which framework or library is best to use WebRTC


I want to know that which framework or library is best to use WebRTC. Here is a small and incomplete list of libraries/SDK out there. Any lib that I forgot, feel free to let me know:


Tutorial/resource for implementing:

Has somebody done a compare of all the frameworks? It would help those who are new to WebRTC.


Having researched on WebRTC as a new technology, I could not find a more complete source than your experience. I decided to post this question in order to make a trigger that will compare the available sources.

Thanks a lot.

That should get you started :-) If you were focussing your question, we could point you to a smaller list. That is is also by no mean exhaustive, but should have the usual suspects.


  • lynckia/licode - open source
  • meetecho (janus) - open source
  • kurento - open source
  • jitsi (meetme) - open source
  • acano
  • pexip
  • tokbox (mantis)
  • openClove
  • Temasys


  • holla (used by twelephone)
  • openPeer (hookflash)


  • twilio (audio only)
  • requestec (product: saypage)
  • plivo
  • Tokbox
  • openClove
  • tropo (audio only)
  • weemo
  • voximplant (audio only?)
  • Priologic (easyRTC, tawk.com, proPhone)
  • Dialogic
  • bistri
  • Apidaze (apiRTC)
  • CafeX
  • hookflash
  • ApiZee
  • Temasys (SkyWayJS)
  • &yet (simpleRTC)
  • RTCMultiConnection (muazkhan, demo)
  • crocodileRTC - the company has been bought/absorbed by ACIVISION. I don't know what is the status of this library, you might want to contact peter dunkley for update.
  • peerjs (data channel)
  • rtc.io
  • webrtc.io (no changes for almost a year)
  • webrtc-data.io (stripped down, data only version of webrtc.io)


  • getaroom.io (uses SkywayJS)
  • webrtc-enterprise.com (uses SkywayJS)
  • talky.io (uses simpleRTC)
  • tawk (uses easyRTC)
  • rtccopy (uses webrtc-data.io)
  • twelephone



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