
# line:           V1.0
# mail:           gczheng@139.com
# data:           2018-04-23
# script_name:    orzdba_monitor.sh
# crontab:        */5 * * * * /scripts/orzdba_monitor.sh >/dev/null 2>&1

source /etc/profile





if [ ! -d "$MONITOR" ];then
        echo "创建$MONITOR目录"
        mkdir -p $MONITOR

ORZDBA_MYSQL_NUMS=`ps -ef |grep orzdba_mysql|grep -v grep|wc -l`
ORZDBA_SYS_NUMS=`ps -ef |grep orzdba_sys|grep -v grep|wc -l`
ORZDBA_PROCESSLIST_NUMS=`ps -ef |grep orzdba_proc|grep -v grep|wc -l`

if [ $ORZDBA_MYSQL_NUMS -eq 0 ];then
  echo -e "innodb_rows未启动,开始执行"
  echo -e "innodb_rows未启动,开始执行"  > $ORZDBA_LOG
  (nohup $SCRIPTS_FILE/orzdba -i 10  -t  -mysql  -innodb_rows  -L  $ORZDBA_MYSQL_LOG  -logfile_by_day  > /dev/null 2>&1) &
  echo -e "innodb_rows已启动"  > $ORZDBA_LOG
  echo -e "innodb_rows已启动"

if [ $ORZDBA_SYS_NUMS -eq 0 ];then
   echo -e "orzdba_sys未启动,开始执行"   >> $ORZDBA_LOG
   echo -e "orzdba_sys未启动,开始执行"
  (nohup $SCRIPTS_FILE/orzdba -i 10  -t -sys -d $DEVICE_NAME -L  $ORZDBA_SYS_LOG  -logfile_by_day > /dev/null 2>&1) &
   echo -e "orzdba_sys已启动"  >> $ORZDBA_LOG
   echo -e "orzdba_sys已启动"

if [ $ORZDBA_PROCESSLIST_NUMS -eq 0 ];then
  echo -e "orzdba_proc未启动,开始执行"  >> $ORZDBA_LOG
  echo -e "orzdba_proc未启动,开始执行"
  (nohup $SCRIPTS_FILE/orzdba -i 10  -processlist  -L  $ORZDBA_PROC_LOG  -logfile_by_day > /dev/null 2>&1) &
  echo -e "orzdba_proc已启动"  >> $ORZDBA_LOG
  echo -e "orzdba_proc已启动"

find $MONITOR  -mtime +$DELETE_DAYS  -type f -name "log_orzdba*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
echo "删除 $MONITOR 目录下 $DELETE_DAYS 天之前的日志!" >> $ORZDBA_LOG
echo "删除 $MONITOR 目录下 $DELETE_DAYS 天之前的日志!"

2.orzdba 脚本

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# line:        V1.0
# authors:      gczheng
# mail:         gczheng@139.com
# data:         2018-04-09
# file_name:
# remarks:

# use strict;
use Getopt::Long;                             # Usage Info URL:  http://perldoc.perl.org/Getopt/Long.html
use POSIX qw(strftime);                       # Usage Info URL:  http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/localtime.html
use Term::ANSIColor;                          # Usage Info URL:  http://perldoc.perl.org/Term/ANSIColor.html
use Socket;                                   # Get IP info

Getopt::Long::Configure qw(no_ignore_case);   #

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Variables
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my  %opt;               # Get options info
my  $headline1 = '';
my  $headline2 = '';
my  $mysql_headline1 = '';
my  $mysql_headline2 = '';
my  $mycount = 0;      # to control the print of headline
# Options Flag
my $timeFlag = 0;      # -t   : print current time
my $interval = 1;      # -i   : time(second) interval
my $load     = 0;      # -l   : print load info
my $cpu      = 0;      # -c   : print cpu  info
my $swap     = 0;      # -s   : print swap info
my $disk  ;            # -d   : print disk info
my $mysql = 0;         # print mysql status
my $com   = 0;         # -com : print mysql status
my $innodb_hit  = 0;   # -hit : Print Innodb Hit%
my $innodb_rows = 0;   # -innodb_rows : Print Innodb Rows Status
my $processlist = 0;   # -processlist: Show Full Processlist
my $innodb_pages= 0;   # -innodb_pages: Innodb Buffer Pool Pages Status
my $innodb_data = 0;   # -innodb_data : Innodb Data Status·
my $innodb_log  = 0;   # -innodb_log  : Innodb Log Status
my $innodb_status=0;   # -innodb_status: Show Engine Innodb Status
my $threads     = 0;   # -T   : Print Threads Status
my $bytes       = 0;   # -B   : Print Bytes Status
my $count ;            # -C   : times
my $logfile ;          # -L   : logfile
my $logfile_by_day ;   # -logfile_by_day : one day a logfile
my $net;               # -n   : print net info
my $user="monitor";    # -u
my $pass="monitor";    # -p
my $host="192.x.x.x";  # -h
my $port = 3306;       # -P
my $socket     ;       # -S
my $dbrt = 0;          # -rt
my $tcprstat_dir = "/tmp";
my $tcprstat_log;
my $tcprstat_lck;

# Variables For :
#-----> Get SysInfo (from /proc/stat): CPU
my @sys_cpu1   = (0)x8;
my $total_1    = 0;
my $user_diff   ;
my $system_diff ;
my $idle_diff   ;
my $iowait_diff ;
#<----- Get SysInfo (from /proc/stat): CPU

#-----> Get SysInfo (from /proc/diskstats): IO
my @sys_io1   = (0)x15;
#my $not_first  = 0;                                   # no print first value
my $ncpu = `grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l`;     #/* Number of processors */
# grep "HZ" -R /usr/include/*
# /usr/include/asm-x86_64/param.h:#define HZ 100
my $HZ = 100;
#<----- Get SysInfo (from /proc/diskstats): IO

#-----> Get SysInfo (from /proc/vmstat): SWAP
my %swap1 =
                "pswpin"  => 0,
                "pswpout" => 0
my $swap_not_first = 0;
#<----- Get SysInfo (from /proc/vmstat): SWAP

#-----> Get SysInfo (from /proc/net/dev): NET
my %net1 =
                "recv"  => 0,
                "send" => 0
my $net_not_first = 0;
#<----- Get SysInfo (from /proc/net/dev): NET

