然后接下来的操作就是调用invoke(_service, in, out)函数了,也没有其他重要的操作了。
public void invoke(InputStream is, OutputStream os, SerializerFactory serializerFactory) throws Exception { HessianInputFactory.HeaderType header = _inputFactory.readHeader(is); AbstractHessianInput in; AbstractHessianOutput out; switch (header) { case CALL_1_REPLY_1: in = _hessianFactory.createHessianInput(is); out = _hessianFactory.createHessianOutput(os); break; case CALL_1_REPLY_2: in = _hessianFactory.createHessianInput(is); out = _hessianFactory.createHessian2Output(os); break; case HESSIAN_2: in = _hessianFactory.createHessian2Input(is); in.readCall(); out = _hessianFactory.createHessian2Output(os); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(header + " is an unknown Hessian call"); } if (serializerFactory != null) { in.setSerializerFactory(serializerFactory); out.setSerializerFactory(serializerFactory); } try { invoke(_service, in, out); } finally { in.close(); out.close(); if (isDebug) os.close(); } }
调用invoke(_service, in, out)函数实际是调用如下操作,也是没有具体操作
public void invoke(AbstractHessianInput in, AbstractHessianOutput out) throws Exception { invoke(_service, in, out); }
接下来调用invoke(_service, in, out)函数是整个服务端的核心了,
首先是获取函数名mehtodName,通过methodName = in.readMethod()反序列化来获得函数名
定义函数对象Method method;
然后根据函数名获得函数对象 method = getMethod(methodName);,这里的函数对象是以函数名为key以对象为value存放到map中去的,这样有利于提高性能
ServiceContext context = ServiceContext.getContext(); // backward compatibility for some frameworks that don't read // the call type first in.skipOptionalCall(); // Hessian 1.0 backward compatibility String header; while ((header = in.readHeader()) != null) { Object value = in.readObject(); context.addHeader(header, value); } String methodName = in.readMethod(); int argLength = in.readMethodArgLength(); Method method; method = getMethod(methodName + "__" + argLength); if (method == null) method = getMethod(methodName);
Object []values = new Object[args.length];创建参数对象数组
values[i] = in.readObject(args[i]);反序列化客户端发送过来的参数值
result = method.invoke(service, values); 通过反射调用客户端想要调用的函数,并返回结果。
<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Class<?> []args = method.getParameterTypes(); if (argLength != args.length && argLength >= 0) { out.writeFault("NoSuchMethod", escapeMessage("method " + method + " argument length mismatch, received length=" + argLength), null); out.close(); return; } Object []values = new Object[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // XXX: needs Marshal object values[i] = in.readObject(args[i]); } Object result = null; try { result = method.invoke(service, values); } catch (Exception e) { Throwable e1 = e; if (e1 instanceof InvocationTargetException) e1 = ((InvocationTargetException) e).getTargetException(); log.log(Level.FINE, this + " " + e1.toString(), e1); out.writeFault("ServiceException", escapeMessage(e1.getMessage()), e1); out.close(); return; } // The complete call needs to be after the invoke to handle a // trailing InputStream in.completeCall(); out.writeReply(result); out.close();
public class HessianSkeleton extends AbstractSkeleton { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HessianSkeleton.class.getName()); private boolean _isDebug; private HessianInputFactory _inputFactory = new HessianInputFactory(); private HessianFactory _hessianFactory = new HessianFactory(); private Object _service; /** * Create a new hessian skeleton. * * @param service the underlying service object. * @param apiClass the API interface */ public HessianSkeleton(Object service, Class<?> apiClass) { super(apiClass); if (service == null) service = this; _service = service; if (! apiClass.isAssignableFrom(service.getClass())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service " + service + " must be an instance of " + apiClass.getName()); } /** * Create a new hessian skeleton. * * @param service the underlying service object. * @param apiClass the API interface */ public HessianSkeleton(Class<?> apiClass) { super(apiClass); } public void setDebug(boolean isDebug) { _isDebug = isDebug; } public boolean isDebug() { return _isDebug; } public void setHessianFactory(HessianFactory factory) { _hessianFactory = factory; } /** * Invoke the object with the request from the input stream. * * @param in the Hessian input stream * @param out the Hessian output stream */ public void invoke(InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws Exception { invoke(is, os, null); } /** * Invoke the object with the request from the input stream. * * @param in the Hessian input stream * @param out the Hessian output stream */ public void invoke(InputStream is, OutputStream os, SerializerFactory serializerFactory) throws Exception { boolean isDebug = false; if (isDebugInvoke()) { isDebug = true; PrintWriter dbg = createDebugPrintWriter(); HessianDebugInputStream dIs = new HessianDebugInputStream(is, dbg); dIs.startTop2(); is = dIs; HessianDebugOutputStream dOs = new HessianDebugOutputStream(os, dbg); dOs.startTop2(); os = dOs; } HessianInputFactory.HeaderType header = _inputFactory.readHeader(is); AbstractHessianInput in; AbstractHessianOutput out; //通过头部信息来选择序列化和反序列化方式 switch (header) { case CALL_1_REPLY_1: in = _hessianFactory.createHessianInput(is); out = _hessianFactory.createHessianOutput(os); break; case CALL_1_REPLY_2: in = _hessianFactory.createHessianInput(is); out = _hessianFactory.createHessian2Output(os); break; case HESSIAN_2: in = _hessianFactory.createHessian2Input(is); in.readCall(); out = _hessianFactory.createHessian2Output(os); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(header + " is an unknown Hessian call"); } if (serializerFactory != null) { in.setSerializerFactory(serializerFactory); out.setSerializerFactory(serializerFactory); } try { invoke(_service, in, out); } finally { in.close(); out.close(); if (isDebug) os.close(); } } /** * Invoke the object with the request from the input stream. * * @param in the Hessian input stream * @param out the Hessian output stream */ public void invoke(AbstractHessianInput in, AbstractHessianOutput out) throws Exception { invoke(_service, in, out); } /** * Invoke the object with the request from the input stream. * * @param in the Hessian input stream * @param out the Hessian output stream */ public void invoke(Object service, AbstractHessianInput in, AbstractHessianOutput out) throws Exception { ServiceContext context = ServiceContext.getContext(); // backward compatibility for some frameworks that don't read // the call type first in.skipOptionalCall(); // Hessian 1.0 backward compatibility String header; while ((header = in.readHeader()) != null) { Object value = in.readObject(); context.addHeader(header, value); } //反序列化获得客户端发送过来的函数名 String methodName = in.readMethod(); int argLength = in.readMethodArgLength(); Method method; //从map中获取Method对象 method = getMethod(methodName + "__" + argLength); if (method == null) method = getMethod(methodName); if (method != null) { } else if ("_hessian_getAttribute".equals(methodName)) { String attrName = in.readString(); in.completeCall(); String value = null; if ("java.api.class".equals(attrName)) value = getAPIClassName(); else if ("java.home.class".equals(attrName)) value = getHomeClassName(); else if ("java.object.class".equals(attrName)) value = getObjectClassName(); out.writeReply(value); out.close(); return; } else if (method == null) { out.writeFault("NoSuchMethodException", escapeMessage("The service has no method named: " + in.getMethod()), null); out.close(); return; } //获得参数值类型 Class<?> []args = method.getParameterTypes(); if (argLength != args.length && argLength >= 0) { out.writeFault("NoSuchMethod", escapeMessage("method " + method + " argument length mismatch, received length=" + argLength), null); out.close(); return; } Object []values = new Object[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // XXX: needs Marshal object //函数的参数值 values[i] = in.readObject(args[i]); } Object result = null; try { //反射执行客户端想要执行的函数 result = method.invoke(service, values); } catch (Exception e) { Throwable e1 = e; if (e1 instanceof InvocationTargetException) e1 = ((InvocationTargetException) e).getTargetException(); log.log(Level.FINE, this + " " + e1.toString(), e1); out.writeFault("ServiceException", escapeMessage(e1.getMessage()), e1); out.close(); return; } // The complete call needs to be after the invoke to handle a // trailing InputStream //调用结束 in.completeCall(); //对结果值进行序列化,并发送给客户端 out.writeReply(result); out.close(); } //以下是和日志相关的,不会影响主流程 private String escapeMessage(String msg) { if (msg == null) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int length = msg.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char ch = msg.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '<': sb.append("<"); break; case '>': sb.append(">"); break; case 0x0: sb.append("�"); break; case '&': sb.append("&"); break; default: sb.append(ch); break; } } return sb.toString(); } protected boolean isDebugInvoke() { return (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) || isDebug() && log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)); } /** * Creates the PrintWriter for debug output. The default is to * write to java.util.Logging. */ protected PrintWriter createDebugPrintWriter() throws IOException { return new PrintWriter(new LogWriter(log)); } static class LogWriter extends Writer { private Logger _log; private StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder(); LogWriter(Logger log) { _log = log; } public void write(char ch) { if (ch == '\n' && _sb.length() > 0) { _log.fine(_sb.toString()); _sb.setLength(0); } else _sb.append((char) ch); } public void write(char []buffer, int offset, int length) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char ch = buffer[offset + i]; if (ch == '\n' && _sb.length() > 0) { _log.fine(_sb.toString()); _sb.setLength(0); } else _sb.append((char) ch); } } public void flush() { } public void close() { } } }
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