which framework or library is best to use WebRTC
which framework or library is best to use WebRTC
I want to know that which framework or library is best to use WebRTC. Here is a small and incomplete list of libraries/SDK out there. Any lib that I forgot, feel free to let me know:
- simpleRTC
- RTCMultiConnection
- crocodileRTC
- lynckia/licode (This is more interesting for their server side, MCU)
- holla (used by twelephone)
- peerjs (data channel)
- rtc.io
- webrtc.io (no changes for almost a year)
- webrtc-data.io (stripped down, data only version of webrtc.io)
- talky.io (uses simpleRTC)
- easyRTC (priologic)
- tawk (uses easyRTC, priologic)
- rtccopy (uses webrtc-data.io)
Tutorial/resource for implementing:
- WebRTC Experiments & Demos
- http://badassjs.com/post/43090030238/peerjs-a-peer-to-peer-networking-library-in-javascript
Has somebody done a compare of all the frameworks? It would help those who are new to WebRTC.
Having researched on WebRTC as a new technology, I could not find a more complete source than your experience. I decided to post this question in order to make a trigger that will compare the available sources.
Thanks a lot.
That should get you started :-) If you were focussing your question, we could point you to a smaller list. That is is also by no mean exhaustive, but should have the usual suspects.
- lynckia/licode - open source
- meetecho (janus) - open source
- kurento - open source
- jitsi (meetme) - open source
- acano
- pexip
- tokbox (mantis)
- openClove
- Temasys
- holla (used by twelephone)
- openPeer (hookflash)
- twilio (audio only)
- requestec (product: saypage)
- plivo
- Tokbox
- openClove
- tropo (audio only)
- weemo
- voximplant (audio only?)
- Priologic (easyRTC, tawk.com, proPhone)
- Dialogic
- bistri
- Apidaze (apiRTC)
- CafeX
- hookflash
- ApiZee
- Temasys (SkyWayJS)
- &yet (simpleRTC)
- RTCMultiConnection (muazkhan, demo)
- crocodileRTC - the company has been bought/absorbed by ACIVISION. I don't know what is the status of this library, you might want to contact peter dunkley for update.
- peerjs (data channel)
- rtc.io
- webrtc.io (no changes for almost a year)
- webrtc-data.io (stripped down, data only version of webrtc.io)
- getaroom.io (uses SkywayJS)
- webrtc-enterprise.com (uses SkywayJS)
- talky.io (uses simpleRTC)
- tawk (uses easyRTC)
- rtccopy (uses webrtc-data.io)
- twelephone
- http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/basics/
- http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/infrastructure/
- http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/datachannels/
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/API/WebRTC/Peer-to-peer_communications_with_WebRTC
- https://bitbucket.org/webrtc/codelab
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