#-----> Get Mysql Status
my %mystat1 =
                "Com_select" => 0 ,
                "Com_delete" => 0 ,
                "Com_update" => 0 ,
                "Com_insert" => 0,
                "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests" => 0,
                "Innodb_rows_inserted" => 0 ,
                "Innodb_rows_updated" => 0 ,
                "Innodb_rows_deleted" => 0 ,
                "Innodb_rows_read" => 0,
                "Threads_created" => 0,
                "Bytes_received" => 0,
                "Bytes_sent" => 0,
                "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed" => 0,
                "Innodb_data_read" => 0,
                "Innodb_data_reads" => 0,
                "Innodb_data_writes" => 0,
                "Innodb_data_written" => 0,
                "Innodb_os_log_fsyncs" => 0,
                "Innodb_os_log_written" => 0
my $not_first  = 0;
#<----- Get Mysql Status


# autoflush
$| = 1;

# handle Ctrl+C
sub catch_zap {
                my $signame = shift;

                if ($dbrt) {

                print color ("red");
                print "\nExit Now...\n\n";
                print color ("reset");
$SIG{INT} = \&catch_zap;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0.
# Main()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# clear screen
# print `clear`;

# Get options info

my $MYSQL    = qq{mysql -s --skip-column-names -u$user -p$pass -P$port };
$MYSQL      .= qq{-S$socket } if defined $socket;
$MYSQL      .= qq{-h$host } if defined $host;
my $TCPRSTAT = "/usr/bin/tcprstat --no-header -t 1 -n 0 -p $port";


while(1) {
                # -C;Times to exits
                if( defined ($count) and $mycount > $count ) {

                                if ($dbrt) {

                # -L;-logfile_by_day
                if ( defined($logfile) and $logfile_by_day ) {
                                my $day = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d", localtime);
                                my $logfile_day = qq{$logfile.$day};
                                unless ( -e $logfile_day ) {
                                                close LOGFILE_OUT  or die "Can't close!";
                                                open LOGFILE_OUT,">$logfile_day" or die "Can't open file!";
                                                $LOG_OUT  = *LOGFILE_OUT;

                                                $count = $count - $mycount if defined $count;
                                                $mycount = 0;

                # Print Headline
                if ( $mycount%15 == 0 ) {
                                print $LOG_OUT BLUE(),BOLD(),"$headline1",RESET();
                                print $LOG_OUT ON_BLUE(),GREEN(),"$mysql_headline1",RESET() if $mysql;
                                print $LOG_OUT "\n";
                                print $LOG_OUT BLUE(),UNDERLINE(),BOLD(),"$headline2",RESET();
                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),UNDERLINE(),"$mysql_headline2",RESET() if $mysql;
                                print $LOG_OUT "\n";

                $mycount += 1;

                # (1) Print Current Time
                                print $LOG_OUT YELLOW();
                                my $nowTime = strftime "%H:%M:%S", localtime;
                                print $LOG_OUT "$nowTime",BLUE(),BOLD(),"|",RESET();

                # (2) Print SysInfo

                # (3) TCPRSTAT
                &get_dbrt() if $dbrt;

                # Print MySQL Processlist
                &get_processlist() if $processlist;

                # (4) Print MySQL Status
                #print "================";
                &get_mysqlstat() if $bytes or $threads  or $innodb_status  or $innodb_log  or $innodb_data  or $innodb_pages  or $innodb_rows  or $innodb_hit  or $com;

                print $LOG_OUT "\n";
        # Print MySQL Processlist

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1.
# Func :  print usage
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub print_usage{
                #print BLUE(),BOLD(),<<EOF,RESET();
                print <<EOF;

Info  :
                Created By gczheng
Usage :
Command line options :

     -I,--help           Print Help Info.
     -i,--interval       Time(second) Interval.
     -C,--count          Times.
     -t,--time           Print The Current Time.
     -nocolor            Print NO Color.

     -l,--load           Print Load Info.
     -c,--cpu            Print Cpu  Info.
     -s,--swap           Print Swap Info.
     -d,--disk           Print Disk Info.
     -n,--net            Print Net  Info.

     -u                  MySQL User(default root).
     -P                  MySQL Password(default iforgot).
     -P,--port           Port number to use for mysql connection(default 3306).
     -S,--socket         Socket file to use for mysql connection.
     -h,--host           Host (hostname/IP).
     -mysql              Print MySQLInfo (include -t,-com,-hit,-T,-B).

     -innodb             Print InnodbInfo(include -t,-innodb_pages,-innodb_data,-innodb_log,-innodb_status)
     -com                Print MySQL Status(Com_select,Com_insert,Com_update,Com_delete).
     -hit                Print Innodb Hit%.
     -processlist        Print Show Full Processlist
     -innodb_rows        Print Innodb Rows Status(Innodb_rows_inserted/updated/deleted/read).
     -innodb_pages       Print Innodb Buffer Pool Pages Status(Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data/free/dirty/flushed)
     -innodb_data        Print Innodb Data Status(Innodb_data_reads/writes/read/written)
     -innodb_log         Print Innodb Log  Status(Innodb_os_log_fsyncs/written)
     -innodb_status      Print Innodb Status from Command: 'Show Engine Innodb Status'
                        (history list/ log unflushed/uncheckpointed bytes/ read views/ queries inside/queued)

     -T,--threads        Print Threads Status(Threads_running,Threads_connected,Threads_created,Threads_cached).
     -B,--bytes          Print Bytes received from/send to MySQL(Bytes_received,Bytes_sent).
     -rt                 Print MySQL DB RT(us).

     -sys                Print SysInfo   (include -t,-l,-c,-s).
     -lazy               Print Info      (include -t,-l,-c,-s,-com,-hit).

     -L,--logfile        Print to Logfile.
     -logfile_by_day     One day a logfile,the suffix of logfile is 'yyyy-mm-dd';
                         and is valid with -L.

Sample :
    shell> ./orzdba -u xxxxx -p xxxxx -innodb  -C 5 -i 2  2>/dev/null
    shell> ./orzdba -u xxxxx -p xxxxx -lazy -d sda -C 5 -i 2 2>/dev/null
    shell> ./orzdba -h xxxx -u xxxxx -p xxxxx -processlist -C 5 -i 2 2>/dev/null
    shell> nohup ./orzdba -u xxxxx -p xxxxx  -lazy -d sda -C 5 -i 2 -L /tmp/orzdba.log  > /dev/null 2>&1 &

