PostgreSQL自学笔记:8 查询数据
8 查询数据
8.1 基本查询语句
{* | 字段1[,字段2,...]}
from 表1,表2...
[where 表达式]
[group by <分组条件>]
[having 条件表达式 [{操作 表达式}...]]
[order by [排序条件]]
[limit 行数 [offset 偏移量]]
select [字段1,字段2,...,字段n]
from [表或视图]
where [查询条件];
create table fruits(
f_id char(10) not null,
s_id int,
f_name char(255) not null,
f_price decimal(8,2) not null,
primary key(f_id)
insert into fruits
| f_id | s_id | f_name | f_price |
| a1 | 101 | 苹果 | 5.20 |
| a2 | 103 | 杏子 | 2.20 |
| b1 | 101 | 黑莓 | 10.20 |
| b2 | 104 | 番茄 | 8.60 |
| b5 | 107 | xxxx | 3.60 |
| bs1 | 102 | 橙子 | 11.20 |
| bs2 | 105 | 甜瓜 | 8.20 |
| c0 | 101 | 樱桃 | 3.20 |
| l2 | 104 | 柠檬 | 6.40 |
| m1 | 106 | 芒果 | 15.60 |
| m2 | 105 | xbaby | 3.60 |
| m3 | 105 | xxtt | 11.60 |
| o2 | 103 | 椰子 | 9.20 |
| t1 | 102 | 香蕉 | 10.30 |
| t2 | 102 | 葡萄 | 5.30 |
| t4 | 107 | xbababa | 3.60 |
8.2 单表查询
8.2.1 查询所有字段
select * from fruits;
select f_id,s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits;
8.2.2 查询指定字段
select 字段1[,字段2,...] from 表名;
select f_name from fruits;
select f_name,f_price from fruits;
8.2.3 查询指定记录
select 字段1[,字段2,...] from 表名 where 查询条件;
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price > 10;
- = <> != < <= > >=
between and
in \ not in
like : 模糊查找(通配符'%')
is null : 空值
8.2.7 空值查询
不适用或将在以后添加数据.在select语句中可以使用 is null
8.2.10 查询结果不重复
select distinct 字段名 from 表名;
select distinct s_id from fruits;
8.2.11 对查询结果排序
order by 字段1[,字段2,...] [ASC | DESC]
select f_name,f_price from fruits
order by f_name,f_price desc;
8.2.12 分组查询
group by 字段1[,字段2,...] [having 条件表达式]
group by 通常和集合函数一起使用,例如
max() min() count() sum() avg()
- having与where都是用来过滤数据,区别:
select s_id,count(*) as total from fruits
group by s_id;
select s_id,count(f_name) from fruits
group by s_id having count(f_name) > 1;
select s_id,count(f_name) from fruits
group by s_id having count(f_name) > 1
order by count(f_name);
- cookie:
在MySQL中可以写成select s_id,count(f_name) as c from fruits
group by s_id having c > 1;
8.2.13 用limit现在查询结果的数量
limit 行数 [offset 偏移量]
select * from fruits
order by f_price ASC
limit 3 offset 2;
8.3 使用集合函数查询
count() 计数
select count(*) as c from fruits;
sum() 求和
select sum(f_price) as s from fruits
where s_id = 101;
- avg() 平均数
select avg(f_price) as s from fruits
where s_id = 101;
- max() 最大
select max(f_price) as s from fruits;
- min() 最小
select max(f_price) as s from fruits;
8.4 连接查询
8.4.1 内连接查询
inner join
create table suppliers(
s_id int primary key,
s_name varchar(50) not null,
s_city varchar(50) not null
insert into suppliers
select suppliers.s_id,s_name,f_name,f_price from fruits,suppliers
where fruits.s_id = suppliers.s_id;
select suppliers.s_id,s_name,f_name,f_price from fruits
inner join suppliers on fruits.s_id=suppliers.s_id;
8.4.2 外连接查询
- left join(左连接)
返回包括左表中所有记录和右表中连接字段相等的记录 - right join(右连接)
select suppliers.s_id,s_name,f_name,f_price from fruits
left join suppliers on fruits.s_id = suppliers.s_id;
select suppliers.s_id,s_name,f_name,f_price from suppliers
right join fruits on fruits.s_id = suppliers.s_id;
- 注:
8.4.3 复合条件连接查询
select suppliers.s_id,s_name,f_name,f_price from fruits
inner join suppliers on fruits.s_id = suppliers.s_id
order by f_price;
8.5 子查询
8.5.1 带any,some关键字的子查询
先建表tb11 tb12并插入数据
create table tb11(num1 int not null);
create table tb12(num2 int not null);
insert into tb11 values(1),(3),(5),(99);
insert into tb12 values(2),(4),(8),(16);
select num1 from tb11 where num1 > any (
select num2 from tb12
| num1 |
| 3 |
| 5 |
| 99 |
8.5.2 带all关键字的子查询
select num1 from tb11 where num1 > all (
select num2 from tb12
| num1 |
| 99 |
8.5.3 带exists关键字的子查询
select * from fruits where f_price >10.2 and exists
(select s_name from suppliers where s_id=107);
8.5.4 带in关键字的子查询
create table customers(
c_id char(10) primary key,
c_name varchar(255) not null,
c_emil varchar(50) null
insert into customers
create table orders(
o_num int null,
o_date date not null,
c_id varchar(50) not null
insert into orders
values(30001,'2018-09-01 00:00:00','10001'),
(30002,'2018-09-12 00:00:00','10003'),
(30003,'2018-09-30 00:00:00','10004'),
(null,'2018-10-03 00:00:00','10002'),
(30004,'2018-10-03 00:00:00','null'),
(30005,'2018-10-08 00:00:00','10001');
select o_num from orders where c_id in (
select c_id from customers where c_name='RedHook'
8.5.5 带比较运算符的子查询
< = >= <= != <>
select s_id f_name from fruits where s_id <> (
select s1.s_id from suppliers as s1
where s1.s_city = '天津'
8.6 合并查询
个select语句之间使用 union或 union all关键字分隔.union
select 字段1[,字段2,...] from 表1
union [all] select 字段1[,字段2,...] from 表2;
select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price < 9
union select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits
where s_id in (101,103);
8.7 为表和字段取别名
8.7.1 为表取别名
表名 [as] 表别名
select * from orders as o where o.o_num=30001;
8.7.2 为字段取别名
列名 [as] 列别名
select f1.f_name as fn, f1.f_price as fp
from fruits as f1 where f1.f_price <8;
8.8 使用正则表达式查询
- ~ 匹配正则表达式,区分大小写
- ~* 匹配正则表达式,不区分大小写
- !~ 不匹配正则表达式,区分大小写
- !~ 不匹配正则表达式,不0区分大小写
8.8.1 查询以特定字符或字符串开头的记录 ^
select * from fruits where f_name ~ '^x';
- cookie:
select * from fruits where f_name regexp '^x';
8.8.3 用'.'符号代替字符串中的任意一个字符
select * from fruits where f_name ~ '.子';
8.8.4 使用'*'和'+'匹配多个字符
select * from fruits where f_name ~ 'ba*';
8.8.5 匹配指定字符串
select * from fruits where f_name ~ '子';
8.8.6 匹配指定字符中的任意一个 []
select * from fruits where f_name ~ '[果子]';
8.8.7 匹配指定字符以外的字符 !~
select * from fruits where f_name !~ '[果子]';
8.8.8 使用{M}或者{M,N}指定字符串连续出现的次数
select * from fruits where f_name ~ 'x{2,}';
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