With SCM-Manager, people can share and manage Git, Mercurial and Subversion repositories over http easily.

  1. Installing Java
    1. Download and install Java from https://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp
  2. Installing Python with Hg
    1. Download Python 2.7 from http://www.python.org/download/, please note that they call x64 CPUs x86-64
    2. Download Mercurial for Python 2.7 from http://mercurial.selenic.com/downloads/
    3. Install Python 2.7 to D:\Python27\
    4. Install the Mercurial Python package
  3. Installing the SCM-Manager
    1. Download the standalone package from http://www.scm-manager.org/download/
    2. Extract to D:\scm-server\
    3. Open cmd as Administrator and navigate to D:\scm-server\bin, run "scm-server.bat install"
    4. Go to Services, and start the scm-server service
  4. Configuring repository settings for SCM-Manager
    1. Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/
    2. The default admin username and password are both scmadmin
    3. On the left hand side, find the Config panel, and click Repository Types, the Repository Config tab opens
    4. It's better unify the repository paths to D:\SCM-Repositories\<Repository Type>
    5. In Mercurial Settings section, put the following configs:
      • HG Binary: D:\Python27\Scripts\hg.bat
      • Python Binary: D:\Python27\python.exe
      • Python Module Search Path: D:\Python27\
      • Repository directory: D:\SCM-Repositories\hg
      • Encoding: UTF-8
      • Optimize .. (.pyo): true
    6. Click the Save button
  5. Adding users to SCM-Manager
    • Adding local users
      1. On the left hand side, find the Security panel, and click Users, the Users tab opens
      2. Click the Add button, the User Form tab at the bottom shows, put necessary info there and click OK
    • Enabling Active Directory users
      1. On the left hand side, find the Config panel, and click Plugins, the Plugins tab opens
      2. Under the Authentication section, find scm-activedirectory-auth-plugin and click Install
      3. After the installation, restart the scm-server service
      4. Now AD users are able to log in
  6. Adding repositories to SCM-Manager
    1. On the left hand side, find the Main panel, and click Repositories, the Repositories tab opens
    2. Click the Add button, the Settings tab opens at the bottom
    3. Fill the Name field, you can use slash / to create a section, such as IT/Website will create a Website repository under the IT section
    4. The Type field for Hg is Mercurial
    5. The Contact, Description and Public fields are optional
    6. Click OK
  7. Configuring permissions for repositories
    1. On the Repositories tab, select a repository, 3 tabs are available at the bottom
    2. Select the Permissions tab
      • Click the Add button to add a new row for a new user or group
      • Click a cell to modify the existing settings
      • Please note: SCM-Manager has a virtual group called _authenticated which means all authenticated users
      • When done, click OK

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