- $(document).ready(function(){
- var video = $('#myVideo');
- //remove default control when JS loaded
- video[0].removeAttribute("controls");
- $('.control').show().css({'bottom':-45});
- $('.loading').fadeIn(500);
- $('.caption').fadeIn(500);
- //before everything get started
- video.on('loadedmetadata', function() {
- $('.caption').animate({'top':-45},300);
- //set video properties
- $('.current').text(timeFormat(0));
- $('.duration').text(timeFormat(video[0].duration));
- updateVolume(0, 0.7);
- //start to get video buffering data
- setTimeout(startBuffer, 150);
- //bind video events
- $('.videoContainer')
- .append('<div id="init"></div>')
- .hover(function() {
- $('.control').stop().animate({'bottom':0}, 500);
- $('.caption').stop().animate({'top':0}, 500);
- }, function() {
- if(!volumeDrag && !timeDrag){
- $('.control').stop().animate({'bottom':-45}, 500);
- $('.caption').stop().animate({'top':-45}, 500);
- }
- })
- .on('click', function() {
- $('#init').remove();
- $('.btnPlay').addClass('paused');
- $(this).unbind('click');
- video[0].play();
- });
- $('#init').fadeIn(200);
- });
- //display video buffering bar
- var startBuffer = function() {
- var currentBuffer = video[0].buffered.end(0);
- var maxduration = video[0].duration;
- var perc = 100 * currentBuffer / maxduration;
- $('.bufferBar').css('width',perc+'%');
- if(currentBuffer < maxduration) {
- setTimeout(startBuffer, 500);
- }
- };
- //display current video play time
- video.on('timeupdate', function() {
- var currentPos = video[0].currentTime;
- var maxduration = video[0].duration;
- var perc = 100 * currentPos / maxduration;
- $('.timeBar').css('width',perc+'%');
- $('.current').text(timeFormat(currentPos));
- });
- //video screen and play button clicked
- video.on('click', function() { playpause(); } );
- $('.btnPlay').on('click', function() { playpause(); } );
- var playpause = function() {
- if(video[0].paused || video[0].ended) {
- $('.btnPlay').addClass('paused');
- video[0].play();
- }
- else {
- $('.btnPlay').removeClass('paused');
- video[0].pause();
- }
- };
- //speed text clicked
- $('.btnx1').on('click', function() { fastfowrd(this, 1); });
- $('.btnx3').on('click', function() { fastfowrd(this, 3); });
- var fastfowrd = function(obj, spd) {
- $('.text').removeClass('selected');
- $(obj).addClass('selected');
- video[0].playbackRate = spd;
- video[0].play();
- };
- //stop button clicked
- $('.btnStop').on('click', function() {
- $('.btnPlay').removeClass('paused');
- updatebar($('.progress').offset().left);
- video[0].pause();
- });
- //fullscreen button clicked
- $('.btnFS').on('click', function() {
- if($.isFunction(video[0].webkitEnterFullscreen)) {
- video[0].webkitEnterFullscreen();
- }
- else if ($.isFunction(video[0].mozRequestFullScreen)) {
- video[0].mozRequestFullScreen();
- }
- else {
- alert('Your browsers doesn\'t support fullscreen');
- }
- });
- //light bulb button clicked
- $('.btnLight').click(function() {
- $(this).toggleClass('lighton');
- //if lightoff, create an overlay
- if(!$(this).hasClass('lighton')) {
- $('body').append('<div class="overlay"></div>');
- $('.overlay').css({
- 'position':'absolute',
- 'width':100+'%',
- 'height':$(document).height(),
- 'background':'#000',
- 'opacity':0.9,
- 'top':0,
- 'left':0,
- 'z-index':999
- });
- $('.videoContainer').css({
- 'z-index':1000
- });
- }
- //if lighton, remove overlay
- else {
- $('.overlay').remove();
- }
- });
- //sound button clicked
- $('.sound').click(function() {
- video[0].muted = !video[0].muted;
- $(this).toggleClass('muted');
- if(video[0].muted) {
- $('.volumeBar').css('width',0);
- }
- else{
- $('.volumeBar').css('width', video[0].volume*100+'%');
- }
- });
- //video canplay event
- video.on('canplay', function() {
- $('.loading').fadeOut(100);
- });
- //video canplaythrough event
- //solve Chrome cache issue
- var completeloaded = false;
- video.on('canplaythrough', function() {
- completeloaded = true;
- });
- //video ended event
- video.on('ended', function() {
- $('.btnPlay').removeClass('paused');
- video[0].pause();
- });
- //video seeking event
- video.on('seeking', function() {
- //if video fully loaded, ignore loading screen
- if(!completeloaded) {
- $('.loading').fadeIn(200);
- }
- });
- //video seeked event
- video.on('seeked', function() { });
- //video waiting for more data event
- video.on('waiting', function() {
- $('.loading').fadeIn(200);
- });
- //when video timebar clicked
- var timeDrag = false; /* check for drag event */
- $('.progress').on('mousedown', function(e) {
- timeDrag = true;
- updatebar(e.pageX);
- });
- $(document).on('mouseup', function(e) {
- if(timeDrag) {
- timeDrag = false;
- updatebar(e.pageX);
- }
- });
- $(document).on('mousemove', function(e) {
- if(timeDrag) {
- updatebar(e.pageX);
- }
- });
- var updatebar = function(x) {
- var progress = $('.progress');
- //calculate drag position
- //and update video currenttime
- //as well as progress bar
- var maxduration = video[0].duration;
- var position = x - progress.offset().left;
- var percentage = 100 * position / progress.width();
- if(percentage > 100) {
- percentage = 100;
- }
- if(percentage < 0) {
- percentage = 0;
- }
- $('.timeBar').css('width',percentage+'%');
- video[0].currentTime = maxduration * percentage / 100;
- };
- //volume bar event
- var volumeDrag = false;
- $('.volume').on('mousedown', function(e) {
- volumeDrag = true;
- video[0].muted = false;
- $('.sound').removeClass('muted');
- updateVolume(e.pageX);
- });
- $(document).on('mouseup', function(e) {
- if(volumeDrag) {
- volumeDrag = false;
- updateVolume(e.pageX);
- }
- });
- $(document).on('mousemove', function(e) {
- if(volumeDrag) {
- updateVolume(e.pageX);
- }
- });
- var updateVolume = function(x, vol) {
- var volume = $('.volume');
- var percentage;
- //if only volume have specificed
- //then direct update volume
- if(vol) {
- percentage = vol * 100;
- }
- else {
- var position = x - volume.offset().left;
- percentage = 100 * position / volume.width();
- }
- if(percentage > 100) {
- percentage = 100;
- }
- if(percentage < 0) {
- percentage = 0;
- }
- //update volume bar and video volume
- $('.volumeBar').css('width',percentage+'%');
- video[0].volume = percentage / 100;
- //change sound icon based on volume
- if(video[0].volume == 0){
- $('.sound').removeClass('sound2').addClass('muted');
- }
- else if(video[0].volume > 0.5){
- $('.sound').removeClass('muted').addClass('sound2');
- }
- else{
- $('.sound').removeClass('muted').removeClass('sound2');
- }
- };
- //Time format converter - 00:00
- var timeFormat = function(seconds){
- var m = Math.floor(seconds/60)<10 ? "0"+Math.floor(seconds/60) : Math.floor(seconds/60);
- var s = Math.floor(seconds-(m*60))<10 ? "0"+Math.floor(seconds-(m*60)) : Math.floor(seconds-(m*60));
- return m+":"+s;
- };
- });
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