首先我们看看代码,还是之前我写过的 dog与cat的故事。
- // 采用DB+ActiveRecord模式
ActiveRecordPlugin arp = new ActiveRecordPlugin(c3p0Plugin); me.add(arp); // 进行DB映射 arp.addMapping("animal", AnimalModel.class);
这三行代码就是加载DB映射的关键,那么我们复习一下,JFinal的DB映射无需配置文件,无需与DB对应的POJO,只需要写一个类,继承Model<M extends Model>即可。
第一步:为ActiveRecordPlugin的 private IDataSourceProvider dataSourceProvider 赋值。
- public ActiveRecordPlugin(IDataSourceProvider dataSourceProvider) {
this(DbKit.MAIN_CONFIG_NAME, dataSourceProvider); }
- public class C3p0Plugin implements IPlugin, IDataSourceProvider{...}
- this(DbKit.MAIN_CONFIG_NAME, dataSourceProvider);
- public ActiveRecordPlugin(String configName, IDataSourceProvider dataSourceProvider, int transactionLevel) {
if (StrKit.isBlank(configName)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("configName can not be blank"); if (dataSourceProvider == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("dataSourceProvider can not be null"); this.configName = configName.trim(); this.dataSourceProvider = dataSourceProvider; this.setTransactionLevel(transactionLevel); }
最重要的就是这行代码: this.dataSourceProvider = dataSourceProvider;
- public class AnimalModel extends Model<AnimalModel> {...}
- // 进行DB映射
arp.addMapping("animal", AnimalModel.class);
- public ActiveRecordPlugin addMapping(String tableName, String primaryKey, Class<? extends Model<?>> modelClass) {
tableList.add(new Table(tableName, primaryKey, modelClass)); return this; } -
- public ActiveRecordPlugin addMapping(String tableName, Class<? extends Model<?>> modelClass) {
tableList.add(new Table(tableName, modelClass)); return this; }
我们看到,第一个方法多了一个参数 String primaryKey,我的代码里用的是第二个方法。这两个方法实际上都调用了tableList.add(Table tbl)方法,我们看看tableList是什么
- private List<Table> tableList = new ArrayList<Table>();
- new Table(tableName, primaryKey, modelClass)
new Table(tableName, modelClass)
- public Table(String name, Class<? extends Model<?>> modelClass) {
if (StrKit.isBlank(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table name can not be blank."); if (modelClass == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model class can not be null."); -
- this.name = name.trim();
this.modelClass = modelClass; } -
- public Table(String name, String primaryKey, Class<? extends Model<?>> modelClass) {
if (StrKit.isBlank(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table name can not be blank."); if (StrKit.isBlank(primaryKey)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Primary key can not be blank."); if (modelClass == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model class can not be null."); -
- this.name = name.trim();
setPrimaryKey(primaryKey.trim()); // this.primaryKey = primaryKey.trim(); this.modelClass = modelClass; }
- setPrimaryKey(primaryKey.trim()); // this.primaryKey = primaryKey.trim();
- void setPrimaryKey(String primaryKey) {
String[] keyArr = primaryKey.split(","); if (keyArr.length > 1) { if (StrKit.isBlank(keyArr[0]) || StrKit.isBlank(keyArr[1])) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The composite primary key can not be blank."); this.primaryKey = keyArr[0].trim(); this.secondaryKey = keyArr[1].trim(); } else { this.primaryKey = primaryKey; }
这样的作用就是为Table下的primaryKey 和 secondaryKey赋值。
- public class FinalConfig extends JFinalConfig
- <web-app>
<filter> <filter-name>jfinal</filter-name> <filter-class>com.jfinal.core.JFinalFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>configClass</param-name> <param-value>com.demo.config.FinalConfig</param-value> </init-param> </filter>
接着我们看到了关键的累 JFinalFilter,还是点进去看看。
- public final class JFinalFilter implements Filter
- public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
createJFinalConfig(filterConfig.getInitParameter("configClass")); -
- if (jfinal.init(jfinalConfig, filterConfig.getServletContext()) == false)
throw new RuntimeException("JFinal init error!"); -
- handler = jfinal.getHandler();
constants = Config.getConstants(); encoding = constants.getEncoding(); jfinalConfig.afterJFinalStart(); -
- String contextPath = filterConfig.getServletContext().getContextPath();
contextPathLength = (contextPath == null || "/".equals(contextPath) ? 0 : contextPath.length()); }
- if (jfinal.init(jfinalConfig, filterConfig.getServletContext()) == false)
我们看看jfinal的类型是 private static final JFinal jfinal = JFinal.me();
- boolean init(JFinalConfig jfinalConfig, ServletContext servletContext) {
this.servletContext = servletContext; this.contextPath = servletContext.getContextPath(); -
- initPathUtil();
- Config.configJFinal(jfinalConfig); // start plugin and init logger factory in this method
constants = Config.getConstants(); -
- initActionMapping();
initHandler(); initRender(); initOreillyCos(); initI18n(); initTokenManager(); -
- return true;
- Config.configJFinal(jfinalConfig); // start plugin and init logger factory in this method
- * Config order: constant, route, plugin, interceptor, handler
*/ tatic void configJFinal(JFinalConfig jfinalConfig) { jfinalConfig.configConstant(constants); initLoggerFactory(); jfinalConfig.configRoute(routes); jfinalConfig.configPlugin(plugins); startPlugins(); // very important!!! jfinalConfig.configInterceptor(interceptors); jfinalConfig.configHandler(handlers);
- jfinalConfig.configPlugin(plugins); startPlugins(); // very important!!!
