
RedMine: 4.0.4

Git 仓库: Gitbilt V1.8.0


  1. Redmine 安装并可运行
  2. Redmine运行的主机里面已经安装了 Git,因需要在命令行中运行 git 命令

我运行的是bitnami的Redmine的Virtualbox 版本。地址是: Bitnami Redmine


  1. 访问地址
  2. redmine 默认的登录的用户名和密码,redmine默认的登录密码也是 mysql root 用户的密码 Obtain MySQL Credentials
  3. 访问控制台(ssh)的默认用户名和密码

: 如果 运行ifconfig 命令,提示ifconfig命令找不到,可以尝试运行sudo ifconfig

开始以为是没有安装 net-tools,尝试命令sudo apt install net-tools去安装,提示已经安装了。

虚拟机默认是禁用ssh登录的,通过官方的教程Enable Or Disable The SSH Server


sudo rm -f /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run
sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh


bitnami@debian:~$ cd ~
bitnami@debian:~$ mkdir gitrepos
bitnami@debian:~$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data gitrepos
bitnami@debian:~$ sudo chmod -R a+rwx gitrepos
bitnami@debian:~$ cd gitrepos
bitnami@debian:~/gitrepos$ sudo -u www-data -H git clone --mirror git:// test


Readmine 配置

  1. 查看 Git 是否可用

  1. 给项目新建版本库

修正: 库路径结尾没有.git ,因为上面已经取了别名是test



  1. 使用 Linux的定时任务定时拉取仓库

创建一个 shell 文件,如: git_repo_test.sh,内容


cd /home/bitnami/gitrepos/test && sudo -u www-data -H git fetch



crontab -e

在打开的crontab 编辑文件中添加

*/5 * * * * cd /home/bitnami/gitrepos/test && sudo -u www-data -H git fetch

编辑完之后,重启 cron 服务

sudo service cron restart

最后在 Redmine中,看到 仓库的更新记录,如果有新提到远程仓库,5分钟之后,会通过定时任务自动拉取提交的记录

其它 Redmine和GitBilt 集成

  1. 在管理,版本库,开启 Web Service,并生成key 和 对Readmine的通知

跟踪标签 用于解决问题的关键字 应用后的状态 % 完成
全部 fixes,fixed Resolved 80%
全部 closes,closed Closed 100%
全部 developing,doing In Progress 20%
  1. 开启 Readmine的API

    API选项卡 里面的两个都勾选

  2. 修改Gitbilt 配置文件

修改 Gitbilt 文件夹下datagitblit.properties 文件


groovy.customFields = "redmineProject=Redmine Project Identifier"


# Define your custom settings in this file and/or include settings defined in
# other properties files.
# # Include Gitblit's 'defaults.properties' within your configuration.
# NOTE: Gitblit will not automatically reload "included" properties. Gitblit
# only watches the 'gitblit.properties' file for modifications.
# Paths may be relative to the ${baseFolder} or they may be absolute.
# SINCE 1.7.0
include = defaults.properties
groovy.customFields = "redmineProject=Redmine Project Identifier"
# Define your overrides or custom settings below
server.httpBindInterface= #tickets.service = com.gitblit.tickets.FileTicketService
#tickets.acceptNewTickets = true
  1. 修改 GitBilt 的redmine-fetch.groovy 文件

修改 GitBilt 安装文件夹下,修改data/groovy 文件夹下的 redmine-fetch.groovy 文件,修改 redmineURLapiKey 2个变量的值,修改的值如下:

* This script triggers automatic repo fetches in Redmine upon pushes.
* It won't work out-of-box, you need to configure a few things.
* Redmine
* - Go to Administration / Settings / Repositories, and make sure that the
* "Enable WS for repository management" option is checked. Also generate an
* API key and take note of it.
* - Open a project page, go to Settings / Repositories and add a repo. Take
* note of the Identifier.
* Gitblit
* - Set the redmineProject custom field in gitblit.properties, e.g.
* groovy.customFields = "redmineProject=Redmine Project Identifier"
* - Edit the repo you added to Redmine, go to hook scripts and add this script
* to the post-receive hooks. Also specify the Redmine project's identifier
* under custom fields.
* Troubleshooting
* - run Gitblit interactively and check its console output
* - on the Redmine server, tail -f log/access.log
* If you want your repos to work with multiple Redmine projects, you don't need
* to add the repos to all of them. Instead, add the repo to a single project,
* then go to Administration / Settings / Repositories and enable the "Allow
* issues of all the other projects to be referenced and fixed" option.
*/ /* specify the URL of your Redmine instance here */
def redmineURL = "" /* specify the API key you generated in Redmine Administration here */
def apiKey = "R15mHY73KaTzUpCDmOYr" /*
* construct the URL from global and repo properties, for more info refer to
* http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineSettings#Fetch-commits-automatically
def triggerURL = redmineURL + "sys/fetch_changesets?id=" + repository.customFields.redmineProject + "&key=" + apiKey /* log the action */
logger.info("Redmine Fetch hook triggered by ${user.username} for ${repository.name}: GET ${triggerURL}") /* send the HTTP GET query */
new URL(triggerURL).getContent()


下一步,在 版本库列表,进入仓库 test详情页,点击右上角的 "编辑"按钮

进入编辑页面之后,选择receive 选项卡,进入Receive 设置页面

最后 给 test仓库推送提交,GitBilt的命令窗口显示,请求Redmine的Api地址成功

bitnami redmine 程序的命令备忘

sh /opt/redmine-3.4.4-1/ctlscript.sh restart

sh /opt/redmine-3.4.4-1/ctlscript.sh restart mysql

/opt/redmine-3.4.4-1/ruby/bin/bundle install --path vendor/bundle

sudo /opt/redmine-3.4.4-1/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --pid-file=/opt/redmine-3.4.4-1/mysql/data/mysqld.pid --datadir=/opt/redmine-3.4.4-1/mysql/data --init-file=/home/test/mysql-init 2> /dev/null &

/opt/redmine-3.4.4-1/mysql/bin/mysqldump -A -u root -p > backup.sql
  1. Debian9 ifconfig命令找不到解决办法 学习到 ifconfig 命令是属于nettools软件的
  2. redmine集成git
  3. redmine整合gitlab版本库 学习到给仓库存放文件夹的拥有者为apache用户和分配权限,最后 定时任务 更新仓库成功啦
  4. Hook redmine git repository via gitblit 我安装使用的Redmine已经有自带redmine-fetch.groovy 文件,所以不需要按文章中介绍的编辑 groovy文件
  5. RedmineとGitLabの連携。PushでチケットのStatusを変更 gitlab 和 redmine 整合
  6. redmine edit issue description
  7. redmine roles wiki
  8. redmine gitlab 整合
  9. Visibility level visibilitylevel|public is not allowed in a visibilitylevel|private group.
  10. GitLabとRedmineを連携してみるの巻
  11. Create And Restore Application Backups redmine创建和还原应用程序备份

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