I have a file originally provided from a SQL database on a Windows platform.

I transfer the file via ftp in binary format, remove the ^M's from the end of all lines.

I have attempted to use tr ( cat infile | tr -d '\240' ) and sed (cat infile | sed 's/\240//g' ) to remove the occurences of \240 in the file with no luck.

I have no problem removing this octal character in vi.

If i run the Windows command, 'type infile', \240 shows up as an a with a grave over it.

In notepad, it shows up as a space.

I need to incorporate into a script a method of deleting these octal characters because other unix commands fail w/ the following error:

can't read STDIN: Illegal byte sequence

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thx in advance,


cat test.cpp | tr '\240' ' '>111.txt

cat 111.txt | tr -d '\302'>555.txt

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