July 08th. 2018, Week 28th. Sunday
Make each day your masterpiece.
From John Wooden.
Try to focus on what we are doing right now and try the best of our abilities to make the results as perfect as possible.
And we must recogize that nothing can be done about what had happened yesterday, we can only affect what will happen tomorrow by what we are doing today.
In fact, we all understand this wisdom and the amazing benefits it would bring to us if we can apply it to our daily life, but few of us really follow it, and most only recognize its value in the backward glance when remember what it was and then suddenly realize that it has been too late.
Please avoid living in regrets tomorrow. But how?
Try to apply it in small doses throughout the day and by the end of it we will have our own masterpiece.
For me, the most important thing I have to bear in my mind is that I must get rid of the idea that I could make up for today's lack of effort by working twice as hard tomorrow. Because by tomorrow, today's opportunity for masterpiece is gone. Moreover, if I could work twice as hard tomorrow, why not work twice as hard today?
Improve my ability of preparation and discipline and make every day count.
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.
Today we are in an ever-changing world, it is essential for every of us to find new and innovative solutions to the upcoming problems and glitches.
If we are not willing to look for innovatice solutions, we would simply be left behind.
Even if not everyone can become a leader, but it is also important to be innovative when trying to be a good follower, or when trying to be the leader of our own.
Read, learn, practise, refine and innovate.
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