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2.
# Func : get options and set option flag
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub get_options{
                # Get options info
                                                'I|help',           # OUT : print help info
                                                'i|interval=i',     # IN  : time(second) interval
                                                't|time',           # OUT : print current time
                                                'sys',              # OUT : print SysInfo (include -l,-c,-s)
                                                'l|load',           # OUT : print load info
                                                'c|cpu',            # OUT : print cpu  info
                                                'd|disk=s',         # IN  : print disk info
                                                'n|net=s',          # IN  : print info
                                                's|swap',           # OUT : print swap info
                                                'com',              # OUT : print mysql status
                                                'innodb_rows',      # OUT : Print Innodb Rows Status
                                                'processlist',      # OUT : Print mysql status  from Command: 'Show Full processlist'
                                                'innodb_pages',     # OUT : Print Innodb Buffer Pool Pages Status
                                                'innodb_data',      # OUT : Print Innodb Data Status
                                                'innodb_log',       # OUT : Print Innodb Log  Status
                                                'innodb_status',    # OUT : Print Innodb Status from Command: 'Show Engine Innodb Status'
                                                'innodb',           # OUT : Print Innodb Info
                                                'T|threads',        # OUT : Print Threads Status
                                                'B|bytes',          # OUT : Print Bytes Status
                                                'rt',               # OUT : Print MySQL DB RT
                                                'hit',              # OUT : Print Innodb Hit%
                                                'mysql',            # OUT : Print mysql info
                                                'u|user=s',         # IN  : user
                                                'p|pass=s',         # IN  : pass
                                                'P|port=i',         # IN  : port
                                                'h|host=s',         # IN  : host
                                                'S|socket=s',       # IN  : socket
                                                'C|count=i',        # IN  : times
                                                'L|logfile=s',      # IN  : path of logfile
                                                'logfile_by_day',   # IN  : one day a logfile
                                                'lazy',             # OUT : Print Info (include -t,-l,-c,-s,-m,-hit).
                                                'nocolor',          # OUT : print no color
                                    ) or print_usage();

                if (!scalar(%opt)) {

                # Handle for options
                $opt{'I'}   and print_usage();
                $opt{'i'}   and $interval = $opt{'i'};
                $opt{'t'}   and $timeFlag = 1;
                $opt{'C'}   and $count = $opt{'C'};
                $opt{'l'}   and $load = 1;
                $opt{'c'}   and $cpu = 1;
                $opt{'d'}   and $disk = $opt{'d'};
                $opt{'n'}   and $net  = $opt{'n'};
                $opt{'T'}   and $threads = 1 and $mysql = 1;
                $opt{'B'}   and $bytes = 1 and $mysql = 1;
                $opt{'rt'}  and $dbrt = 1 and $mysql = 1 ;
                $opt{'com'} and $com = 1 and $mysql = 1;
                $opt{'hit'} and $innodb_hit = 1 and $mysql = 1;
                $opt{'s'}   and $swap = 1;
                $opt{'P'}   and $port = $opt{'P'};
                $opt{'p'}   and $pass = $opt{'p'};
                $opt{'u'}   and $user = $opt{'u'};
                $opt{'S'}   and $socket = $opt{'S'};
                $opt{'h'}   and $host = $opt{'h'};
                $opt{'sys'} and $load= 1 and $cpu=1 and $timeFlag=1 and $swap = 1;
                $opt{'innodb_rows'}   and $innodb_rows = 1   and $mysql = 1;
                $opt{'processlist'}   and $processlist = 1   and $mysql = 1;
                $opt{'innodb_pages'}  and $innodb_pages = 1  and $mysql = 1;
                $opt{'innodb_data'}   and $innodb_data = 1   and $mysql = 1;
                $opt{'innodb_log'}    and $innodb_log = 1    and $mysql = 1;
                $opt{'innodb_status'} and $innodb_status = 1 and $mysql = 1;

                # -lazy (include -t,-l,-c,-m,-s,-hit)
                $opt{'lazy'} and $timeFlag = 1 and $load=1 and $cpu=1 and $swap = 1 and $com=1 and $innodb_hit = 1 and $mysql = 1;

                # -mysql
                $opt{'mysql'} and $timeFlag = 1 and $com=1 and $innodb_hit = 1 and $threads=1 and $bytes = 1 and $mysql = 1;

                # -innodb
                $opt{'innodb'} and $timeFlag = 1 and $innodb_pages = 1 and $innodb_data = 1 and $innodb_log = 1 and $innodb_status = 1 and $mysql = 1;

                $opt{'logfile_by_day'} and $logfile_by_day = $opt{'logfile_by_day'};
                # -L
                if ( defined $opt{'L'} ) {
                                $logfile = $opt{'L'};
                                if ( defined $logfile_by_day ) {
                                                my $day = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d", localtime);
                                                my $logfile_day = qq{$logfile.$day};
                                                open LOGFILE_OUT,">$logfile_day" or die "Can't open file!";
                                } else {
                                                open LOGFILE_OUT,">$logfile" or die "Can't open file!";
                                $LOG_OUT  = *LOGFILE_OUT;
                # color control
                my $HAS_COLOR = (defined $opt{'L'} or defined $opt{'nocolor'}) ? 0:1;
                if ($HAS_COLOR)
                                import Term::ANSIColor ':constants';
                                *RESET     = sub { };
                                *YELLOW    = sub { };
                                *RED       = sub { };
                                *GREEN     = sub { };
                                *BLUE      = sub { };
                                *WHITE     = sub { };
                                *BOLD      = sub { };
                                *MAGENTA   = sub { };
                                *ON_BLUE   = sub { };
                                *UNDERLINE = sub { };

                # Init Headline
                                $headline1 = "-------- ";
                                $headline2 = "  time  |";
                                $headline1 .= "-----load-avg---- ";
                                $headline2 .= "  1m    5m   15m |";
                                $headline1 .= "---cpu-usage--- ";
                                $headline2 .= "usr sys idl iow|";
                                $headline1 .= "---swap--- ";
                                $headline2 .= "   si   so|";
                                $headline1 .= "----net(B)---- ";
                                $headline2 .= "   recv   send|";
                                $headline1 .= "-------------------------io-usage----------------------- ";
                                $headline2 .= "   r/s    w/s    rkB/s    wkB/s  queue await svctm \%util|";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= "                    -QPS- -TPS-";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= "  ins   upd   del    sel   iud|";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= "         -Hit%- ";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= "     lor    hit|";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= "---innodb rows status--- ";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= "  ins   upd   del   read|";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= "-------------------------------------- show full processlist --------------------------------------";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= "---innodb bp pages status-- ";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= "   data   free  dirty flush|";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= "-----innodb data status---- ";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= " reads writes  read written|";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= "--innodb log-- ";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= "fsyncs written|";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= " his --log(byte)--  read ---query--- ";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= " list uflush  uckpt  view inside  que|";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= "------threads------ ";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= " run  con  cre  cac|";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= "-----bytes---- ";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= "   recv   send|";
                                $mysql_headline1 .= "--------tcprstat(us)-------- ";
                                $mysql_headline2 .= "  count    avg 95-avg 99-avg|";


sub print_title {

                #-----> Just to Print
                print $LOG_OUT GREEN();
                print $LOG_OUT <<EOF;
|          Welcome to use the dba tool !          |
                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"'=============== ";
                print $LOG_OUT RED(),"Date : ",strftime ("%Y-%m-%d", localtime);
                print $LOG_OUT GREEN()," ==============='"."\n\n";
                print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                #<----- Just to print

