Photon——Feature Overview 功能概述


Feature Overview 功能概述

     Photon is a real-time socket server and development framework that is fast, simple to use and flexible. Client SDKs are available for all major platforms:
     The Photon high level architecture looks like this:

Basic Architecture 基本架构

  • The Photon Core is written in native C++ for performance reasons
    • It uses IO Completions Ports (IOCP) for high performance socket handling
    • Implements the heavy “lifting” of the protocols (e.g. reliable UDP)
    • Support relaible UDP, TCP and Web Sockets
          Photon Core是用C++编写的,这是出于性能考虑
               支持可靠的UDP,TCP和Web Sockets
  • The Core hosts a .NET CLR which runs the business logic in C#
    • Contains the applications running on Photon
    • Written in C# (or any other .NET language)
          Photon Core 托管着运行业务逻辑的.NET CLR

Server Applications (C#) 服务器应用程序

  • We provide several applications as starting point provided in source C# code
    • Lite: Simple and powerful room based game logic
    • LiteLobby: Lobby functionality and room logic
    • Policy: Policy server for Unity3d, Flash and Silverlight
    • LoadBalancing: Load balanced lite scaling across servers (this is powering our Photon Cloud)
  • The apps are tuned for performance and can be used out of the box or extended
  • Convenient xcopy deploy (automatic or manual restart)

Protocols 协议层

  • Photon Core supports the follwoing protocols
    • reliable UDP (based on eNET) and specially tuned for Client-2-Server architectures
    • Binary TCP
    • Web Sockets
          Photon Core支持以下协议
               Web Sockets
  • Transfer protocol is very lean and slim
  • Photon wraps up the networking layer of each client platform
  • Communicate cross-platform and cross-protocol
  • Put your data in hashtables and send it: forget about de-/serialization

Server Dev Framework (C#) 服务器Dev框架

  • All apps sit on top of a development framework that solves common tasks for you
  • Simple and flexible mapping of RPC calls to operation instances
  • Messages passing through fibers solve many threading problems
  • Designed to saturate bandwidth before the CPU becomes the bottleneck

Server Development Tools 服务器开发工具

  • Fully running in Visual Studio » F5 » Debug right from your code!
  • Use all the first class tools from .NET Development
    • Microsoft: Visual Studio
    • Redgate: Memory Profiler, Performance Profiler, Reflector (see here )
    • Jetbrains: ReSharper, dotTrace, dotCover, dotPeek (see here )
               Jetbrains:ReSharper, dotTrace, dotCover, dotPeek 

Data Persistence (DBs) 数据持久层

  • Photon does not provide an persistence layer
  • .NET/Windows supports all major products
  • Usage of ORM (mapping) layers optional

Vast Support of Client Platforms 支持的客户端平台

  • All client platforms interoprate (iOS vs Android vs PC)
  • Major client platforms supported 主要的客户端平台

    • Unity3d: Inlcuding Web/Standalone (Win, MAC, Linux), iOS, Android (see here )
    • MAC: iOS (iPad, iPhone), Mac OSX
    • Marmalade: iOS, Android, Bada, LG, BlackBerry (see here )
    • Flash & Air: Browser, Standalone, iOS, Android
    • Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP, Windows Server: Native & .NET
    • Windows Phone 7+
    • HTML5: Javascript
    • Android: Java and native (NDK)
    • .NET
    • Mono(跨平台的.Net运行环境)

Hosting 托管

  • Host Photon with any major provider
    • PaaS: Platform as a Service
    • IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service
  • Selected providers 可选供应商
               微软Azure、Leaseweb、SoftLayer、Rackspace、Amazon EC2

Support 支持

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