这是 meelo 原创的 IEEEXtreme极限编程大赛题解

Xtreme 10.0 - N-Palindromes

题目来源 第10届IEEE极限编程大赛


Alice thinks that contest problem authors' obsession with palindromes is misplaced. She is much fonder of n-palindromes, which are words that are palindromes when the characters at exactly n positions are changed.

For example, Alice knows that her name (in lowercase) is a 2-palindrome, because she can create any of the following palindromes from her name by changing 2 characters: alilaacicaelileecice.

She also knows that her name is a 3-palindrome, because she can create palindromes by changing characters at 3 positions, e.g. ecace and zlilz. However, this is only a partial list, and she wants your help in determining the total number of such palindromes.

Note that the characters of an n-palindrome, including the n replacement characters, must all be lowercase English letters.

Input Format

The input starts with an integer t, on a line by itself, which gives the number of test cases.

Each test case is made up of an integer n followed by a lowercase string.


1 ≤ t ≤ 20

1 ≤ n ≤ [length of string] ≤ 500

Output Format

For each test case, you should output, on a line by itself, the total number of palindromes that can be created by changing exactly n characters of the given string. Since this number may be very large, you should output the number modulo (109 + 7).

Sample Input

2 alice
1 racecar
3 alice

Sample Output



The problem statement lists the four palindromes that can be made from the string alice, by changing 2 characters.

Since you can only change one character in racecar, you are constrained to changing the middle letter. This character can be changed to any of the 25 letters other than e.

For the last testcase, Alice has found that there are 196 palindromes that can be made from her name, by changing 3 characters.























#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
using namespace std; #define ll long long
#define MAX_LENGTH 510
#define MAX_N 1000000007 ll dp[MAX_LENGTH][MAX_LENGTH/][MAX_LENGTH/] = {}; ll NPalindromes(const string &str, int N) {
int length = str.length();
int num_group = (length + ) / ; // number of pair
int num_mismatch = ;
for(int i=; i<num_group; i++) {
if(str[i] != str[length-i-]) {
dp[][][] = ; // change n character
for(int n=; n<=N; n++) {
// only consider first k character
for(int k=; k<=num_group; k++) {
// exist b mismatch
for(int b=; b<=num_mismatch; b++) {
if(k- == length-k) {
// odd string, considering middle character
dp[n][k][b] = dp[n][k-][b];
if(n>=) dp[n][k][b] = (dp[n][k][b] + * dp[n-][k-][b]) % MAX_N;
else if(str[k-] == str[length-k]) {
dp[n][k][b] = dp[n][k-][b];
if(n>=) dp[n][k][b] = (dp[n][k][b] + * dp[n-][k-][b]) % MAX_N;
else if(str[k-] != str[length-k]) {
if(b>= && n>=) dp[n][k][b] = * dp[n-][k-][b-];
if(n>=) dp[n][k][b] = (dp[n][k][b] + * dp[n-][k-][b-]) % MAX_N;
} return dp[N][num_group][num_mismatch];
} int main() {
int T;
cin >> T;
string str;
int n; for(int t=; t<T; t++) {
cin >> n >> str;
cout << NPalindromes(str, n) << endl;
} return ;

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