.left += -mRectSrc.left * zoomX;
mRectSrc.left = 0;
if (mRectSrc.right > bitmapWidth) {
mRectDst.right -= (mRectSrc.right - bitmapWidth) * zoomX;
mRectSrc.right = bitmapWidth;
if (mRectSrc.top < 0) {
mRectDst.top += -mRectSrc.top * zoomY;
mRectSrc.top = 0;
if (mRectSrc.bottom > bitmapHeight) {
mRectDst.bottom -= (mRectSrc.bottom - bitmapHeight) * zoomY;
mRectSrc.bottom = bitmapHeight;
} mRectDst.left = 0;
mRectDst.top = 0;
mRectDst.right = viewWidth;
mRectDst.bottom = viewHeight; Log.d("ZoomImageView", "mRectSrc.top" + mRectSrc.top);
Log.d("ZoomImageView", "mRectSrc.bottom" + mRectSrc.bottom);
Log.d("ZoomImageView", "mRectSrc.left" + mRectSrc.left);
Log.d("ZoomImageView", "mRectSrc.right" + mRectSrc.right); Log.d("ZoomImageView", "mRectDst.top" + mRectDst.top);
Log.d("ZoomImageView", "mRectDst.bottom" + mRectDst.bottom);
Log.d("ZoomImageView", "mRectDst.left" + mRectDst.left);
Log.d("ZoomImageView", "mRectDst.right" + mRectDst.right); canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, mRectSrc, mRectDst, mPaint);
} @Override
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right,
int bottom) {
super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom); mAspectQuotient.updateAspectQuotient(right - left, bottom - top,
mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight());
} @Override
public void update(Observable observable, Object data) {
} private class BasicZoomListener implements View.OnTouchListener { /** Zoom control to manipulate */
private BasicZoomControl mZoomControl; private float mFirstX = -1;
private float mFirstY = -1;
private float mSecondX = -1;
private float mSecondY = -1; private int mOldCounts = 0; /**
* Sets the zoom control to manipulate
* @param control
* Zoom control
public void setZoomControl(BasicZoomControl control) {
mZoomControl = control;
} public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
mOldCounts = 1;
mFirstX = event.getX();
mFirstY = event.getY();
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {
float fFirstX = event.getX();
float fFirstY = event.getY(); int nCounts = event.getPointerCount(); if (1 == nCounts) {
mOldCounts = 1;
float dx = (fFirstX - mFirstX) / v.getWidth();
float dy = (fFirstY - mFirstY) / v.getHeight();
mZoomControl.pan(-dx, -dy);
} else if (1 == mOldCounts) {
mSecondX = event.getX(event.getPointerId(nCounts - 1));
mSecondY = event.getY(event.getPointerId(nCounts - 1));
mOldCounts = nCounts;
} else {
float fSecondX = event
.getX(event.getPointerId(nCounts - 1));
float fSecondY = event
.getY(event.getPointerId(nCounts - 1)); double nLengthOld = getLength(mFirstX, mFirstY, mSecondX,
double nLengthNow = getLength(fFirstX, fFirstY, fSecondX,
fSecondY); float d = (float) ((nLengthNow - nLengthOld) / v.getWidth()); mZoomControl.zoom((float) Math.pow(20, d),
((fFirstX + fSecondX) / 2 / v.getWidth()),
((fFirstY + fSecondY) / 2 / v.getHeight())); mSecondX = fSecondX;
mSecondY = fSecondY;
mFirstX = fFirstX;
mFirstY = fFirstY; break;
} } return true;
} private double getLength(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2));
} private class BasicZoomControl implements Observer { /** Minimum zoom level limit */
private static final float MIN_ZOOM = 1; /** Maximum zoom level limit */
private static final float MAX_ZOOM = 16; /** Zoom state under control */
private final ZoomState mState = new ZoomState(); /** Object holding aspect quotient of view and content */
private AspectQuotient mAspectQuotient; /**
* Set reference object holding aspect quotient
* @param aspectQuotient
* Object holding aspect quotient
public void setAspectQuotient(AspectQuotient aspectQuotient) {
if (mAspectQuotient != null) {
} mAspectQuotient = aspectQuotient;
} /**
* Get zoom state being controlled
* @return The zoom state
public ZoomState getZoomState() {
return mState;
} /**
* Zoom
* @param f
* Factor of zoom to apply
* @param x
* X-coordinate of invariant position
* @param y
* Y-coordinate of invariant position
public void zoom(float f, float x, float y) { // Log.d("Zoom", "zoom f = " + f); final float aspectQuotient = mAspectQuotient.get(); final float prevZoomX = mState.getZoomX(aspectQuotient);
final float prevZoomY = mState.getZoomY(aspectQuotient); mState.setZoom(mState.getZoom() * f);
limitZoom(); final float newZoomX = mState.getZoomX(aspectQuotient);
final float newZoomY = mState.getZoomY(aspectQuotient); // Pan to keep x and y coordinate invariant
mState.setPanX(mState.getPanX() + (x - .5f)
* (1f / prevZoomX - 1f / newZoomX));
mState.setPanY(mState.getPanY() + (y - .5f)
