- [root@linux-node1 src]# openstack host list
- +-----------------------+-------------+----------+
- | Host Name | Service | Zone |
- +-----------------------+-------------+----------+
- | linux-node1.openstack | conductor | internal |
- | linux-node1.openstack | cert | internal |
- | linux-node1.openstack | consoleauth | internal |
- | linux-node1.openstack | scheduler | internal |
- | linux-node1.openstack | compute | nova |
- | linux-node2.openstack | compute | nova |
- +-----------------------+-------------+----------+
- [root@linux-node1 src]# nova service-list
- +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
- | Id | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Disabled Reason |
- +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
- | 1 | nova-conductor | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:25:08.000000 | - |
- | 4 | nova-cert | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:25:07.000000 | - |
- | 5 | nova-consoleauth | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:25:07.000000 | - |
- | 6 | nova-scheduler | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:25:07.000000 | - |
- | 7 | nova-compute | linux-node1.openstack | nova | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:24:59.000000 | - |
- | 8 | nova-compute | linux-node2.openstack | nova | enabled | down | 2016-10-31T05:55:24.000000 | - |
- +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
虽然上面显示的一个计算节点linux-node2.openstack 的State状态是down,但是Status状态还是enabled可用。
- [root@linux-node1 src]# nova service-disable linux-node2.openstack nova-compute
- +-----------------------+--------------+----------+
- | Host | Binary | Status |
- +-----------------------+--------------+----------+
- | linux-node2.openstack | nova-compute | disabled |
- +-----------------------+--------------+----------+
- [root@linux-node1 src]# nova service-list
- +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+----------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
- | Id | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Disabled Reason |
- +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+----------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
- | 1 | nova-conductor | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:25:48.000000 | - |
- | 4 | nova-cert | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:25:47.000000 | - |
- | 5 | nova-consoleauth | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:25:47.000000 | - |
- | 6 | nova-scheduler | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:25:47.000000 | - |
- | 7 | nova-compute | linux-node1.openstack | nova | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:25:49.000000 | - |
- | 8 | nova-compute | linux-node2.openstack | nova | disabled | down | 2016-11-02T11:25:48.000000 | - |
- +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+----------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
- [root@linux-node1 ~]# mysql -p
- Enter password:
- Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
- Your MariaDB connection id is 230863
- Server version: 5.5.50-MariaDB MariaDB Server
- Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
- Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
- MariaDB [(none)]> use nova;
- Database changed
- MariaDB [nova]> delete from where host="linux-node2.openstack";
- Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
- MariaDB [nova]> delete from compute_nodes where hypervisor_hostname="linux-node2.openstack";
- Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
- MariaDB [nova]> select host from;
- +-----------------------+
- | host |
- +-----------------------+
- | linux-node1.openstack |
- | linux-node1.openstack |
- | linux-node1.openstack |
- | linux-node1.openstack |
- | linux-node1.openstack |
- +-----------------------+
- 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- MariaDB [nova]> select hypervisor_hostname from compute_nodes;
- +-----------------------+
- | hypervisor_hostname |
- +-----------------------+
- | linux-node1.openstack |
- +-----------------------+
- 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
- [root@linux-node1 src]# openstack host list
- +-----------------------+-------------+----------+
- | Host Name | Service | Zone |
- +-----------------------+-------------+----------+
- | linux-node1.openstack | conductor | internal |
- | linux-node1.openstack | cert | internal |
- | linux-node1.openstack | consoleauth | internal |
- | linux-node1.openstack | scheduler | internal |
- | linux-node1.openstack | compute | nova |
- +-----------------------+-------------+----------+
- [root@linux-node1 src]# nova service-list
- +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
- | Id | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Disabled Reason |
- +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
- | 1 | nova-conductor | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:44:08.000000 | - |
- | 4 | nova-cert | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:44:08.000000 | - |
- | 5 | nova-consoleauth | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:44:07.000000 | - |
- | 6 | nova-scheduler | linux-node1.openstack | internal | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:44:07.000000 | - |
- | 7 | nova-compute | linux-node1.openstack | nova | enabled | up | 2016-11-02T11:44:09.000000 | - |
- +----+------------------+-----------------------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
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