假设有一个棋盘(二维坐标系), 棋盘上摆放了一些石子(每个石子的坐标都为整数). 你可以remove一个石子, 当且仅当这个石子的同行或者同列还有其它石子. 输入是一个list of points.

1) 给这些石子坐标, 你最多能remove多少个石子?
2) Follow-up: 若想保证remove的石子数量最大, 应按照什么顺序remove? (没有写代码)

DFS count connected components:

// "static void main" must be defined in a public class.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] a = {0,0};
int[] b = {0,1};
int[] c = {1,2};
int[] d = {2,3};
List<int[]> coords = new ArrayList<>();
coords.add(d); System.out.println(new Solution().minReminingChessPieces(coords));
class Solution{ public int minReminingChessPieces(List<int[]> coords){
if(coords == null){
return -1;
HashSet<String> visited = new HashSet<>();
int res = 0;
for(int[] coord : coords){
String s = coord[0]+":"+coord[1];
DFSHelper(coords, coord, visited);
return res;
} public void DFSHelper(List<int[]> coords, int[] coord, HashSet<String> visited){
for(int[] subCoord : coords){
if(subCoord[0] == coord[0] || subCoord[1] == coord[1]){
DFSHelper(coords, subCoord, visited);
} }

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