                # Get Hostname and IP
                chomp (my $hostname = `hostname` );
                my $ip = inet_ntoa((gethostbyname($hostname))[4]);
                print $LOG_OUT RED(), "Local_Host: ",WHITE(),$hostname,RED(),"   Local_IP: ",WHITE(),$ip,RESET(),"\n\n";

                $TCPRSTAT .= " -l $ip";

                # Get MYSQL DB Name and Variables
                if ($mysql) {
                                my $sql_01 = qq{$MYSQL -e 'show variables like "hostname"' | grep -iwE "hostname"};
                                open MYSQL_STAT,"$sql_01|" or die "Can't connect to mysql!";
                                my @result ;
                                my $line = <MYSQL_STAT> ;
                                @result = split(/\\n/,$line);
                                close MYSQL_STAT or die "Can't close!";
                                foreach (@result) {
                                    if ( index($_,"hostname") != -1) {
                                                                    my @tmp = split(/\s+/,$_);
                                                                    $host = $tmp[1];
                                        print $LOG_OUT RED(),"MySQL_Host: ",YELLOW(),$host,"\n\n";

                                my $mysqldb_sql2 = qq{$MYSQL -e 'show databases' | grep -iwvE "information_schema|mysql|test|sys|performance_schema" | tr "\n" "; "};
                                my $db_name = `$mysqldb_sql2`;
                                print $LOG_OUT RED(),"MySQL_DB  : ","\n\n",YELLOW(),$db_name,RESET(),"\n\n";

                                # Get MySQL Variables
                                my $mysql = qq{$MYSQL -e 'show variables where Variable_name in ("sync_binlog","max_connections","max_user_connections","max_connect_errors","table_open_cache","table_definition_cache","thread_cache_size","binlog_format","open_files_limit","max_binlog_size","max_binlog_cache_size","max_allowed_packet","skip_name_resolve","character_set_server","gtid_mode","enforce_gtid_consistency","log_bin","wait_timeout")'};
                                open MYSQL_VARIABLES,"$mysql|" or die "Can't connect to mysql!";
                                print $LOG_OUT RED(),"MySQL_Var : ",RESET(),"\n\n";
                                print $LOG_OUT "\n\n";

                                $mysql = qq{$MYSQL -e 'show variables where Variable_name in ("innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit","innodb_flush_method","innodb_buffer_pool_size","innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct","innodb_log_buffer_size","innodb_log_file_size","innodb_log_files_in_group","innodb_thread_concurrency","innodb_file_per_table","innodb_adaptive_hash_index","innodb_open_files","innodb_io_capacity","innodb_read_io_threads","innodb_write_io_threads","innodb_adaptive_flushing","innodb_lock_wait_timeout","innodb_log_files_in_group")'};
                                open MYSQL_VARIABLES,"$mysql|" or die "Can't connect to mysql!";

                                sub print_vars {
                                                my $cnt = 0;
                                                while (my $line = <MYSQL_VARIABLES>) {
                                                                my($key,$value) = split(/\s+/,$line);
                                                                if ($key eq 'innodb_buffer_pool_size' or $key eq 'innodb_log_file_size' or $key eq 'innodb_log_buffer_size' or $key eq 'max_binlog_cache_size' or $key eq 'max_binlog_size' ) {
                                                                                print $LOG_OUT MAGENTA(),"$key",WHITE(),"[";
                                                                                $value/1024/1024/1024>=1 ? print $LOG_OUT $value/1024/1024/1024,"G" : ($value/1024/1024>1 ? print $LOG_OUT $value/1024/1024,"M" : print $LOG_OUT $value) ;
                                                                                print $LOG_OUT "]  ",RESET();
                                                                } else {
                                                                                print $LOG_OUT MAGENTA(),"$key",WHITE(),"[$value]  ",RESET();
                                                                $cnt += 1;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT "    \n" if $cnt%4 == 0;
                                close MYSQL_VARIABLES or die "Can't close!";
                                print $LOG_OUT "\n";

                print $LOG_OUT "\n";


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 3.
# Func : get sys performance info
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub get_sysinfo{
                # 1. Get SysInfo (from /proc/loadavg): Load
                                open PROC_LOAD,"</proc/loadavg" or die "Can't open file(/proc/loadavg)!";
                                if ( defined (my $line = <PROC_LOAD>) ){
                                                #print $line;
                                                my @sys_load = split(/\s+/,$line);
                                                $sys_load[0]>$ncpu ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%5.2f",$sys_load[0] and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                $sys_load[1]>$ncpu ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %5.2f",$sys_load[1] and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                $sys_load[2]>$ncpu ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %5.2f",$sys_load[2] and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                print $LOG_OUT BLUE(),BOLD(),"|",RESET();
                                close PROC_LOAD or die "Can't close file(/proc/loadavg)!";
                # 2. Get SysInfo (from /proc/stat): CPU
                if($cpu or $disk) {
                                open PROC_CPU,"</proc/stat" or die "Can't open file(/proc/stat)!";
                                if ( defined (my $line = <PROC_CPU>) ){ # use "if" instead of "while" to read first line
                                                my @sys_cpu2 = split(/\s+/,$line);
                                                # line format :     (http://blog.csdn.net/nineday/archive/2007/12/11/1928847.aspx)
                                                # cpu   1-user  2-nice  3-system 4-idle   5-iowait  6-irq   7-softirq
                                                # cpu   628808  1642    61861    24978051 22640     349     3086        0
                                                my $total_2 =$sys_cpu2[1]+$sys_cpu2[2]+$sys_cpu2[3]+$sys_cpu2[4]+$sys_cpu2[5]+$sys_cpu2[6]+$sys_cpu2[7];

                                                # my $user_diff   = int ( ($sys_cpu2[1] - $sys_cpu1[1]) / ($total_2 - $total_1) * 100 + 0.5 );
                                                # my $system_diff = int ( ($sys_cpu2[3] - $sys_cpu1[3]) / ($total_2 - $total_1) * 100 + 0.5 );
                                                # my $idle_diff   = int ( ($sys_cpu2[4] - $sys_cpu1[4]) / ($total_2 - $total_1) * 100 + 0.5 );
                                                # my $iowait_diff = int ( ($sys_cpu2[5] - $sys_cpu1[5]) / ($total_2 - $total_1) * 100 + 0.5 );
                                                #printf "%3d %3d %3d %3d",$user_diff,$system_diff,$idle_diff,$iowait_diff;