* (1f / prevZoomY - 1f / newZoomY)); limitPan(); mState.notifyObservers();
} /**
* Pan
* @param dx
* Amount to pan in x-dimension
* @param dy
* Amount to pan in y-dimension
public void pan(float dx, float dy) {
final float aspectQuotient = mAspectQuotient.get(); mState.setPanX(mState.getPanX() + dx
/ mState.getZoomX(aspectQuotient));
mState.setPanY(mState.getPanY() + dy
/ mState.getZoomY(aspectQuotient)); limitPan(); mState.notifyObservers();
} /**
* Help function to figure out max delta of pan from center position.
* @param zoom
* Zoom value
* @return Max delta of pan
private float getMaxPanDelta(float zoom) {
return Math.max(0f, .5f * ((zoom - 1) / zoom));
} /**
* Force zoom to stay within limits
private void limitZoom() {
if (mState.getZoom() < MIN_ZOOM) {
} else if (mState.getZoom() > MAX_ZOOM) {
} /**
* Force pan to stay within limits
private void limitPan() {
final float aspectQuotient = mAspectQuotient.get(); final float zoomX = mState.getZoomX(aspectQuotient);
final float zoomY = mState.getZoomY(aspectQuotient); final float panMinX = .5f - getMaxPanDelta(zoomX);
final float panMaxX = .5f + getMaxPanDelta(zoomX);
final float panMinY = .5f - getMaxPanDelta(zoomY);
final float panMaxY = .5f + getMaxPanDelta(zoomY); if (mState.getPanX() < panMinX) {
if (mState.getPanX() > panMaxX) {
if (mState.getPanY() < panMinY) {
if (mState.getPanY() > panMaxY) {
} // Observable interface implementation public void update(Observable observable, Object data) {
} private class AspectQuotient extends Observable { /**
* Aspect quotient
private float mAspectQuotient; // Public methods /**
* Gets aspect quotient
* @return The aspect quotient
public float get() {
return mAspectQuotient;
} /**
* Updates and recalculates aspect quotient based on supplied view and
* content dimensions.
* @param viewWidth
* Width of view
* @param viewHeight
* Height of view
* @param contentWidth
* Width of content
* @param contentHeight
* Height of content
public void updateAspectQuotient(float viewWidth, float viewHeight,
float contentWidth, float contentHeight) {
final float aspectQuotient = (contentWidth / contentHeight)
/ (viewWidth / viewHeight); if (aspectQuotient != mAspectQuotient) {
mAspectQuotient = aspectQuotient;
} private class ZoomState extends Observable {
* Zoom level A value of 1.0 means the content fits the view.
private float mZoom; /**
* Pan position x-coordinate X-coordinate of zoom window center
* position, relative to the width of the content.
private float mPanX; /**
* Pan position y-coordinate Y-coordinate of zoom window center
* position, relative to the height of the content.
private float mPanY; // Public methods /**
* Get current x-pan
* @return current x-pan
public float getPanX() {
return mPanX;
} /**
* Get current y-pan
* @return Current y-pan
public float getPanY() {
return mPanY;
} /**
* Get current zoom value
* @return Current zoom value
public float getZoom() {
return mZoom;
} /**
* Help function for calculating current zoom value in x-dimension
* @param aspectQuotient
* (Aspect ratio content) / (Aspect ratio view)
* @return Current zoom value in x-dimension
public float getZoomX(float aspectQuotient) {
return Math.min(mZoom, mZoom * aspectQuotient);
} /**
* Help function for calculating current zoom value in y-dimension
* @param aspectQuotient
* (Aspect ratio content) / (Aspect ratio view)
* @return Current zoom value in y-dimension
public float getZoomY(float aspectQuotient) {
return Math.min(mZoom, mZoom / aspectQuotient);
} /**
* Set pan-x
* @param panX
* Pan-x value to set
public void setPanX(float panX) {
if (panX != mPanX) {
mPanX = panX;
} /**
* Set pan-y
* @param panY
* Pan-y value to set
public void setPanY(float panY) {
if (panY != mPanY) {
mPanY = panY;
} /**
* Set zoom
* @param zoom
* Zoom value to set
public void setZoom(float zoom) {
if (zoom != mZoom) {
mZoom = zoom;


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:orientation="vertical" > <!-- 引用自定义控件 -->
android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
</com.example.imagezoomdemo.zoomimage> </LinearLayout>


 package com.example.imagezoomdemo;

 import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; public class MainActivity extends Activity { private zoomimage zoomImg; @Override
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); zoomImg = (zoomimage) findViewById(R.id.image);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(this.getResources(),
} }



(2) 放大:

(3) 缩小


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