
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const int N = 1000005;
char s[1000005]; map<string, int> StoI;
vector<string> ItoS;
int tot = 0;
vector<int> result;
struct Node {
int to, nx;
} E[N][2];
int head[N][2];
int tol[2] = {0, 0}; int tag[N][2];
int vis[N][2]; void add(int fr, int to) {
E[tol[0]][0].to = to;
E[tol[0]][0].nx = head[fr][0];
head[fr][0] = tol[0]++; E[tol[1]][1].to = fr;
E[tol[1]][1].nx = head[to][1];
head[to][1] = tol[1]++;
void dfs(int x, int flag) {
vis[x][flag] = 1;
// printf("%d %d %s\n", x, flag, ItoS[x].c_str());
for (int i = head[x][flag]; ~i; i = E[i][flag].nx) {
int to = E[i][flag].to;
if (vis[to][flag ^ 1])
dfs(to, flag ^ 1);
int main() {
#ifdef LOCAL
freopen("/Users/basasuya/ACM/in.txt", "r", stdin);
int cnt = 0;
memset(head, -1, sizeof(head));
while (1) {
s[cnt++] = getchar();
if (s[cnt - 1] == -1 || s[cnt - 1] == '\n') {
s[cnt - 1] = 0;
int sLen = strlen(s);
string tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < sLen; ++i) {
if (s[i] == ' ' || s[i] == '.' || s[i] == ',') {
if (!tmp.empty()) {
if (StoI.find(tmp) == StoI.end()) {
StoI[tmp] = tot;
int Id = StoI[tmp];
if (s[i] == '.')
else if (s[i] == ',')
} else
tmp += s[i];
for (int i = 0, len = result.size(); i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= 1 && result[i - 1] > 0 && result[i] > 0) {
add(result[i - 1], result[i]);
} else if (i >= 2 && result[i - 2] > 0 && result[i] > 0 && result[i - 1] == -1) {
add(result[i - 2], result[i]);
tag[result[i - 2]][0]++;
for (int i = 1; i <= tot; ++i) {
if (!vis[i][0] && tag[i][0]) {
dfs(i, 0);
if (!vis[i][1] && tag[i][1]) {
dfs(i, 1);
} for (int i = 0, len = result.size(), ok = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i && result[i - 1] > 0 && result[i] > 0 && (tag[result[i - 1]][0] || tag[result[i]][1]))
if (result[i] < 0)
else if (result[i] == 0)
else {
if (i)
printf(" ");
string& tmp = ItoS[result[i]];
for (int j = 0, len = tmp.length(); j < len; ++j) {
printf("%c", tmp[j]);

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