Given an integer (signed 32 bits), write a function to check whether it is a power of 4.

Example 1:

Input: 16
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: 5
Output: false

Follow up: Could you solve it without loops/recursion?

Special thanks to @yukuairoy for adding this problem and creating all test cases.



class Solution {
bool isPowerOfFour(int num) {
while (num && (num % == )) {
num /= ;
return num == ;

还有一种方法是跟 Power of Three 中的解法三一样,使用换底公式来做,讲解请参见之前那篇博客:


class Solution {
bool isPowerOfFour(int num) {
return num > && int(log10(num) / log10()) - log10(num) / log10() == ;

下面这种方法是网上比较流行的一种解法,思路很巧妙,首先根据 Power of Two 中的解法二,我们知道 num & (num - 1) 可以用来判断一个数是否为2的次方数,更进一步说,就是二进制表示下,只有最高位是1,那么由于是2的次方数,不一定是4的次方数,比如8,所以我们还要其他的限定条件,我们仔细观察可以发现,4的次方数的最高位的1都是计数位,那么我们只需与上一个数 (0x55555555) <==> 1010101010101010101010101010101,如果得到的数还是其本身,则可以肯定其为4的次方数:


class Solution {
bool isPowerOfFour(int num) {
return num > && !(num & (num - )) && (num & 0x55555555) == num;



class Solution {
bool isPowerOfFour(int num) {
return num > && !(num & (num - )) && (num - ) % == ;


Power of Three

Power of Two


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