


    我数据结构真心是弱啊= =。





  1. #define Troy
  3. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  5. using namespace std;
  7. inline int read(){
  8. int s=,k=;char ch=getchar();
  9. while(ch<''|ch>'') ch=='-'?k=-:,ch=getchar();
  10. while(ch>&ch<='') s=s*+(ch^),ch=getchar();
  11. return s*k;
  12. }
  14. const int N=;
  16. int n,m,a[N];
  18. struct node {
  19. int l,r,val;
  20. friend bool operator <(node x,node y){
  21. return x.val!=y.val?x.val<y.val:(x.l!=y.l?x.l>y.l:x.r>y.r);
  22. }
  23. friend node operator +(node x,node y){
  24. node z;
  25. z.l=min(x.l,y.l);z.r=max(x.r,y.r);
  26. z.val=x.val+y.val;return z;
  27. }
  28. inline void out(){printf("%d %d %d\n",l,r,val);}
  29. };
  31. struct Tree{
  32. node prefix,suffix,middle,section;
  33. Tree *lc,*rc;
  34. }*root,tree[N*],*ans;int cnt;
  36. inline void update( Tree *u){
  37. u->middle=u->lc->suffix+u->rc->prefix;
  38. u->prefix=max(u->lc->prefix,u->lc->section+u->rc->prefix);
  39. u->suffix=max(u->rc->suffix,u->rc->section+u->lc->suffix);
  40. u->section=u->lc->section+u->rc->section;
  41. u->middle=max(u->middle,max(u->lc->middle,max(u->rc->middle,max(u->prefix,u->suffix))));
  42. }
  44. inline void build(Tree *&u,int l,int r){
  45. u=tree+cnt;++cnt;
  46. if(l==r){
  47. u->prefix=u->suffix=u->middle=u->section=(node){l,r,a[l]};
  48. return ;
  49. }
  50. int mid=l+r>>;
  51. build(u->lc,l,mid);
  52. build(u->rc,mid+,r);
  53. update(u);
  54. }
  56. inline void query(Tree *u,int l,int r,int x,int y){
  57. if(x<=l&&r<=y){
  58. if(ans==NULL) ans=u;
  59. else{
  60. Tree *now=ans;ans=tree+cnt,++cnt;
  61. ans->lc=now,ans->rc=u;
  62. update(ans);
  63. }
  64. return ;
  65. }
  66. int mid=l+r>>;
  67. if(x<=mid) query(u->lc,l,mid,x,y);
  68. if(y>mid) query(u->rc,mid+,r,x,y);
  69. }
  71. int main(){
  72. freopen("hill.in","r",stdin);
  73. freopen("hill.out","w",stdout);
  74. n=read(),m=read();
  75. for(int i=;i<=n;++i) a[i]=read();
  76. build(root,,n);
  77. for(int i=;i<=m;++i){
  78. int l=read(),r=read();
  79. ans=NULL;query(root,,n,l,r);
  80. ans->middle.out();
  81. }
  82. }

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