To run your script by double clicking on its icon, you will need to create a .desktop file for it:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=My script
Comment=Test hello world script

Save the above as a file on your Desktop with a .desktop extension. Change /home/user/ and /home/user/youricon.gif to the paths of your script and whichever icon you want it ot have respectively and then you'll be able to launch by double clicking it.

Specifically, for your situation, you need to do:

  1. Create a script that runs mono LOIC.exe. To do so, create a new text file with these contents:

    mono /home/logan/.loic/LOIC.exe

    Save this as /home/locan/ and then run this command to make it executable (or right click => properties and choose "Allow executing file as program"):

    chmod +x /home/logan/.loic/LOIC.exe
  2. Create a .desktop file that launches that script. Create a new text file on your Desktop called run_loic.desktop with these contents:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Run LOIC
    Comment=Run LOIC

Thread: Opening .sh files with double click?

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  1. August 28th, 2014#1

    5 Cups of Ubuntu

    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Opening .sh files with double click?

    I just install PyCharm on ubuntu 14 and by default when i double click it opens the .sh file with gedit. How could I make it to just run the program when i double click?

  2. August 28th, 2014#2

    Caffeine Fueled

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Williams Lake
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: Opening .sh files with double click?

    To run executable files from Nautilus (Files) go to the Edit menu and select Preferences->Behaviour, and under Executable Text Files select Ask each time

  3. August 28th, 2014#3

    Tall Cafè Ubuntu

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Fareham, UK
    Xubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

    Re: Opening .sh files with double click?

    Of course this only works if your script IS executable, check in the files properties.

    Catch me on Freenode - imark

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