这行代码一共做了两件事,第一件事是jfinalConfig.configPlugin(plugins);来加载插件。还记得我们之前写的FinalConfig里的configPlugin(Plugins me) 方法吗?
- /**
* Config plugin * 配置插件 * JFinal有自己独创的 DB + ActiveRecord模式 * 此处需要导入ActiveRecord插件 */ @Override public void configPlugin(Plugins me) { // 读取db配置文件 loadPropertyFile("db.properties"); // 采用c3p0数据源 C3p0Plugin c3p0Plugin = new C3p0Plugin(getProperty("jdbcUrl"),getProperty("user"), getProperty("password")); me.add(c3p0Plugin); // 采用DB+ActiveRecord模式 ActiveRecordPlugin arp = new ActiveRecordPlugin(c3p0Plugin); me.add(arp); // 进行DB映射 arp.addMapping("animal", AnimalModel.class); }
它实际上就是通过me.add来加载插件,通过Config的 private static final Plugins plugins = new Plugins(); 来装载。
第二件事就是 发现没有,后面的startPlugins()不是注释!是一个方法,这块实在太坑了,恰巧,这就是我们要找到的地方。
- private static void startPlugins() {
List<IPlugin> pluginList = plugins.getPluginList(); if (pluginList != null) { for (IPlugin plugin : pluginList) { try { // process ActiveRecordPlugin devMode if (plugin instanceof com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.ActiveRecordPlugin) { com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.ActiveRecordPlugin arp =
- (com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.ActiveRecordPlugin)plugin;
if (arp.getDevMode() == null) arp.setDevMode(constants.getDevMode()); } -
- boolean success = plugin.start();
if (!success) { String message = "Plugin start error: " + plugin.getClass().getName(); log.error(message); throw new RuntimeException(message); } } catch (Exception e) { String message =
- "Plugin start error: " + plugin.getClass().getName() + ". \n" + e.getMessage();
log.error(message, e); throw new RuntimeException(message, e); } } } }
- for (IPlugin plugin : pluginList) {
- boolean success = plugin.start();
- public boolean start() {
if (isStarted) return true; -
- if (dataSourceProvider != null)
dataSource = dataSourceProvider.getDataSource(); if (dataSource == null) throw new RuntimeException("ActiveRecord start error:
- ActiveRecordPlugin need DataSource or DataSourceProvider");
- if (config == null)
config = new Config(configName, dataSource, dialect,
- showSql, devMode, transactionLevel, containerFactory, cache);
DbKit.addConfig(config); -
- boolean succeed = TableBuilder.build(tableList, config);
if (succeed) { Db.init(); isStarted = true; } return succeed; }
- config = new Config(configName, dataSource, dialect, showSql, devMode, transactionLevel, containerFactory, cache);
这行代码中的dataSource 在插件里配置的C3P0数据源。这里的Config与前面加载FinalConfig的可不是一个啊,千万别看错了,这个是DB的 com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Config。
- boolean succeed = TableBuilder.build(tableList, config);
- static boolean build(List<Table> tableList, Config config) {
Table temp = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = config.dataSource.getConnection(); TableMapping tableMapping = TableMapping.me(); for (Table table : tableList) { temp = table; doBuild(table, conn, config); tableMapping.putTable(table); DbKit.addModelToConfigMapping(table.getModelClass(), config); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (temp != null) System.err.println("Can not create Table object,
- maybe the table " + temp.getName() + " is not exists.");
throw new ActiveRecordException(e); } finally { config.close(conn); } }
- public class Table {
- private String name;
private String primaryKey; private String secondaryKey = null; private Map<String, Class<?>> columnTypeMap; // config.containerFactory.getAttrsMap(); -
- private Class<? extends Model<?>> modelClass;
下面我们还是回到TableBuilder里的doBuild(table, conn, config);方法。
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
private static void doBuild(Table table, Connection conn, Config config) throws SQLException { -
- // 初始化 Table 里的columnTypeMap字段。
table.setColumnTypeMap(config.containerFactory.getAttrsMap()); // 取得主键,如果取不到的话,默认设置"id"。 // 记不记得最开始的两个同名不同参的方法 addMapping(...),
- 在这才体现出后续处理的不同。