                                                $user_diff        = $sys_cpu2[1] + $sys_cpu2[2] - $sys_cpu1[1] - $sys_cpu1[2] ;
                                                $system_diff = $sys_cpu2[3] + $sys_cpu2[6] + $sys_cpu2[7] - $sys_cpu1[3] - $sys_cpu1[6] - $sys_cpu1[7];
                                                $idle_diff        = $sys_cpu2[4] - $sys_cpu1[4] ;
                                                $iowait_diff      = $sys_cpu2[5] - $sys_cpu1[5] ;
                                                my $user_diff_1   = int ( $user_diff / ($total_2 - $total_1) * 100 + 0.5 );
                                                my $system_diff_1 = int ( $system_diff / ($total_2 - $total_1) * 100 + 0.5 );
                                                my $idle_diff_1   = int ( $idle_diff / ($total_2 - $total_1) * 100 + 0.5 );
                                                my $iowait_diff_1 = int ( $iowait_diff / ($total_2 - $total_1) * 100 + 0.5 );

                                                if ($cpu) {
                                                                # printf "%3d %3d %3d %3d",$user_diff_1,$system_diff_1,$idle_diff_1,$iowait_diff_1;
                                                                $user_diff_1>10   ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT GREEN();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%3d",$user_diff_1 and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                                $system_diff_1>10   ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %3d",$system_diff_1 and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE() ;
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %3d",$idle_diff_1;
                                                                $iowait_diff_1>10 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT GREEN();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %3d",$iowait_diff_1;
                                                                # if ($iowait_diff_1>10) {
                                                                #       print RED();
                                                                #       printf "%3d",$iowait_diff_1;
                                                                # } else {
                                                                #       print GREEN();
                                                                #       printf "%3d",$iowait_diff_1;
                                                                # }
                                                                print $LOG_OUT BLUE(),BOLD(),"|",RESET();

                                                # Keep Last Status
                                                # print @sys_cpu1; print '<->';
                                                @sys_cpu1 = @sys_cpu2;
                                                $total_1  = $total_2;
                                                # print @sys_cpu2;
                                close PROC_CPU or die "Can't close file(/proc/stat)!";

                # 3. Get SysInfo (from /proc/vmstat): SWAP
                # Detail Info : http://www.linuxinsight.com/proc_vmstat.html
                if($swap) {
                                my %swap2;
                                open PROC_VMSTAT,"cat /proc/vmstat | grep -E \"pswpin|pswpout\" |" or die "Can't open file(/proc/vmstat)!";
                                while (my $line = <PROC_VMSTAT>) {
                                                my($key,$value) = split(/\s+/,$line);
                                                $swap2{"$key"}= $value;
                                if ($swap_not_first) {
                                                ($swap2{"pswpin"} - $swap1{"pswpin"})>0  ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %4d",($swap2{"pswpin"} - $swap1{"pswpin"})/$interval;
                                                ($swap2{"pswpout"} - $swap1{"pswpout"})>0 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %4d",($swap2{"pswpout"} - $swap1{"pswpout"})/$interval;
                                                print $LOG_OUT BLUE(),BOLD(),"|",RESET();
                                } else {
                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %4d %4d",0,0;
                                                print $LOG_OUT BLUE(),BOLD(),"|",RESET();
                                close PROC_VMSTAT or die "Can't close file(/proc/vmstat)!";

                                # Keep Last Status
                                %swap1 = %swap2;
                                $swap_not_first += 1;

                # 4. Get SysInfo (from /proc/net/dev): NET
                        if($net) {
                                        open PROC_NET,"cat /proc/net/dev | grep \"\\b$net\\b\" | " or die "Can't open file(/proc/net/dev)!";
                                        if ( defined (my $line = <PROC_NET>) ) {
                                                        my @net = split(/\s+|:/,$line);
                                                        my %net2 = (
                                                                                        "recv" => $net[2],
                                                                                        "send" => $net[10]
                                                        #print "$net2{recv},$net2{send},$net1{recv},$net1{send}";
                                                        if ($net_not_first) {
                                                                        #print join('*',@net);
                                                                        my $diff_recv = ( $net2{"recv"} - $net1{"recv"} ) / $interval;
                                                                        my $diff_send = ( $net2{"send"} - $net1{"send"} ) / $interval;

                                                                        $diff_recv/1024/1024 > 1 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                        $diff_recv/1024/1024 > 1 ?
                                                                                        printf $LOG_OUT "%6.1fm",($diff_recv/1024/1024):
                                                                                        printf $LOG_OUT "%7s",($diff_recv/1024 > 1 ? int($diff_recv/1024 + 0.5)."k":$diff_recv);
                                                                        print $LOG_OUT RESET();

                                                                        $diff_send/1024/1024 > 1 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                        $diff_send/1024/1024 > 1 ?
                                                                                        printf $LOG_OUT "%6.1fm",($diff_send/1024/1024):
                                                                                        printf $LOG_OUT "%7s",($diff_send/1024 > 1 ? int($diff_send/1024 + 0.5)."k":$diff_send);
                                                                        print $LOG_OUT RESET();

                                                                        print $LOG_OUT BLUE(),BOLD(),"|",RESET();
                                                        } else {
                                                                        print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                        printf $LOG_OUT " %6d %6d",0,0;
                                                                        print $LOG_OUT BLUE(),BOLD(),"|",RESET();
                                                close PROC_NET or die "Can't close file(/proc/net/dev)!";

                                                        # Keep Last Status
                                                        %net1 = %net2;
                                                        $net_not_first += 1;

                                        } else {
                                                        print $LOG_OUT RED();
                                                        print $LOG_OUT "\nERROR! Please set the right net info!\n";
                                                        print $LOG_OUT RESET();


                # 5. Get SysInfo (from /proc/diskstats): IO
                if($disk) {
                                # Detail IO Info :
                                # (1) http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/iostats.txt
                                # (2) http://www.linuxinsight.com/iostat_utility.html
                                # (3) source code --> http://www.linuxinsight.com/files/iostat-2.2.tar.gz
                                my $deltams = 1000.0 * ( $user_diff + $system_diff + $idle_diff + $iowait_diff ) / $ncpu / $HZ ;
                                # Shell Command : cat /proc/diskstats  | grep "\bsda\b"
                                open PROC_IO,"cat /proc/diskstats  | grep \"\\b$disk\\b\" |" or die "Can't open file(/proc/diskstats)!";
                                if ( defined (my $line = <PROC_IO>) ) {
                                                # iostat --> line format :
                                                # 0               1        2        3     4      5        6     7        8          9      10     11
                                                # Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s   r/s   w/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
                                                # sda               0.05    12.44  0.42  7.60     5.67    80.15    21.42     0.04    4.63   0.55   0.44
                                                my @sys_io2 = split(/\s+/,$line);

