I studied the on-line course(http://brickisland.net/DDGSpring2016/) by myself, and here are the screenshots of my implements(https://github.com/yaoyansi/DDGSpring2016) on some algorithms.

equally-weighted normal

area-weighted normals

angle-weighted normals

mean curvature normal

sphere-inscribed normal

Pick some vertexes and set the values, then construct the discrete Laplacian operator and solve the Poisson equation.

Perform one step of your mean curvature flow on the mesh to smooth the mesh

step size = 0.01

step size = 0.02

step size = 0.05

Decompose a vector field into 3 components: exact(curl-free), coexact(div-free), harmonic(curl-free&div-free)

top left, top right, down left, down right:  vector field, exact, coexact, harmonic

Some elementary algorithms on discrete differential geometry(DDGSpring2016 Demos)的更多相关文章

  1. Discrete.Differential.Geometry-An.Applied.Introduction(sig2013) 笔记

    The author has a course on web: http://brickisland.net/DDGSpring2016/ It has more reading assignment ...

  2. Discrete.Differential.Geometry-An.Applied.Introduction(sig2008)笔记

    -------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Introduction to Discrete D ...

  3. <<Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces>>笔记

    <Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces> by Manfredo P. do Carmo real line Rinterval I== ...

  4. <Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces>(by Manfredo P. do Carmo) Notes

    <Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces> by Manfredo P. do Carmo real line Rinterval I== ...

  5. 图书源代码下载: Modern Differential Geometry of CURVES and SURFACES with Mathematica

    http://alpha01.dm.unito.it/personalpages/abbena/gray/ Contents   1. Curves in the Plane |   2. Famou ...

  6. Differential Geometry之第五章曲面的内蕴几何学

    第五章.曲面的内蕴几何学 1.曲面的等距变换 2.曲面的协变微分 协变微分: 3.测地曲率与测地线 4.测地坐标系 4.1.测地平行坐标系 4.2.测地极坐标系和法坐标系 5.Gauss-Bonnet ...

  7. Differential Geometry之第四章标架与曲面论的基本定理

    第四章.标架与曲面论的基本定理 1.活动标架 2.自然标架的运动方程 爱因斯坦求和约定(Einstein summation convention) 3.曲面的结构方程 4.曲面的存在唯一性定理 5. ...

  8. Differential Geometry之第三章曲面的局部理论

    第三章.曲面的局部理论 1.曲面的概念 1.1.曲面的概念 1.2.切平面与法向 2.曲面的第一基本形式 3.曲面的第二基本形式 正定矩阵:一个n阶的实对称矩阵M是正定的的条件是当且仅当对于所有的非零 ...

  9. Differential Geometry之第二章曲线的局部理论

    第二章.曲线的局部理论 2.1 曲线的概念 关于非正则曲线的讨论: ,这是个非正则点(尖点),且它是非正则曲线. 直观上,间断点,孤立点,结点(交叉点),尖点是非正则点. 有记载说:当同一条曲线用不同 ...


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