
1-Remove the profile. Here is how:

  1. On your Mac, open System Preferences (click the System Preferences icon in the dock)
  2. Click Profiles
  3. Select AdminPrefs
  4. Delete this profile (AdminPrefs) by pressing the minus icon.
  5. Now delete search engine settings:
    1. Chrome: chrome://settings/searchEngines
    2. Safari: Safari > Preferences > Search

2-Delete Remove anything related. Remove anything suspicious apps to the Trash folder. Look for recently added apps.

  1. Open the Applications folder
  2. Delete or also look for “MPlayerX”,“NicePlayer”. Look for suspicious apps.
  3. Empty Trash

3-Remove the weknow addon

  1. Safari: Safari > Preferences > Extensions > Locate the extension and remove it
  2. Google Chrome: Go to chrome://extensions/ and find the addon and remove it.
  3. Firefox: Go to about:addons and remove the addon.

4-Delete weknow files:

  1. Go > Go to Folder (or press Shift + Cmd + G)
  2. Enter /Library/LaunchAgents and click Go
  3. Look for suspicious files such as “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”. Some other names you should look for Genieo, Inkeeper, InstallMac, CleanYourMac, MacKeeper, SoftwareUpdater, MplayerX, NicePlayer, installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist,”, “”, “”, “com.avickUpd.plist”. If you see any of them, drag them to the Trash folder and then empty Trash.
  4. And now repeat the same process on the following folders:
    1. /Library/Application Support
    2. /Library/LaunchDaemons

5-If your browser is Chrome, follow the steps below to change some Chrome policies, if you are still having the problem:

  1. Open the Terminal app (Go > Utilities > Terminal or press Command+Space and search Terminal)
  2. Enter the commands below, hit Enter after each
  3. defaults write HomepageIsNewTabPage -bool false
  4. defaults write NewTabPageLocation -string “”
  5. defaults write HomepageLocation -string “”
  6. defaults delete DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL
  7. defaults delete DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL
  8. defaults delete DefaultSearchProviderName
  9. Restart Chrome

Please note that the developers behind are very sneaky and they will likely further develop this malware so this means that those tips may not work in near future. We will try to keep updating this posts.

find appname and plist ,just like

find . -name "*" |grep -i  UtilityOSDaemon

then delete all these files ;


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