                                                my $rd_ios     = $sys_io2[4]  - $sys_io1[4];  #/* Read I/O operations */
                                                my $rd_merges  = $sys_io2[5]  - $sys_io1[5];  #/* Reads merged */
                                                my $rd_sectors = $sys_io2[6]  - $sys_io1[6];  #/* Sectors read */
                                                my $rd_ticks   = $sys_io2[7]  - $sys_io1[7];  #/* Time in queue + service for read */
                                                my $wr_ios     = $sys_io2[8]  - $sys_io1[8];  #/* Write I/O operations */
                                                my $wr_merges  = $sys_io2[9]  - $sys_io1[9];  #/* Writes merged */
                                                my $wr_sectors = $sys_io2[10] - $sys_io1[10]; #/* Sectors written */
                                                my $wr_ticks   = $sys_io2[11] - $sys_io1[11]; #/* Time in queue + service for write */
                                                my $ticks      = $sys_io2[13] - $sys_io1[13]; #/* Time of requests in queue */
                                                my $aveq       = $sys_io2[14] - $sys_io1[14]; #/* Average queue length */

                                                my $n_ios;        #/* Number of requests */
                                                my $n_ticks;      #/* Total service time */
                                                my $n_kbytes;     #/* Total kbytes transferred */
                                                my $busy;         #/* Utilization at disk       (percent) */
                                                my $svc_t;        #/* Average disk service time */
                                                my $wait;         #/* Average wait */
                                                my $size;         #/* Average request size */
                                                my $queue;        #/* Average queue */
                                                $n_ios    = $rd_ios + $wr_ios;
                                                $n_ticks  = $rd_ticks + $wr_ticks;
                                                $n_kbytes = ( $rd_sectors + $wr_sectors) / 2.0;
                                                $queue    = $aveq/$deltams;
                                                $size     = $n_ios ? $n_kbytes / $n_ios : 0.0;
                                                $wait     = $n_ios ? $n_ticks / $n_ios : 0.0;
                                                $svc_t    = $n_ios ? $ticks / $n_ios : 0.0;
                                                $busy     = 100.0 * $ticks / $deltams;  #/* percentage! */
                                                if ($busy > 100.0) {
                                                                $busy = 100.0;
                                                my $rkbs     = (1000.0 * $rd_sectors/$deltams /2) ;
                                                my $wkbs     = (1000.0 * $wr_sectors/$deltams /2) ;

                                                # r/s  w/s
                                                my $rd_ios_s = (1000.0 * $rd_ios/$deltams) ;
                                                my $wr_ios_s = (1000.0 * $wr_ios/$deltams) ;

                                                # printf "%7.1f %7.1f %5.1f %6.1f %5.1f %5.1f",$rkbs,$wkbs,$queue,$wait,$svc_t,$busy ;
                                                # color print wait/svc_t/busy info
                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%7.1f%7.1f",$rd_ios_s,$wr_ios_s and print $LOG_OUT RESET();

                                                $rkbs > 1024 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%8.1f",$rkbs and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                $wkbs > 1024 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %8.1f",$wkbs and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE() ;
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %5.1f",$queue;
                                                $wait>5  ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT GREEN();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6.1f",$wait and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                $svc_t>5 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %5.1f",$svc_t and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                $busy>80 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT GREEN();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %5.1f",$busy and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                print $LOG_OUT BLUE(),BOLD(),"|",RESET();

                                                # Keep Last Status
                                                @sys_io1 = @sys_io2;

                                                close PROC_IO or die "Can't close file(/proc/diskstats)!";
                                } else {
                                                print $LOG_OUT RED();
                                                print $LOG_OUT "\nERROR! Please set the right disk info!\n";
                                                print $LOG_OUT RESET();

                # END !

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 4.
# Func : get mysql status
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub get_mysqlstat{
                if($mysql) {
                                my %mystat2 ;
                                my $mysql = qq{$MYSQL -e 'show global status where Variable_name in ("Com_select","Com_insert","Com_update","Com_delete","Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests","Innodb_buffer_pool_reads","Innodb_rows_inserted","Innodb_rows_updated","Innodb_rows_deleted","Innodb_rows_read","Threads_running","Threads_connected","Threads_cached","Threads_created","Bytes_received","Bytes_sent","Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data","Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free","Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty","Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed","Innodb_data_reads","Innodb_data_writes","Innodb_data_read","Innodb_data_written","Innodb_os_log_fsyncs","Innodb_os_log_written")'};
                                #print YELLOW(),$mysql,RESET();
                                open MYSQL_STAT,"$mysql|" or die "Can't connect to mysql!";
                                while (my $line = <MYSQL_STAT>) {
                                                my($key,$value) = split(/\s+/,$line);
                                close MYSQL_STAT or die "Can't close!";

                                if ($not_first) {
                                                my $insert_diff = ( $mystat2{"Com_insert"} - $mystat1{"Com_insert"} ) / $interval;
                                                my $update_diff = ( $mystat2{"Com_update"} - $mystat1{"Com_update"} ) / $interval;
                                                my $delete_diff = ( $mystat2{"Com_delete"} - $mystat1{"Com_delete"} ) / $interval;
                                                my $select_diff = ( $mystat2{"Com_select"} - $mystat1{"Com_select"} ) / $interval;
                                                my $read_request = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests"} - $mystat1{"Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests"} ) / $interval;
                                                my $read         = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_buffer_pool_reads"} - $mystat1{"Innodb_buffer_pool_reads"} ) / $interval;

                                                my $innodb_rows_inserted_diff = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_rows_inserted"} - $mystat1{"Innodb_rows_inserted"} ) / $interval;
                                                my $innodb_rows_updated_diff  = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_rows_updated"}  - $mystat1{"Innodb_rows_updated"}  ) / $interval;
                                                my $innodb_rows_deleted_diff  = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_rows_deleted"}  - $mystat1{"Innodb_rows_deleted"}  ) / $interval;
                                                my $innodb_rows_read_diff     = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_rows_read"}     - $mystat1{"Innodb_rows_read"}     ) / $interval;

