class MK
Stream connection;
TcpClient con; public MK(string ip)
con = new TcpClient();
con.Connect(ip, );
connection = (Stream)con.GetStream();
public void Close()
public bool Login(string username, string password)
Send("/login", true);
string hash = Read()[].Split(new string[] { "ret=" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[];
Send("=name=" + username);
Send("=response=00" + EncodePassword(password, hash), true);
if (Read()[] == "!done")
return true;
return false;
public void Send(string co, bool endsentence=false)
byte[] bajty = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(co.ToCharArray());
byte[] velikost = EncodeLength(bajty.Length); connection.Write(velikost, , velikost.Length);
connection.Write(bajty, , bajty.Length);
public List<string> Read()
List<string> output = new List<string>();
string o = "";
byte[] tmp = new byte[];
long count;
while (true)
tmp[] = (byte)connection.ReadByte();
//if(tmp[3] == 220) tmp[3] = (byte)connection.ReadByte(); it sometimes happend to me that
//mikrotik send 220 as some kind of "bonus" between words, this fixed things, not sure about it though
if (tmp[] == )
if (o.Substring(, ) == "!done")
o = "";
if (tmp[] < 0x80)
count = tmp[];
if (tmp[] < 0xC0)
int tmpi = BitConverter.ToInt32(new byte[] { (byte)connection.ReadByte(), tmp[], , }, );
count = tmpi ^ 0x8000;
if (tmp[] < 0xE0)
tmp[] = (byte)connection.ReadByte();
int tmpi = BitConverter.ToInt32(new byte[] { (byte)connection.ReadByte(), tmp[], tmp[], }, );
count = tmpi ^ 0xC00000;
if (tmp[] < 0xF0)
tmp[] = (byte)connection.ReadByte();
tmp[] = (byte)connection.ReadByte();
int tmpi = BitConverter.ToInt32(new byte[] { (byte)connection.ReadByte(), tmp[], tmp[], tmp[] }, );
count = tmpi ^ 0xE0000000;
if (tmp[] == 0xF0)
tmp[] = (byte)connection.ReadByte();
tmp[] = (byte)connection.ReadByte();
tmp[] = (byte)connection.ReadByte();
tmp[] = (byte)connection.ReadByte();
count = BitConverter.ToInt32(tmp, );
//Error in packet reception, unknown length
} for (int i = ; i < count; i++)
o += (Char)connection.ReadByte();
return output;
byte[] EncodeLength(int delka)
if (delka < 0x80)
byte[] tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(delka);
return new byte[] { tmp[] };
if (delka < 0x4000)
byte[] tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(delka | 0x8000);
return new byte[] { tmp[], tmp[] };
if (delka < 0x200000)
byte[] tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(delka | 0xC00000);
return new byte[] { tmp[], tmp[], tmp[] };
if (delka < 0x10000000)
byte[] tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(delka | 0xE0000000);
return new byte[] { tmp[], tmp[], tmp[], tmp[] };
byte[] tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(delka);
return new byte[] { 0xF0, tmp[], tmp[], tmp[], tmp[] };
} public string EncodePassword(string Password, string hash)
byte[] hash_byte = new byte[hash.Length / ];
for (int i = ; i <= hash.Length - ; i += )
hash_byte[i / ] = Byte.Parse(hash.Substring(i, ), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
byte[] heslo = new byte[ + Password.Length + hash_byte.Length];
heslo[] = ;
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Password.ToCharArray()).CopyTo(heslo, );
hash_byte.CopyTo(heslo, + Password.Length); Byte[] hotovo;
System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 md5; md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); hotovo = md5.ComputeHash(heslo); //Convert encoded bytes back to a 'readable' string
string navrat = "";
foreach (byte h in hotovo)
navrat += h.ToString("x2");
return navrat;

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