

  1. import turtle
  2. import time
  4. def drawSnake(rad, angle, len,neckrad ):
  5. for i in range(len):
  6. turtle.circle(rad,angle)
  7. turtle.circle(-rad,angle)
  8. turtle.circle(rad,angle/2)
  9. turtle.fd(rad)
  10. turtle.circle(neckrad+1, 180)
  11. turtle.fd(rad/2*3)
  12. def drakSnack_c(rad,len):
  13. turtle.seth(0)
  14. turtle.fd(rad)
  15. turtle.seth(120)
  16. turtle.fd(rad)
  17. turtle.seth(240)
  18. turtle.fd(rad)
  19. turtle.fd(50)
  20. turtle.circle(len*2)
  22. def main():
  23. turtle.setup(0.85,0.6,0,0)
  24. pythonsize = 1
  25. speed = 5
  26. turtle.speed(speed)
  27. turtle.pensize(pythonsize)
  28. #turtle.pencolor("red")
  29. #turtle.seth(-40)
  30. #drawSnake(40,80,5,pythonsize/2)
  31. getflower()
  33. def text():
  34. turtle.write("hello world!",font=("Arial",23,"bold"))
  35. time.sleep(2)
  37. def getflower():
  38. turtle.bgpic("timg.gif")
  39. turtle.color("red","yellow")
  40. turtle.begin_fill();
  41. for i in range(50):
  42. turtle.fd(200)
  43. turtle.left(170)
  44. turtle.end_fill()
  45. time.sleep(2)
  47. main()


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