if (table.getPrimaryKey() == null) table.setPrimaryKey(config.dialect.getDefaultPrimaryKey()); // 此处如果没有设置方言,则默认 Dialect dialect = new MysqlDialect(); Mysql的方言。 // sql为"select * from `" + tableName + "` where 1 = 2"; String sql = config.dialect.forTableBuilderDoBuild(table.getName()); Statement stm = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(sql); //取得个字段的信息 ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); // 匹配映射 for (int i=1; i<=rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) { String colName = rsmd.getColumnName(i); String colClassName = rsmd.getColumnClassName(i); if ("java.lang.String".equals(colClassName)) { // varchar, char, enum, set, text, tinytext, mediumtext, longtext table.setColumnType(colName, String.class); } else if ("java.lang.Integer".equals(colClassName)) { // int, integer, tinyint, smallint, mediumint table.setColumnType(colName, Integer.class); } else if ("java.lang.Long".equals(colClassName)) { // bigint table.setColumnType(colName, Long.class); } // else if ("java.util.Date".equals(colClassName)) {
- // java.util.Data can not be returned
// java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time,
- java.sql.Timestamp all extends java.util.Data so getDate can return the three types data
// result.addInfo(colName, java.util.Date.class); // } else if ("java.sql.Date".equals(colClassName)) { // date, year table.setColumnType(colName, java.sql.Date.class); } else if ("java.lang.Double".equals(colClassName)) { // real, double table.setColumnType(colName, Double.class); } else if ("java.lang.Float".equals(colClassName)) { // float table.setColumnType(colName, Float.class); } else if ("java.lang.Boolean".equals(colClassName)) { // bit table.setColumnType(colName, Boolean.class); } else if ("java.sql.Time".equals(colClassName)) { // time table.setColumnType(colName, java.sql.Time.class); } else if ("java.sql.Timestamp".equals(colClassName)) { // timestamp, datetime table.setColumnType(colName, java.sql.Timestamp.class); } else if ("java.math.BigDecimal".equals(colClassName)) { // decimal, numeric table.setColumnType(colName, java.math.BigDecimal.class); } else if ("[B".equals(colClassName)) { // binary, varbinary, tinyblob, blob, mediumblob, longblob // qjd project: print_info.content varbinary(61800); table.setColumnType(colName, byte[].class); } else { int type = rsmd.getColumnType(i); if (type == Types.BLOB) { table.setColumnType(colName, byte[].class); } else if (type == Types.CLOB || type == Types.NCLOB) { table.setColumnType(colName, String.class); } else { table.setColumnType(colName, String.class); } // core.TypeConverter // throw new RuntimeException
- ("You've got new type to mapping. Please add code in " + TableBuilder.class.getName()
- + ". The ColumnClassName can't be mapped: " + colClassName);
} } -
- rs.close();
stm.close(); }
这里巧妙的运用了 where 1=2的无检索条件结果,通过ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); 导出了DB模型,这招确实漂亮。之前我还冥思苦相,他是怎么做的呢,看着此处源码,茅塞顿开。
接着,把编辑好的Table实例,放到TableMapping的成员变量 Model<?>>, Table> modelToTableMap 里去,TableMapping是单例的。
- private final Map<Class<? extends Model<?>>, Table> modelToTableMap=
- new HashMap<Class<? extends Model<?>>, Table>();
- public void putTable(Table table) {
modelToTableMap.put(table.getModelClass(), table); }
- tableMapping.putTable(table);
- DbKit.addModelToConfigMapping(table.getModelClass(), config);
- /**
* Save model. */ public boolean save() { Config config = getConfig(); Table table = getTable(); -
- StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
List<Object> paras = new ArrayList<Object>(); config.dialect.forModelSave(table, attrs, sql, paras); // if (paras.size() == 0) return false;
- // The sql "insert into tableName() values()" works fine, so delete this line
- // --------
Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; int result = 0; try { conn = config.getConnection(); if (config.dialect.isOracle()) pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString(),
- new String[]{table.getPrimaryKey()});
else pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString(),
- config.dialect.fillStatement(pst, paras);
result = pst.executeUpdate(); getGeneratedKey(pst, table); getModifyFlag().clear(); return result >= 1; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActiveRecordException(e); } finally { config.close(pst, conn); } }
- Config config = getConfig();
- public static Config getConfig(Class<? extends Model> modelClass) {
return modelToConfig.get(modelClass); }
- Table table = getTable();
- private Table getTable() {
return TableMapping.me().getTable(getClass());
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