2、剪切文件夹C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Ethereum,存储到 D:\etherrumdata\
mklink /J C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Ethereum D:\blockchain\Ethereum
Building Geth (command line client)
Clone the repository to a directory of your choosing:
git clone
Install latest distribution of Go (v1.7) if you don't have it already:
Building geth
requires Go and C compilers to be installed:
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential golang
Finally, build the geth
program using the following command.
cd go-ethereum
make geth
You can now run build/bin/geth
to start your node.
geth --testnet,进入测试链模式(私有链)
geth console ,进入终端交互模式
testnet id
Each network version gets a name (id). Here is an overview.
Olympic(0), is often also referred to as Ethereum 0.9, it launched early 2015 and was the first public Testnet. Deprecated in mid 2015 and replaced by Morden.Frontier(1), the official 1.0 release was launched as public main network in summer 2015. Forked to Homestead in early 2016.Morden(2) is the Frontier-equivalent testnet, launched with Frontier, and basicly replaces Olympic. Deprecated in late 2016 and replaced by Ropsten.- Homestead (1) was the first major upgrade (1.1) of the Frontier network in March 2016. This did not replace but upgrade Frontier.
Ropsten(3) is a new Homestead-equivalent testnet launched in late 2016 due to multiple issues in the old testnet and finally replaced Morden. Ropsten was attacked in Februrary 2016 and declared dead.- Kovan (42) is the first proof-of-authority (PoA) testnet issued by Ethcore, Melonport, and Digix after the Ropsten attacks.
- Rinkeby, another PoA testnet is currently being drafted.
The current protocol version is Homestead. The Ropsten testnet is broken and there is no public Homestead equivalent testnet available.
Despite the differences in name, Olympic, Morden and Ropsten have the network ids 0
, 2
and 3
. Frontier, Homestead are the main network with id 1
. You can run your own chain by specifying a network id other than 0, 1, 2, or 3.
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