ibatis动态sql配置启动时提示:The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data...
ibatis动态sql配置启动时提示:The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data...
<select id="exportRecieveData" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap"
SELECT L_SERIALNO as serialno,
C_CONTENT as content,
C_MOBILENO as mobileno,
C_DATE as cdate,
C_TIME as ctime,
C_FUNDACCO as fundacco,
L_BACKID as backid,
C_TASKCODE as taskcode,
C_BACK as back,
C_BACKCONTENT as backcontent,
C_BACKDATE as backdate,
C_BACKTIME as backtime,
c_pipe as l_type
<dynamic prepend="where">
<isPropertyAvailable property="taskCode">
<isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="taskCode">
C_TASKCODE =#taskCode#
<isPropertyAvailable property="startDate">
<isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="startDate">
C_DATE >= #startDate#
<isPropertyAvailable property="endDate">
<isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="endDate">
C_DATE <= #endDate#
<isPropertyAvailable property="mobileNo">
<isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="mobileNo">
C_MOBILENO = #mobileNo#
<isPropertyAvailable property="fundAcco">
<isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="fundAcco">
C_FUNDACCO = #fundAcco#
<isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="endDate">
C_DATE <= #endDate#
<isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="endDate">
#endDate# >= C_DATE
</isNotEmpty> 记住:在ibatis的配置文件中不能出现小于号
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