                                                my $innodb_bp_pages_flushed_diff= ( $mystat2{"Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed"} - $mystat1{"Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed"} ) / $interval;

                                                my $innodb_data_reads_diff    = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_data_reads"}    - $mystat1{"Innodb_data_reads"}     ) / $interval;
                                                my $innodb_data_writes_diff   = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_data_writes"}   - $mystat1{"Innodb_data_writes"}    ) / $interval;
                                                my $innodb_data_read_diff     = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_data_read"}     - $mystat1{"Innodb_data_read"}      ) / $interval;
                                                my $innodb_data_written_diff  = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_data_written"}  - $mystat1{"Innodb_data_written"}   ) / $interval;

                                                my $innodb_os_log_fsyncs_diff = ( $mystat2{"Innodb_os_log_fsyncs"} - $mystat1{"Innodb_os_log_fsyncs"}  ) / $interval;
                                                my $innodb_os_log_written_diff= ( $mystat2{"Innodb_os_log_written"}- $mystat1{"Innodb_os_log_written"} ) / $interval;

                                                my $threads_created_diff      = ( $mystat2{"Threads_created"}      - $mystat1{"Threads_created"}      ) / $interval;

                                                my $bytes_received_diff       = ( $mystat2{"Bytes_received"}       - $mystat1{"Bytes_received"}       ) / $interval;
                                                my $bytes_sent_diff           = ( $mystat2{"Bytes_sent"}           - $mystat1{"Bytes_sent"}           ) / $interval;

                                                if ($com) {
                                                                # Com_insert # Com_update # Com_delete
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%5d %5d %5d",$insert_diff,$update_diff,$delete_diff;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT YELLOW();
                                                                # Com_select
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6d",$select_diff;
                                                                # Total TPS
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %5d",$insert_diff+$update_diff+$delete_diff;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_hit) {
                                                                # Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %7d",$read_request;
                                                                # Hit% : (Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests - Innodb_buffer_pool_reads) / Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests * 100%
                                                                if ($read_request) {
                                                                                my $hit = ($read_request-$read)/$read_request*100;
                                                                                $hit>99 ? print $LOG_OUT GREEN() : print $LOG_OUT RED();
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6.2f",$hit;
                                                                } else {
                                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN()," 100.00";
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_rows) {
                                                                # Innodb_rows_inserted,Innodb_rows_updated,Innodb_rows_deleted,Innodb_rows_read
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%5d %5d %5d %6d",$innodb_rows_inserted_diff,$innodb_rows_updated_diff,$innodb_rows_deleted_diff,$innodb_rows_read_diff;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_pages) {
                                                                # Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data/free/dirty/flushed
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%7d %6d ",$mystat2{"Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data"},$mystat2{"Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free"};
                                                                print $LOG_OUT YELLOW();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6d %5d",$mystat2{"Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty"},$innodb_bp_pages_flushed_diff;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();
                                                if ($processlist) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s ";
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();
                                                if ($innodb_data) {
                                                                # Innodb_data_reads/writes/read/written
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6d %6d ",$innodb_data_reads_diff,$innodb_data_writes_diff;

                                                                $innodb_data_read_diff/1024/1024 > 9 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                $innodb_data_read_diff/1024/1024 > 1 ?
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%5.1fm",($innodb_data_read_diff/1024/1024):
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6s",($innodb_data_read_diff/1024 > 1 ? int($innodb_data_read_diff/1024 + 0.5)."k":$innodb_data_read_diff);

                                                                $innodb_data_written_diff/1024/1024 > 9 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                $innodb_data_written_diff/1024/1024 > 1 ?
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %5.1fm",($innodb_data_written_diff/1024/1024):
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6s",($innodb_data_written_diff/1024 > 1 ? int($innodb_data_written_diff/1024 + 0.5)."k":$innodb_data_written_diff);

                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_log) {
                                                                # Innodb_os_log_fsyncs/written
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6d ",$innodb_os_log_fsyncs_diff;

                                                                $innodb_os_log_written_diff/1024/1024 > 1 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT YELLOW();
                                                                $innodb_os_log_written_diff/1024/1024 > 1 ?
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6.1fm",($innodb_os_log_written_diff/1024/1024):
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%7s",($innodb_os_log_written_diff/1024 > 1 ? int($innodb_os_log_written_diff/1024 + 0.5)."k":$innodb_os_log_written_diff);

                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_status) {
                                                                my %innodb_status = &get_innodb_status();
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%5d ",$innodb_status{"history_list"};

                                                                print $LOG_OUT YELLOW();
                                                                $innodb_status{"unflushed_log"}/1024/1024 > 1 ?
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%5.1fm ",($innodb_status{"unflushed_log"}/1024/1024):
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6s ",($innodb_status{"unflushed_log"}/1024 > 1 ? int($innodb_status{"unflushed_log"}/1024 + 0.5)."k":$innodb_status{"unflushed_log"});
                                                                $innodb_status{"uncheckpointed_bytes"}/1024/1024 > 1 ?
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6.1fm",($innodb_status{"uncheckpointed_bytes"}/1024/1024):
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%7s",($innodb_status{"uncheckpointed_bytes"}/1024 > 1 ? int($innodb_status{"uncheckpointed_bytes"}/1024 + 0.5)."k":$innodb_status{"uncheckpointed_bytes"});

                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%5d %5d %5d",$innodb_status{"read_views"},$innodb_status{"queries_inside"},$innodb_status{"queries_queued"};

                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();
#            if ($processlist) {
#                my %processlist = &get_processlist();
#                                print "$processlist";
                                                if ($threads) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%4d %4d %4d %4d",$mystat2{"Threads_running"},$mystat2{"Threads_connected"},$threads_created_diff,$mystat2{"Threads_cached"};
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($bytes) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                $bytes_received_diff/1024/1024 > 1 ?
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6.1fm",($bytes_received_diff/1024/1024):
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%7s",($bytes_received_diff/1024 > 1 ? int($bytes_received_diff/1024 + 0.5)."k":$bytes_received_diff);
                                                                $bytes_sent_diff/1024/1024 > 1 ?
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6.1fm",($bytes_sent_diff/1024/1024):
                                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%7s",($bytes_sent_diff/1024 > 1 ? int($bytes_sent_diff/1024 + 0.5)."k":$bytes_sent_diff);
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                } else{
                                                if ($com) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%5d %5d %5d %6d %5d",0,0,0,0,0;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_hit) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %7d %6.2f",0,100;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_rows) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%5d %5d %5d %6d",0,0,0,0;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_pages) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%7d %6d %6d %5d",0,0,0,0;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();
                                                if ($processlist) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6d",,;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_data) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6d %6d %6d %6d",0,0,0,0;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_log) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%6d %7d",0,0;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($innodb_status) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%5d %6d %6d %5d %5d %5d",0,0,0,0,0,0;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($threads) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT "%4d %4d %4d %4d",0,0,0,0;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                                if ($bytes) {
                                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE();
                                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6d %6d",0,0;
                                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                # Keep Last Status
                                %mystat1 = %mystat2;
                                $not_first += 1;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 5.
# Func : get db rt
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub get_dbrt {
                eval { require File::Lockfile;  };
                if ($@) {
                                print $LOG_OUT RED(),"\n\n[ERROR] need File::Lockfile !\n",RESET();

                $tcprstat_lck = "orzdba_tcprstat.$$";
                my $lockfile = File::Lockfile->new($tcprstat_lck,"$tcprstat_dir");
                if ($lockfile->check) {
                                open TCPRSTAT_LOG,"tail -n 1 $tcprstat_dir/$tcprstat_log | " or die "Can't open file $tcprstat_log!";

                                my ($timestamp,$count,$max,$min,$avg,$med,$stddev,$max_95,$avg_95,$std_95,$max_99,$avg_99,$std_99) ;
                                while (my $line = <TCPRSTAT_LOG>) {
                                                ($timestamp,$count,$max,$min,$avg,$med,$stddev,$max_95,$avg_95,$std_95,$max_99,$avg_99,$std_99) = split(/\s+/,$line);

                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE() ;
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6d",$count;

                                                # $avg $avg_95 $avg_99;
                                                $avg >10000 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT GREEN();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6d",$avg and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                $avg_95 >10000 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT GREEN();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6d",$avg_95 and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                $avg_99 >10000 ? print $LOG_OUT RED() : print $LOG_OUT GREEN();
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6d",$avg_99 and print $LOG_OUT RESET();

                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();

                                close TCPRSTAT_LOG or die "Can't close! $!";

                                unless (defined($timestamp)) {
                                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE() ;
                                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6d %6d %6d %6d",0,0,0,0 and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();
                } else {

                #        local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';

                                defined ( my $pid = fork() ) or die "Can't fork: $!\n";
                                unless ($pid) {
                                                my $tcprstat = qq{$TCPRSTAT > $tcprstat_dir/orzdba_tcprstat.$$.log};
                                $tcprstat_log = "orzdba_tcprstat.$pid.log";

                                print $LOG_OUT WHITE() ;
                                printf $LOG_OUT " %6d %6d %6d %6d",0,0,0,0 and print $LOG_OUT RESET();
                                print $LOG_OUT GREEN(),"|",RESET();



# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 6.
# Func : remove logfile of tcprstat
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub rm_logfile {
                my ($file) = @_;
                if ( -e $file) {
                                #print "rm $file\n";
                                unlink $file ;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 7.
# Func : Get Innodb Status from Command: 'Show Engine Innodb Status'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub get_innodb_status {
                my $mysql = qq{ $MYSQL -e 'show engine innodb status'};
                open MYSQL_STAT,"$mysql|" or die "Can't connect to mysql!";
                my @result ;
                my %innodb_status;
                my $line = <MYSQL_STAT> ;
                @result = split(/\\n/,$line);
                close MYSQL_STAT or die "Can't close!";

                # http://code.google.com/p/mysql-cacti-templates/source/browse/trunk/scripts/ss_get_mysql_stats.php
                foreach (@result) {
                                # ------------
                                # TRANSACTIONS
                                # ------------
                                # Trx id counter 64AFBCC1B
                                # Purge done for trx's n:o < 64AFBCAD4 undo n:o < 0
                                # History list length 23
                                if ( index($_,"History list length") != -1) {
                                                my @tmp = split(/\s+/,$_);
                                                $innodb_status{"history_list"} = $tmp[3];

                                # ---
                                # LOG
                                # ---
                                # Log sequence number 6712509083974
                                # Log flushed up to   6712508972870
                                # Last checkpoint at  6709615343735
                                # 0 pending log writes, 0 pending chkp writes
                                # 2556962847 log i/o's done, 509.12 log i/o's/second
                                elsif ( index($_,"Log sequence number") != -1 ) {
                                                my @tmp = split(/\s+/,$_);
                                                $innodb_status{"log_bytes_written"} = $tmp[3];
                                elsif ( index($_,"Log flushed up to") != -1 ) {
                                                my @tmp = split(/\s+/,$_);
                                                $innodb_status{"log_bytes_flushed"} = $tmp[4];
                                elsif ( index($_,"Last checkpoint at") != -1 ) {
                                                my @tmp = split(/\s+/,$_);
                                                $innodb_status{"last_checkpoint"} = $tmp[3];

                                # --------------
                                # ROW OPERATIONS
                                # --------------
                                # 2 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue
                                # 2 read views open inside InnoDB
                                # Main thread process no. 7969, id 1191348544, state: sleeping
                                # Number of rows inserted 287921794, updated 733493588, deleted 30775703, read 2351464150250
                                # 5.10 inserts/s, 29.38 updates/s, 0.02 deletes/s, 51322.87 reads/s
                                elsif ( index($_,"queries inside InnoDB") != -1 ) {
                                                my @tmp = split(/\s+/,$_);
                                                $innodb_status{"queries_inside"} = $tmp[0];
                                                $innodb_status{"queries_queued"} = $tmp[4];
                                elsif ( index($_,"read views open inside InnoDB") != -1 ) {
                                                my @tmp = split(/\s+/,$_);
                                                $innodb_status{"read_views"} = $tmp[0];

                                # elsif ( index($_,"") != -1 ) {
                                #        my @tmp = split(/\s+/,$_);
                                #        $innodb_status{""} = $tmp[3];
                                # }

                $innodb_status{"unflushed_log"}        = $innodb_status{"log_bytes_written"} - $innodb_status{"log_bytes_flushed"} ;
                $innodb_status{"uncheckpointed_bytes"} = $innodb_status{"log_bytes_written"} - $innodb_status{"last_checkpoint"};

                return %innodb_status;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 8.
# Func : Get Innodb Status from Command: 'Show full Precesslist'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub get_processlist {
                my $mysql = qq{ $MYSQL -e 'show full processlist' |grep -iwvE "grep|State|Sleep"};
                open MYSQL_STAT,"$mysql|" or die "Can't connect to mysql!";
                my $datestring = strftime "%H:%M:%S", localtime;
                while (<MYSQL_STAT>){
                    print $LOG_OUT YELLOW(),"$datestring","  ",WHITE(),"$_";
                close MYSQL_STAT or die "Can't close!";


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